LEDesign's Crew members:
CFD- Lights and Texture Edits; Founder
Floris- LEDesign's Media and Public Relations Officer
Dyson- Lead Project Supervisor
Reece- Model Edits
Conroy- Miscellaneous edits
Xplorer4x4- Miscellaneous Edits
Bring us a stock vehicle. We will return an invaluable asset.
I am equipped to handle a wide range of vehicle installations for just about any law enforcement, security, or life safety application. Here are the most common types of vehicles i outfit:
* General Law Enforcement
* Prisoner Transport
* SWAT and “Jump-Outs”
* Mobile Command
* Undercover Surveillance
* Armored Car / Secure Transport
* Emergency Response ( Ambulance, Fire Truck, Rapid Response Units)
Custom Installations range from basic communications and lights to fully-equipped mobile command units.
I’ve listed some of the more common components regularly installed.
Exterior and Visible Components
* Headlight Flashers (wig-wag)
* Brakelight Flashers (flashback)
* Sirens
* Speakers
* Strobe Lights
* Push Bumpers LEDs
* Stealth Emergency Lighting
* Marked /Unmarked Patrol Package Lighting
We will provide a flexible lighting plan for you, and you will choose options that you feel would keep your department safe; and to the code.
How to Order?[/b]
In order to send your orders to LEDesigns, you must fill-out a form to explain your orders, and how you envision your order.
To do this, please propose your blueprint to me, and include what it must have;
Options will include:
1) Corner Strobes; Rear Strobes ( Colored LED is optional)
2) Slicktop Package with Limited Lights
3) Slicktop Package with 360 Warning Lights
4) LED Exterior Lights ( i.e Rear Mirror LEDS, ( Color of your choice), Grille Lights, Rear Plate Lights)
5) Stock Lightbar/ Patrol Lights
6) Whelen Lightings for Fire and EMS Apparatus
Type of Vehicle:
1) Traffic Unit Unmarked
2) Marked Patrol Car
3) NARC/Detective Unmarked Impala/Crown Victoria.
4) Highway Patrol
5) SUV Patrol
6) Unmarked Tahoe/Suburban.
7) Ambulance
8 ) Firetruck
9) Ladder Truck
10)Tiller Truck
11) Command Units
12) Spec. Units ( Life Guard, Security, POVs, etc)
Also, when you include in your order; you must detail how it should look like, what colors, patterns, how many light units, so our plan can be flexible with your department lighting code.
You may attach videos, or images.
The orders must contain no more than 3 units. LEDesigns has a very tight schedule and we aim to keep our orders finished by date. [/b]
To File your Order, please PM it to this account or Email Chad at chad_wildcats22@hotmail.com and you will be contacted back.
Note: You may also file Civilian orders too, So if you wish to have your vehicle turn into a security patrol vehicle, you may file your order here, just click reply.
If you wish to have a simple light installation on your personal owned vehicle, you may also publish your order here too.
Thank you for your time.
Too busy to take orders, i apologize for any inconvenience.
Some of you may be wondering or filled with curiosity of why Project Reality Lights has changed to a brand new sparkling name, The " LEDesigns".
Since 2009, The beginning of my light editing, I have brought over dozens updates that had fueled my reputation and determination to depict new lights, to disenchant, and to create new realism to help improve EM4 and especially Hoppah's Mod, for a better and stronger player base, so we can all unite and become a community that beats lively and largely by so many different characters, whom are mesmerized and fascinated by the Logic and the idea of First Responders and the agencies behind the roles, the state of being preoccupied; or intellect by what we hear, see and do and that we attempt to re-enact through games, and that being said, 911 First Responders, being the greatest example ( or Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, just to be safe...).
With Project Reality Light, the goal of that Sub mod was to bring you LA Based Lights, and unfortunately i have not met that goal 100% but i have reached to the sufficient level to safely say, I have achieved the goal, and most people are satisfied with it. However, along the journey, i have been confronted by Several Members that has their own facts and their misocainea attitude towards Project Reality Lights, I have became a neoteric person, and that has changed the whole game plan.
We are coming into the New Age of Warning Devices and LED Technology in Real Life, that many new products are made, and they are becoming more sophisticated and elegant in appearance - that our Police Forces, Fire Department and EMS are receiving new "Cosmetics" looks and updates for their fleet and fellow officers, and right now they are becoming really modern that the appearance not only looks Concealed but furtive.
If you want to understand my point, take your time to look on Youtube and check out the modern police cars, such as Unmarked units, and notice how our modern technology looks more advanced and furtive comparing to 2005-under.
There are now police officers driving vehicles that is equipped with warning devices, but they aren't obvious to detect anymore now. I have seen a Tahoe, a Civilian model, and it fooled me because it was actually a Traffic Unit, and for a Traffic unit, you'd see Mirror LEDS and Interior LEDS --- This unit had Wig Wags, Exterior Hide-a-Ways, really small LED Caps along the running board, and LED hide-a-ways in the rear, with very thin Interior Lights Products, and they are so thin that i couldn't notice them in the first place, even at my second glance and When the SUV lit up, it was like a Christmas tree. It went from a "Mom SUV" look to a Police Unit.
It was more discreet than regular unmarked Tahoe and Suburbans that we'd normally see all over ( Equipped with Bulkier Interior and Exterior LED Lights) and the concept behind it inspired me.
So now, My Sub mod is going to pursue the idea of being more surreptitious, more realistic and improved.
LEDesigns will not be concentrating on one State, such as California. We are now going International. However, do not fear, I will have the LA Units made to their Code, and once I'm finished with that, i will be going international and will be taking everybody's requests. You may now request yourself a new light package, it can be based off Las Vegas Police, or Georgia State Police ( Blue/Blue Lights).
No more California Lights! I'm somewhat happy about this now, that i can finally make lights that i wanted to add on unmarked/marked prototypes. Hopefully It'll please you guys!
We will also team up with other Sub mods when we have available time and space. LEDesigns is also seeking light editors so we can form LEDesigns into a Team. It can be anyone! Just have the right experience and skills and you're aboard! Just post a request in this thread and I'll contact you.
Its time to Move Forward, Quality over quantity.
Progress of Projects:
LA Mod - 20% Complete
NY Submod - 50% Complete
Miscellaneous Units/Prototypes by CFD - 30%
-------------------CURRENT UPDATE ----------------------
Minor Release
Hey all, i apologize for the lack of release, and you may notice that i have kept certain release in small quantity, so i hope you guys don't mind the individuals or couple new releases, as I'm getting more busier in real life, lol.
Now, this is another Unmarked edit, and yes, some of you may notice that i enjoy working on unmarked units than marked units...I'm obsessed with the slick top/unmarked concept because it's very universal, i can do tons of different light styles and packages on one vehicle, so i hope you don't mind that...
Now, this one is different, and new...It was inspired by Modern packages that I've noticed on newer police packages throughout the world, and this one is primarily inspired by the new Ford Interceptor, mainly the hide-a-way lights. The design of my vehicle is a Traffic low profile unit, so that means it won't have mirror beams, and push bar lights. This unit will have LAWs in the rear and front, as well side lighting. It's very standard yet effective.
I'm not really focused on the EMS/FD apparatus as I've done them so many times, and I'm helping out with Dyson and his NY sub mod, sorta.
I hope you guys enjoy it, and if you'd like me to make your local unmarked/slicktop police package, I'd be glad to do it, so feel free to give me ideas, whether if the lights will be blue/blue or red/red or any kind of state law packages...I will start working on the unmarked Impala, Tahoe and Charger, so again, feel free to add ideas. If you add concept ideas of a Marked unit, i will most likely ignore it.
p.s Some of you argued that i should stay towards CA code, and some of you stated that i should go universal, well my answer is that I'm going universal, not everybody appreciates the California Lighting code, like myself, so i will start add various of different codes, so get used to it.
-------------------------OLD UPDATES-------------------------
December 9th, 2010 Release
- Tiller ( Both Cab and Trailer - Except the installed trailer)
- Aerial
They all consists new lights, improved realism and miscellaneous lights/updates.
Enjoy! Sorry for the late release, life has me busy now.
More to follow soon...

As an apology to those who waited for a new update, i am going to release my brand new lights; but only a few units...Sorry guys, its a Preview Pack! But hey, its worth checking out because you'd never see lights like these before, especially the LAFD Engines - Which personally is my new favorite now.
I won't spoil the surprise, so you will find out yourself what i packed in! Reminder: To view the best results, view it at night, and play through lights and special lights command.
Pack Includes:
-LAPD Marked and Unmarked Unit (Including k9)
-Unmarked Crown Victoria
-Two LAFD Engines
-FBI Tahoe
Enjoy! Feedback would be appreciated!