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[EM4] Suggestions/Ideas Thread: (Revised)

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#141 Paramedic_Engine_2


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Posted 05 January 2009 - 11:42 PM

What would the point be? You'd spend the time making the towers, and making a 4x4 and a Lifeguard unit. Then you'd have to add the spawn locations, the paths, and then the people to spawn and walk the paths. But since you don't want fully clothed people on a beach, now you need to skin new people in bathing suits to spawn on the beach. Then, so it's not all completely useless, you'd need to add missions surrounding it... Which would mean more "person in the water" scenerios, more injured people on the beach, maybe a crime or two (drunken fight, pick-pocket)...

While I'll agree, they ARE a type of first responder, and it would add something... different... to the gameplay, in the end it'd probably be a LOT of time for very little added gameplay. Plus I hate anything in the water. >:o

Also, an actual suggestion.. Can we speed up the diver? Or do I just have to go into the scripts every time there's a release? haha

It would be realistic, the lifeguards could provide BLS treatment, until an ALS unit arrives on scene. You would not have to create different spawning point for the life guard truck ( http://k43.pbase.com...82.AqXDNExa.jpg ) you could have a pier with watch towers.


#142 Ami89E1234


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Posted 06 January 2009 - 12:26 AM

there are already people in bathing suits ingame, and Darren-NYPD might let Hoppah use his LA lifeguards :)

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#143 Hoppah


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Posted 06 January 2009 - 08:23 AM

there are already people in bathing suits ingame, and Darren-NYPD might let Hoppah use his LA lifeguards :)

Besides the suicidal people and car accidents in the water, there aren't any events that would make them usefull. :popcorn:

edit: Each person with the dive command walks like the normal diver anyway...

#144 swisscow41



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Posted 07 January 2009 - 01:51 AM

How about re skinning one of the engines into LA County Fire? This would add alot of realism of you are using the LASD cars instead of the LAPD.

#145 Madman



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Posted 07 January 2009 - 02:36 AM

Another small suggestion that I know you thought of after 1.7 came out, was a command to send the ALS engine to station 1 or 2.

The other option to that would be to either to reskin the ALS engine to another number in the LAFD inventory, (with maybe some other cosmetic changes to further distiguish the 2 of them), and have another vehicle in the inventory; or to make a new model with a newer engine that would again be a new vehicle.

#146 MikeyPI


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Posted 07 January 2009 - 03:08 AM

To settle the lifeguard thing, we'll just pave the beaches in the next version, that'll do it nicely I think.

The engines to me are personally easilly distinguishable as it is, their models are not exactly the same anyway. New engines look practically the same as the old ones from those mikesphotos has shown me, there is not enough of a difference between the ones in the mod and the brand new ones unless you look extremely closely, so I don't think it is worth the time to make a new model for that purpose. It is just my opinion, anyway.

Another small suggestion that I know you thought of after 1.7 came out, was a command to send the ALS engine to station 1 or 2.

The other option to that would be to either to reskin the ALS engine to another number in the LAFD inventory, (with maybe some other cosmetic changes to further distiguish the 2 of them), and have another vehicle in the inventory; or to make a new model with a newer engine that would again be a new vehicle.

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#147 Mrtucker555



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Posted 07 January 2009 - 03:31 AM

hey hoppah is there any way you could make a long bank robbery mission where you could have a large bank with alot of hostages and you would have to negotiate to get them all out but you would also have to look around the scene for people that the suspects want to talk to or something like that

#148 erfd


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Posted 07 January 2009 - 04:03 AM

To settle the lifeguard thing, we'll just pave the beaches in the next version, that'll do it nicely I think.

The engines to me are personally easilly distinguishable as it is, their models are not exactly the same anyway. New engines look practically the same as the old ones from those mikesphotos has shown me, there is not enough of a difference between the ones in the mod and the brand new ones unless you look extremely closely, so I don't think it is worth the time to make a new model for that purpose. It is just my opinion, anyway.

So you will no longer have the beachs?

#149 Guest_MonkeySquasher_*

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Posted 07 January 2009 - 02:29 PM

To settle the lifeguard thing, we'll just pave the beaches in the next version, that'll do it nicely I think.

rofl. That Counting Crows song suddenly came to mind... "They paved paradise and put up a parking lot"

I actually like this idea though. Pave the beaches into more city.. When placing buildings and pathways, you could add the public works/DoT building (So you wouldn't have to edit the map anywhere else, just add it where you're ALREADY editing the map. No need to move anything else around). OR at least add the area to modify into a PW/DOT area later. Means less crappy water missions, more MVCs and fire. =D

#150 theparanoid


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Posted 07 January 2009 - 06:48 PM

House discountect button. Currently the Fire enginees and foam tender have button that when press has all the fire fighter exit the vehicle and attach house. Once the fire is done, you can press the button and all the fire fighters take off the house. Is it possible to also have them renter the vehicle?

#151 Paramedic_Engine_2


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Posted 07 January 2009 - 07:12 PM

House discountect button. Currently the Fire enginees and foam tender have button that when press has all the fire fighter exit the vehicle and attach house. Once the fire is done, you can press the button and all the fire fighters take off the house. Is it possible to also have them renter the vehicle?

its actually hose, it this hoppah should focus on special events for the next version.

#152 Hoppah


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Posted 07 January 2009 - 07:28 PM

hey hoppah is there any way you could make a long bank robbery mission where you could have a large bank with alot of hostages and you would have to negotiate to get them all out but you would also have to look around the scene for people that the suspects want to talk to or something like that

I don't have plans to add any new missions yet. I actually made a great missionplot for a bank robbery mission a long time ago, but that's just too time-consuming to realize right now. At the moment we're busy with something else for a new version (more info later ofcourse).

So you will no longer have the beachs?

We are not changing current maps. :)

House discountect button. Currently the Fire enginees and foam tender have button that when press has all the fire fighter exit the vehicle and attach house. Once the fire is done, you can press the button and all the fire fighters take off the house. Is it possible to also have them renter the vehicle?

Because of one of the actions in that command I couldn't make that work (yet).

#153 MCERT1


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Posted 07 January 2009 - 09:34 PM

I would rather have the USFS crew bus then the LAFD van. The reason being that I doubt that the LAFD uses that van for transporting FFs to incidents. Wildland firefighting is quite a bit different then structure/urban firefighting. In cities, additional personnel usually comes with their apparatus rather then in a van.

MikesPhotos should be able to tell us what that van is used for.

I support the move for a crew bus, the van is an easy reskin (i made one a while back based on the corners van). The crew bus will add more depth to the Forestry Service assets available.

Off that topic but still on this:
In terms of the rehab unit, I've played with the idea of allowing it to replace injured emergency personnel. So basically when a firefighter get's injured, he can enter the rehab unit and a time bar like the one for decontamination will appear, at the end of it he pops out fully healed..
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#154 Guest_Utrechtterror_*

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Posted 07 January 2009 - 09:51 PM

How about..

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Eingefügtes Bild
Eingefügtes Bild
Eingefügtes Bild


No just kidding, you remember these pictures hoppah :1046276057_GroupHug: ?


#155 billyfromhill


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Posted 07 January 2009 - 11:18 PM

Off that topic but still on this:
In terms of the rehab unit, I've played with the idea of allowing it to replace injured emergency personnel. So basically when a firefighter get's injured, he can enter the rehab unit and a time bar like the one for decontamination will appear, at the end of it he pops out fully healed..

It could work in the same way as the FBI MCV. The firefighters get in and after a second or two they are healed. I like the idea of the time bar. It's more realistic to wait a little bit to heal them instead of instantaneous.

#156 Hoppah


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Posted 07 January 2009 - 11:19 PM

No just kidding, you remember these pictures hoppah :1046276057_GroupHug: ?

Yeah I do, you painted that car. :))

#157 Paramedic_Engine_2


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Posted 08 January 2009 - 12:54 AM

Another small suggestion that I know you thought of after 1.7 came out, was a command to send the ALS engine to station 1 or 2.

The other option to that would be to either to reskin the ALS engine to another number in the LAFD inventory, (with maybe some other cosmetic changes to further distiguish the 2 of them), and have another vehicle in the inventory; or to make a new model with a newer engine that would again be a new vehicle.

Sound BA bro! That would be sweet hoppah, there could be like 8-10 robbers, when swat tried to breech the structure, the robbers would shot to kill, or they would take out a hostage. This would be a long event where FBI would come, SWAT would come, LAPD would seal the perimeter. There would be about 15-20 hostages. You would actually have to use the deploy SWAT command and breech the building. It would be almost impossible to beat the mission/event without casualties. You would have to seal all escape routes. When you started negotiating, may be some of the PURP's would surrender. The end results in the mission should take like 20 minutes to 1 hour, with a minimum of 5-7 casualties not including cops. This would be an event where you need to use the MERV/MASS CASUALTY truck. You might even make one of the SWAT trucks have a winch which could pull down walls to breech. This would be a sweet mission. If you wanted to, you could plant a few devices on doors that SWAT would breech, so bomb squad would be needed or they would blow and you would need FD. This mission would use many of the different police units in the mod. These kind of events do happen in LA.


This is a personal preference, but the USAR truck in the current mod is not very cool. It does not look like a heavy rescue. The real heavy rescues have 6 wheels, like this one, http://i250.photobuc...7/LAFD/UR88.jpg not this one http://www.code2high...fd_usar85_1.jpg hoppah once told me it would look too much like the hazmat but this rig has 6 wheels, beside the hazmat is rarely used in free play. But I do like it. Most of the large cities have these type trucks:

Here are a few more heavy rescue trucks:

http://www.firematic...new/fdny/01.jpg - FDNY Rescue 1

http://farm3.static....c81818f.jpg?v=0 - Baltimore City Rescue 1

http://www.sutphen.c...ory.asp?CatID=8 - Orlando, FL Rescue 1

http://www.cityofyon...px?imageid=2065 - Yonkers Rescue 1

http://www.massmetro...onR1new07DB.jpg - Boston Rescue 1

http://www.cfdhistor...pgs/S14-06C.jpg - Cincinnati, OH Squad 14

http://www.co.alamed...Rescue_Rig5.jpg - Alameda

http://www.florencea...escue/hrbig.jpg - Florence, FL Heavy Rescue 2

http://www.burtonsvi...us/wet-rs15.jpg - Burtonsville Rescue 15

http://farm4.static....d6b4d24.jpg?v=0 - Phoenix, AZ Rescue 29

http://www.rescue1.org/images/hu.gif - LAFD Heavy Rescue 56

http://www.hfd45.org...ew rescue 1.jpg Hughsonville Heavy Rescue 45-55

http://www.firenews....sfieldCTR23.jpg - Wethersfield, CT Rescue 23

http://www.eessllc.c.../show_image.jpg - Deptford Rescue 93-8

http://www.fdnytruck...queens/e288.htm - FDNY current HAZMAT 1
(Current Rig)

AND THE LAST ONE FOR TODAY IS....... http://nycfire.net/g...d_4_18.jpg.html - Atlanta Fire Squad 4

The USAR Truck in the mod is very nicely constructed but It looks like it came out of a Cereal Box because its so small. Please take this type of design into consideration.I would have put more but I had to go to training, also you need a huge fire mission in a city that is not cause by a bomb, or when you dont have to catch the freckin’ PURP.

Mike CCFD 469

#158 billyfromhill


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Posted 08 January 2009 - 01:03 AM

This is a personal preference, but the USAR truck in the current mod is not very cool. It does not look like a heavy rescue. The real heavy rescues have 6 wheels, like this one, http://i250.photobuc...7/LAFD/UR88.jpg not this one http://www.code2high...fd_usar85_1.jpg hoppah once told me it would look too much like the hazmat but this rig has 6 wheels, beside the hazmat is rarely used in free play. But I do like it. Most of the large cities have these type trucks:

Incase you haven't noticed, the USAR squad ingame is USAR 85. USAR 85 only has a single rear axle.
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#159 Paramedic_Engine_2


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Posted 08 January 2009 - 01:52 AM

Incase you haven't noticed, the USAR squad ingame is USAR 85. USAR 85 only has a single rear axle.
Eingefügtes Bild

I understand but USAR 88 and and all the other USAR trucks are much bigger.

I support the move for a crew bus, the van is an easy reskin (i made one a while back based on the corners van). The crew bus will add more depth to the Forestry Service assets available.

Off that topic but still on this:
In terms of the rehab unit, I've played with the idea of allowing it to replace injured emergency personnel. So basically when a firefighter get's injured, he can enter the rehab unit and a time bar like the one for decontamination will appear, at the end of it he pops out fully healed..

That is the exact suggestion I made, I love it, they could make the bad ass rehab truck. I think I can speak for many here, that is a beautiful lookin rig.

EDITED BY: MikeyPI I sware EDIT your posts.

#160 erfd


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Posted 08 January 2009 - 02:04 AM

Those cars are sweet!!