LEDesigns * Minor Release Jan 26, 2011.
Posted 06 March 2012 - 06:58 AM
Posted 06 March 2012 - 07:12 AM
Posted 08 March 2012 - 10:04 PM
Project Reality Lights V.1.9.5 is RELEASED!
My Recommendation to see my results at best, first do these steps before viewing my changes;
Open Editor, Load LA Mod, Then head to EDIT, Map Properties, Change Time to Night Time, Then press F2, Load Floor, Click Map, choose any map and any ground texture will load, then you will see the results better.
This Pack includes the following units;
-Unmarked Crown Vic P71
-Updated LAPD Crown Vic
-Updated LAPD Charger
-LAPD Impala
-FBI Tahoe
-Updated ATF Crown Vic
-Updated LAFD Battalion SUV
Unmarked Crown Vic; Traffic Enforcement Edition
1) Improve the Whelen Dominator Front and Rear's Blue LED to a better Quality color. Also changed Timing at front to show two Pattern, nothing special. Sped up the back Dominator a little. Thanks to Occram for his Original Dominator.
2) Improve the Corner Strobes/Rear Strobes, based off the "Tomar Undercover NEOBE Strobe Package", which my City Police uses and i assure you, the pattern that i made is exactly the same as i see in real life, the same thing, so I'm happy with it, and i hope you will too.
3) Added Side Intersection Warning LED lights, and this is not an excessive thing because Modern Age Unmarked/Slick top Apparatuses around North America is using them for better visibility and safety policy, so i added them to improve realism and to enhance "Safety" for role play purposes.
4) Wig-Wags with Radiation, as well rest of the lights mostly got radiation to it.
FBI Tahoe;
Now Bonus Prototype that i haven't released yet and now deciding to, and i hope you will like it, and yes, its real life lights, not fiction! Don't be intimidated by the lights, as Bird View may look excessive, but if you view it in person, Its perfectly a well done set up for high risk visibility and safety in response mode; I present you my Modern FBI Tahoe!
1) Whelen Dominator added in the Grille, thanks to the Original Creator, Occram.
2) Dual Intersection Lights, Red/Blue.
3) Dual Whelen TIR model Front window.
4) Red/Blue Hide-A-Way Lights in the Brake Lights, as well adding License Plate Whelen TIR-3 Lights.
5) Whelen Traffic Advisor - TAD8; Chao Mode pattern at the Rear.
6) Sho-Me Corner Strobes, Dual Flash Strobes.
7) Wig-Wags with Radiation, as well rest of the lights mostly got radiation to it.
LAPD Impala;
1) The LAPD Arjent pattern is based off this video; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_wLIQQ_QVw
Note: You must have Hoppah's Additional Units Submod Installed in order for this Impala to work!
LAPD P71 and Charger; ATF Crown Vic;
1) I just updated the Colorness of Blue to a better LED Color. Nothing serious. Same thing with the ATF Crown Vic, which also needs the Additional Units Sub mod to work...
LAFD Battalion Chief SUV
1) Changed LED Pattern, improved quality, nothing serious.
This download will include the Project Reality Lights Installer. In the .rar There will be three folders, 911 First Responders, Emergency 4 and Deluxe, choose one of them of your installed game version ( I.e if You have 911 First responders, choose that folder)
Once you enter the desired Folder, Click the Project Reality Lights.exe and install the files. A Message will appear, asking you if you want to install the Additional Units Submod Lights Update, click yes if you have that submod installed, click no if you don't.
Please Videos the this Version 1.9.5
Posted 09 March 2012 - 02:29 AM
is there a version for lamod 2.1? I also notice that the tiller truck explodes when near fire. any thoughts on that?
The files will work with the L.A Mod 2.1. Just drag and drop them into the direct folder (should be in the read me or first page)
To be honest I don't know why. Try posting it in the L.A Mod Help area. Someone will know.
Posted 14 July 2012 - 02:55 AM
Anywho, my question is, what is the installation order for each of the three files of V1.9.5 LEDesigns? I know V1.9.5 wasn't completely released and was unfortunately lost along with the original modders computer...but, someone else reuploaded the files on this very topic, in which I have downloaded. I believe it was page 41, or somewhere along there that the files are located. I know how to install the mod itself, installing mods is rather easy for me, however I'm not entirely sure if the reuploaded files need to be installed in a specific order.
I have the 'vehicle' file/download of V1.9.5 installed, but I am not completely sure if that is supposed to be first, or if the other two files need to be installed first, or installed in a specific order along with the 'vehicles' file. V1.9.5 seems to work just fine, however I'm not sure if I'm missing something by not installing the other two files.
Thanks in advance if anyone can help.
Posted 03 March 2013 - 06:03 PM
Posted 04 March 2013 - 10:00 AM
Joseph - Handsup!
Emergency Services Enthusiast
Staffordshire Police Cadet
Posted 11 October 2014 - 06:22 PM
I know this Topic is like dead but hell does Anyone have the last Rar file that was made for this can upload it anywhere?
so what? i get a warring just for asking if their is anyone with light or any download anywhere for this? seems like a joke. i'm not trying to bump. maybe if the download was still out there i wouldn't be posting. I though forums where for these kind of things.. you should remove it from the Approved mod's Spot if you don't want anyone posting here.