Interests:Emergency 3 and 4
Military Strategy
Project Reality (BF2)
Posted 23 August 2009 - 07:10 PM
Xplorer was replying to my post's so dont get mad at him
So what are you complaining for? If you don't like it, go make your own.
you know what thats a pretty good idea because youll almost never find that many lights on any emergency vehicle espically a unmarked police car. So i will happly make my own.
some quotes for you
these lights are NOT LA Realistic.
about half of the cars in that video are not LAPD but are Culver City PD who assisted with that pursuit.
The LED Lights has nothing to do with real life patterns.
have fun with it
I was there when Pyrothijs deleted Hoppah's weed cat photo!!!!! If you love playling as police, fire, or ems come join the online text roleplaying game.
I was TALKING TO JAB, Xplorer. We Both were talking DIRECTLY TO JAB.
Well obviously that was made clear since I wasnt the only one that who thought you were talking to me. Theres a quote button down by the edit button. You might find it useful.
So much for taking NFKs advice and keeping your supporters happy.
Wheres the video you used to base the FBI Command Center off of?
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Interests:Emergency 3 and 4
Military Strategy
Project Reality (BF2)
Posted 24 August 2009 - 01:21 AM
how is it a small world im living in??? i live in one of the fastest growing city's in the united states.
also i would love to see what you based the unmarked CV after, i am curious because i live in such a small world. And how do my quotes have nothing to do with this considering that they are in the topic,
Also, my video was posted after that quote so stop trying to prove me wrong. So much for keeping your supporters happy.
I was there when Pyrothijs deleted Hoppah's weed cat photo!!!!! If you love playling as police, fire, or ems come join the online text roleplaying game.
LOL you do realize this is a demo unit right? To show off the different types of ways to mount the light,patterns and so forth?
And there is no video of actual Command Center, but i assure you, i know how the lights should look like on it.
Sorry but i have to lol again here. This is a reality project and your basing light set ups off what they "should" look like?
Not everything should be based off youtube videos.
Says the guy whos modeled numerous set ups off you tube videos and tried to use a youtube video to back up this project?
Again, if you don't like the way i do things, don't waste your time clicking this topic. You've been advised.
I like the way you did things, when you cared what other thought. If I didnt I would have never contacted you to do lights for me in the past, and you know why, because I have a high expectations for projects I have a hand in. I guess you could say I am a bit of perfectionist. Now it seems like you do a few light packs catering to your fans, and all of a sudden you no longer care what they want.
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Interests:Emergency 3 and 4
Military Strategy
Project Reality (BF2)
Posted 24 August 2009 - 12:43 PM
thats a cool unmarked thats not from la
I was there when Pyrothijs deleted Hoppah's weed cat photo!!!!! If you love playling as police, fire, or ems come join the online text roleplaying game.
Do you see those Dual LEDs on the sides, or in fact, everywhere? They all don't really SYNC all the time, but in fact, they have a "Wave" pattern. So, if you've seen my FBI video, you will see Red/Blue moving as a wave motion.
Here is an example, look atop of the rig, the sides, you will notice that both LED Package are using DUAL mode. at 0:52 Now, for the FBI Command Post, same concept, same product, so really, the lights that i MADE, are Based off from EXPERIENCE and SOURCES.
I hope you're understanding what I'm trying to explain here. As there may not be a Valid Video of the FBI Command Post, i tend to look at other products, or other PIERCE apparatus, and study the lights, is it similar, are they using the same products, aka Whelen, et cetera.
Now, if you are still sketchy, this may not be useful at all, but here is a Newark PD Command Post vehicle,
They're using Duals as well. And if I'm not mistaken, Pierce did this rig.
Again, not Demo car, but Product car for Customer.
Now i know the current Unmarked car is not related to LAPD, but i am planning to change it, as i saw a video of an LAPD UNMARKED dodge Charger, since i can't find a video of an unmarked LAPD car, except a Detective car but video quality isn't good enough, and use the Dodge Charger's package for the crown vic.
I don't want to be Enemies here, i want to be friends here, i want to keep my fans and customers happy with a professional and clean quality of this sub mod.
Alot of un marked cars... hell even marked cars are starting to be givin more and more lights... like certain RMP's in nyc... have the lightbar front winshield duals... Grill lights... lights everywhere
There's also a law that requires any unmarked police vehicle who's primary duty is pulling over other vehicles have 360 degree lighting. The only exception to this law is if the vehicle being pulled over presents a danger to others on the roads, ie. a drunk driver.
Yep. More Lights, Safety measure and rating improves. Its not about the looks, or to show off the quality, but to keep our officers, firefighters and paramedics safe, and to go home. Same to DOT, city workers and other organizations that requires lights for their fleet.
ya i mean the SO were i live only have lightbars and flashing headlights and then there contract cities have more lights in back deck and strobes in headlights and tailights and mirror lights. DAMN BUDGETS!!!!!!
ya more lights equal more visible because some people are stupid
Mikesphotos would argue that, and actually has pointing out that more lights then needed are actually distracting to motorist and cause more problems then for what ever reason the officer is running those lights.
There's also a law that requires any unmarked police vehicle who's primary duty is pulling over other vehicles have 360 degree lighting. The only exception to this law is if the vehicle being pulled over presents a danger to others on the roads, ie. a drunk driver.
Where might this law be because our unmarked cars do not follow this law. Several years ago, I was working in my drive way on my Ford Explorer at like 3 AM. An officer in an umarked Impala decided to stop and check me out. With out going into alot of details I did not even realize he was an officer at first as he was standing against his car, and the lights were not visible from the side of the car. The reflection wasnt even that visible and as I said it was something like 3 AM so it was plenty dark out side.
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
Mikesphotos would argue that, and actually has pointing out that more lights then needed are actually distracting to motorist and cause more problems then for what ever reason the officer is running those lights.
Where might this law be because our unmarked cars do not follow this law. Several years ago, I was working in my drive way on my Ford Explorer at like 3 AM. An officer in an umarked Impala decided to stop and check me out. With out going into alot of details I did not even realize he was an officer at first as he was standing against his car, and the lights were not visible from the side of the car. The reflection wasnt even that visible and as I said it was something like 3 AM so it was plenty dark out side.
Each State, County and City has their own policies, regulations, requirements, laws, all that fancy paperwork, designed to keep our city, county and state first responders PROFESSIONAL and SAFE.
Now, For that 360 Lights Law, its not effectively everywhere in North America. Its only up to the City, and County Branches, depending the road conditions, safety measures, personal opinions, and requirements/regulations given by a certain government branch.
For Example, The City of Calgary Police Unmarked Crown Vic just looks like my current UMCV's Light Package. 360 Full Lights. Side for Intersection, Front for Rear Mirrors, side mirrors, to get attention of the car ahead, and back lights for traffic stops, rear awareness; et cetera.
The City of Edmonton, which is in fact NORTH of US, their unmarked unit is TOTALLY different. If i can remember, they don't have any Side Lights, they only have a Stealth Visor, pushbar, grill lights, headlight strobes, brake strobes and traffic adviser with Whelen Talon in the back.
So we have two different Cities, two different designs/packages. Thats because its what the Chief of Police and the Mayor w/ City Councils that decides what needs to be had or what needs to be required for their officer's safety. Its their money, its their decision, but not to add, there are also foundations, committees, special regulations branches, that designs laws, regulations not just for city, but providence/state wide.
For example, California, all Police units need a Steady Red light. Thats the California Law. Here, it kinda works differently, its mostly based what our City Says/Decides.
Just Recently, my City's PD Vans has been outfitted with Rear LEDs, this year. Its brand new, and was introduced recently after they made enough traffics stop that officers were concerned about lack of Rear emergency Lights, worried about getting hit by a speeding car or a drunk driver who didn't see the lights that well.
Same thing with our Transit Peace Officer's Fleet, they just got outfitted with Rear and frontal exterior LEDs.
So the City Bought and upgraded the City's law Enforcement Fleet with Rear Emergency Lights.
Then we have our RCMP Branch in Alberta, not to forget, Alberta Sheriff. The Alberta Sheriff's CV is basically FITTED and Packaged with 360 LIGHTS. Because they're a Highway unit, they need to be COMPLETELY visible during night time. Same with the RCMP traffic division. Regular Township RCMP units don't really need 360 lights, they just use Light bar, and minor exterior lights, depends where they are assigned to.
Here is a Alberta Sheriff Car; Each lights has a role.
Here is their Old Design (Formally Alberta Solicitor General Provincial Constables. Change over took effective 10 March 2006)
Now after the Changes, they upgraded their fleet to this:
Now here is a Alberta Peace Officer Cruiser, very similar to Sheriff's Package
The RCMP uses various of designs and packages, again, depends where they are assigned to:
So its not about the Blinky Lights Brigade, or a lights show off, its about safety; each city, and states has their own laws, requirements, regulations, policies, et cetera. Just for safety and professionalism.
I hope you understood what i said.
All SWAT Units fully packaged with LED.
Unmarked unit edited by me, made it more cleaner and simple. I will not release the Edited Texture.
All Hide-A-Way lights are edited, to make it look more realistic. Spotlight removed as well from the UMCV.
Each State, County and City has their own policies, regulations, requirements, laws, all that fancy paperwork, designed to keep our city, county and state first responders PROFESSIONAL and SAFE.
Now, For that 360 Lights Law, its not effectively everywhere in North America. Its only up to the City, and County Branches, depending the road conditions, safety measures, personal opinions, and requirements/regulations given by a certain government branch.
I hope you understood what i said.
Thank you captain obvious. That was my point, well in regards to the law anyways since he stated it as if the law was nation wide, and your in Canada so of course the law is different.
All SWAT Units fully packaged with LED.
Unmarked unit edited by me, made it more cleaner and simple. I will not release the Edited Texture.
All Hide-A-Way lights are edited, to make it look more realistic. Spotlight removed as well from the UMCV.
Now we are talking, atleast on the SWAT trucks. Personally I like the old blink light brigade slick top. Good idea on removing the spot light btw. If there was a way for PD to have redirect and spotlights I would of course say the spotlight was a good idea since we could turn it on and off, but having a police car driving to a scene with a spot light on was rather unrealistic. I do like the UMPC as well, but since this is a reality project, keep in mind that in LA slick tops and UMPCs have to burn a steady red light on the dash.
Wheres the DL link?
Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.
The Slicktop Already has a Steady Red light on the dash.
The Unmarked unit isn't LA yet...I'm still researching on that, but for now, you get that. Only Except i will add Red on the Right Spotlight, Steady- The Old School style.
Lets introduce our next Update 1.8.9
-All SWAT Apparatuses is now upgraded with LED Package.
-LAPD Marked and Slicktop Unit's Hide-A-Way light's quality improved.
-Removed White Spotlights from Unmarked Crown Vic, and replaced with Only one Red Steady Burn Light. Removed lower dash strobes. Added Hide-A-Way lights. Removed Wig-Wags to improve quality of frontal package. When Traffic Advisory activated, extra Red/Blue Lights activated for "Rear Safety".
- All my updates, works, so forth, can be found here:
Note: Two people is sharing this account.
-I am now seeking extra staffs to help me work on this...since v1.9 is coming soon. If you think you have the required skills to improve the quality of lights, and to bring realism to my Customers/Fans, PM me or openly request to join. I will talk to you and ask you to at least SUBMIT one of your own PROJECT.
Thank you for your interest in Project Reality Lights and Tony's Light mod. Have a great time.