I've basically finished up work on the 'sorted and sane' version of 1.9.4 of this submod. There's a couple of little things I have to fix still, but most of it is in place and ready to go. Just a few small things I have to sort out still ....

Here's what you can expect.
- This version will fix the DTS issue completely and on install.
- This version will not -require- the EMS SUV, although there will be an optional file so you can light up the EMS SUV if you've got it.
- This version may be late if the weather tomorrow is especially bad, as that would probably cause me to get called into work.
Within the next 24 hours, I will be posting what I've got. I'm going to -assume- that CFD's permission for me to throw up the patch for DTS will extend to this.
Until then? Patience is a virtue.
** PS : This is not the thread to ask for support with the EMS SUV itself. **
Well, that went much faster than I expected.
OK, everyone. Here's what I've got. C.F.D. said he wanted to sort out 1.9.4, but his PC went bye-bye, and he's working on far more important things, so I did the sorting for him ... and this should make everyone's lives a bit easier.
First, I'm going to post the read me stuff, then the links to the sorted PRL 1.9.4.
I know some of us are good enough at this sort of thing to ignore the readme, but I will not answer any questions I discussed in it, so if you aren't 110% sure of what you're doing? Read it. It's a good starting point. ^_^
Project Reality Lights 1.9.4 Final for Hoppah's Los Angeles Mod 2.0
Created by C.F.D.
Sorted out by SWWinchester (with a few very minor fixes)
How to use this file :
This file works best on a clean install of Hoppah's LA MOD, and will work for LA MOD 2.0. It can be used over an install of PRL 1.9.3, but will not fix a bad install of PRL 1.9.4. The files are -almost- identical.
To do a clean install, delete your copy of LA Mod. Then re-install it. Then re-install all other submods you want to use first. Then install the PRL, as it needs to be the final overwrite to the prototypes directory to work. Doing this any other way around results in overwriting the project reality lights with the original lights, and thus, completely defeats the purpose of this mod.)
Locate your install directory for Emergency 4 / 911 First Responders. It is -probably- C:\program files\sixteen tons entertainment\Emergency 4 or something like that. If you have problems finding it, search the computer for "Los Angeles Mod", and that should bring you right to where you need to be.
Unzip the contents of the file(s) you need to the \Mods\Los Angeles Mod v2.0\Prototypes\ directory. It will ask you if you want to overwrite things - tell it that yes, you do want to overwrite the vehicle directory. If it does not ask you, you are not pointing it at the right spot.
If you are not sure how to unzip files, there are programs for this. Winzip and Winrar are two very popular options. Use Google to find them.
If you have no other submods installed (EMS SUV, Additional Units Submod, Lushino's Unmarked Units Submod), repeat the process for installation with the PRL files specific to those submods after installing the main PRL file.
Things this file will fix (basically, what little SWW actually changed) :
- DTS cars no longer cause 'blue boxes'.
- FBI Command Center's front wheels are now hubcap-side out.
- No more issues from installing prototypes for submods you don't have installed.
Things I know may still be wrong, and have no plans to fix directly :
- Green box issues may persist with some civilian traffic if you overwrite PRL 1.9.3 with this pack, since PRL 1.9.3 overwrites the new civilian details for LA Mod 2.0, and in some cases causes errors between the prototype file and the vehicle data. I reccomend a clean install with this version of 1.9.4 to fix that.
Things I have no fixes for, and aren't really 'problems' :
- In the Additional Units Submod, the LAPD Impala is replaced with an unmarked unit when PRL is installed. This seems to have been the case for a long time now, and as I have no actual PRL files for the Marked Impala, I have no plans to 'fix' this.
Now that that's out of the way - onto the meat of this post.
Project Reality Lights 1.9.4 Final
Project Reality Lights 1.9.4 Final - Additional Units Submod
Project Reality Lights 1.9.4 Final - EMS SUV Submod
Project Reality Lights 1.9.4 Final - Lushino's Unmarked Units Submod
Now then. That should take care of everything. Let me know if anything strange crops up.
A specific note to C.F.D. - this is my small way of saying "THANK YOU" for all that you've done for this submod. ^_^