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[EM4] Suggestions/Ideas Thread: (Revised)

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#101 billyfromhill


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Posted 01 January 2009 - 05:20 PM

Firstly, I think that's the stretcher they already use in the game.

Second, To you, Mike... What does LA use? Do they use the Striker series, or Fernos?

And lastly, I was thinking the other day.. Is there a way to add the animation used during the "stabilize" ability (with the two FF/EMTs setting down the stretcher, teching the patient, then standing up again), and add that to the "pick up patient on stretcher" command? You'd get the realistic time and action of them picking the patient up from the ground onto the stretcher, then standing with a stretcher with a patient on it... Know what I mean?

I realize of course that it just makes it LONGER to pick up a patient, and does not add anything, just asthetics. But would it be possible? Or does the game recognize the two animations ("stabilize" and "pick up patient") as two totally different actions?

The stretcher that is currently ingame is not the one above. The one ingame is a gray/black color. If I remember correctly, the yellow one posted above was in the LA Mod up until 1.5.

As for the stabilize command, great idea!!! I think the "stablise/heal" animation and the "pick up person" animation are two seprate animations. What you could do is tack the "pick up person" animation onto the script after they stand up and grab the stretcher.

#102 Hoppah


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Posted 02 January 2009 - 10:48 AM

Firstly, I think that's the stretcher they already use in the game.

Second, To you, Mike... What does LA use? Do they use the Striker series, or Fernos?

And lastly, I was thinking the other day.. Is there a way to add the animation used during the "stabilize" ability (with the two FF/EMTs setting down the stretcher, teching the patient, then standing up again), and add that to the "pick up patient on stretcher" command? You'd get the realistic time and action of them picking the patient up from the ground onto the stretcher, then standing with a stretcher with a patient on it... Know what I mean?

I realize of course that it just makes it LONGER to pick up a patient, and does not add anything, just asthetics. But would it be possible? Or does the game recognize the two animations ("stabilize" and "pick up patient") as two totally different actions?

I have no intentions to change the stretcher again. The one we have is not that accurate, but it's good enough. I am still the only one who knows how to add polygons to the person models and it's A LOT of work and something I am never going to again. You're right about the actions. The game recognizes them as two seperate actions/animations. It's possible to add it, but like the rollback truck it won't work 'smoothly'. That's why I disabled the rollback truck animations in v1.7. The idea is good though.

There are no plans for new vehicles. The only vehicles I still need to change are the Foam Tender (Mikesphotos has new pics of the top) and the SWAT Heavy Rescue vehicle. We already have plans for v1.9. I am going to release v1.8 asap. :)

#103 MikeyPI


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Posted 02 January 2009 - 10:51 AM

You are not, I know how to add to units, it's too time consuming and very difficult. Something I won't be doing either... Unfortunately both the people who know how hate it:( sorry

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#104 Hoppah


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Posted 02 January 2009 - 12:47 PM

How about a fix-up on the negotiator's texture? I mean, It says Poletzi on the front of his vest.



#105 Paramedic_Engine_2


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Posted 02 January 2009 - 04:26 PM


I have a few more suggestions,

1. When you have an accident where would have to have life support, you could have an engine/truck/USAR truck have to set up a landing zone, 1 FF would have a flare, one would set up LZ lighting. This would at a lot of realism.

2. You could have one of the LAFD helicopters be able to drop water on fires and the helicopter tender 1 could fill it up only.


#106 Guest_EliasEliasElias_*

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Posted 03 January 2009 - 02:53 PM

What about a Chevy Suburban? You see it often in movies, like S.W.A.T or so :)

What do you think ?

#107 andrew2007


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Posted 03 January 2009 - 03:05 PM

Could we have a Police Supervisor or Chief that could act like the Battalion Chief or EMS Supervisor?

I think this was in the LA Mod for EM3...

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#108 Newfoundking


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Posted 03 January 2009 - 03:14 PM

i also believe that the police supervisor was already discussed and not accepted

Number 4 on the first page

[*]Add A Police Supervisor:

The Current Police Officers in the modification can already call in ambulances and additional support, so adding a supervisor would not add any additional quality improvement to gameplay.

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#109 billyfromhill


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Posted 03 January 2009 - 03:20 PM

Theres going to be a command to call SWAT sometime in a future version.

#110 rihis


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Posted 03 January 2009 - 09:19 PM

I have sugestion, maybe in next mod you can modifity your chevrolet caprice taxi to civilian car like that new one! What you think?

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#111 jab16


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Posted 03 January 2009 - 11:42 PM

i had one it was just a van like this that can be parked at the fire station and not carry equitment but tow the second trailer and just carry around like six firefighters and divers and so on to places that require more firefighters like a forest fire but not have to call in a another truck.



#112 dizza



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Posted 04 January 2009 - 12:33 AM

What about a Chevy Suburban? You see it often in movies, like S.W.A.T or so :)

What do you think ?

Movies do not equal how the city actually is. That is the problem with people who keep posting suggestions on things to add or change... they keep basing it off things other than what LA actually has and uses.


#113 andrew2007


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Posted 04 January 2009 - 01:11 AM

i had one it was just a van like this that can be parked at the fire station and not carry equitment but tow the second trailer and just carry around like six firefighters and divers and so on to places that require more firefighters like a forest fire but not have to call in a another truck.



That's not a bad idea actually, I personally think it would only involve reskinng the TEC van and editing the script for the vehicle.

I would give it a go if someone would give me a hand at the reskinning part

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#114 Hoppah


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Posted 04 January 2009 - 01:51 AM

Theres going to be a command to call SWAT sometime in a future version.

I never said that. I asked SHERIFF05 to make the audio for it, but the PLANS for the command were cancelled later, because I can't add more commands to SWAT units.

#115 MikeyPI


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Posted 04 January 2009 - 03:49 AM

It's the same model van as the LASD Transpo Van I did, swap the bar, and repaint and boom the model crap is done, then it's just making a new prototype, dunno if we will be doing it though.. Have not even though about it.

That's not a bad idea actually, I personally think it would only involve reskinng the TEC van and editing the script for the vehicle.

I would give it a go if someone would give me a hand at the reskinning part

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#116 andrew2007


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Posted 04 January 2009 - 04:17 AM

I would give the scripting a go, if someone would do the Van.

I think it'd be a good idea actually.

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#117 billyfromhill


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Posted 04 January 2009 - 05:00 AM

There is really no "scripting" involved in adding vehicles. You have to create prototype and unit files and you have to edit quite a few other files for the vehicle to appear ingame, but there is no scripting.

You'll have to ask MikesPhotos what that van is used for.

Here's an idea, how about a USFS crew bus to transport USFS FFs to fires.

#118 Madman



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Posted 04 January 2009 - 05:30 AM

I love the fact that the BC calls units from off the map in 1.8 freeplay and wondered if the following would be possible:

- Police officers be able to call tow trucks from off the map.
- SWAT negotiators be able to call getaway vehicles from off the map.

#119 mercurygrandmarquis1



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Posted 04 January 2009 - 09:18 AM

i have a few suggestions
1 can you replace the chp chargers led lightbar with a federal signal vector\vision lightbars or slicktops charger slicktops would be more accurate (the only chp sedans with led lightbars were crown vics a few years ago)

2 Chp smpv the chp operates all white cars assigned to commercail vechicles and k9 known as specailly marked patrol vehicals

3 lapd charger slick top

4 older lapd crown vics i know the last year of this body style has been out of production for 12 years but knowing the lapd and there record on keeping vehicals in service there are going to be a few of these lurking around

5 paramedics without turnout gear

thanks for considering and sorry about the spelling its 3am here in nyc and i needs to get to sleep

ps heres a good link for pics and ideas for version 1.8

#120 MikeyPI


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Posted 04 January 2009 - 08:02 PM

Tell it on the mountain brotha!
You are exactly right, and to change one of the bases into that vehicle would not take very long at all.
MikesPhotos has petitioned for the Crew Bus as well, Not too sure if it will happen or not, it would either be one OR the other, probrably not both given the fact that in the end they would function basically the same.

There is really no "scripting" involved in adding vehicles. You have to create prototype and unit files and you have to edit quite a few other files for the vehicle to appear ingame, but there is no scripting.

You'll have to ask MikesPhotos what that van is used for.

Here's an idea, how about a USFS crew bus to transport USFS FFs to fires.

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