[EM4] Suggestions/Ideas Thread: (Revised)
Posted 04 January 2009 - 08:17 PM
wouldnt it look more real if there there were lights there
(ex. finder lights or as known is the US as intersection lights)
Posted 04 January 2009 - 08:22 PM
I would rather have the USFS crew bus then the LAFD van. The reason being that I doubt that the LAFD uses that van for transporting FFs to incidents. Wildland firefighting is quite a bit different then structure/urban firefighting. In cities, additional personnel usually comes with their apparatus rather then in a van.Tell it on the mountain brotha!
You are exactly right, and to change one of the bases into that vehicle would not take very long at all.
MikesPhotos has petitioned for the Crew Bus as well, Not too sure if it will happen or not, it would either be one OR the other, probrably not both given the fact that in the end they would function basically the same.
MikesPhotos should be able to tell us what that van is used for.
Posted 04 January 2009 - 08:34 PM
I would rather have the USFS crew bus then the LAFD van. The reason being that I doubt that the LAFD uses that van for transporting FFs to incidents. Wildland firefighting is quite a bit different then structure/urban firefighting. In cities, additional personnel usually comes with their apparatus rather then in a van.
MikesPhotos should be able to tell us what that van is used for.
i would rather see the LAFD van because in freeplay theres not but maybe 1 or 2 small woodland fires
Posted 04 January 2009 - 09:38 PM

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Posted 04 January 2009 - 09:39 PM
Then the radio sound would be: "Distpach calling blach blach"
So, what is it the fire fighters do? Do they wait a block away before going to the station to get the truck? Nope. 10 or 12 guys go into the Station, put their gear on, and 6 of them jump in the Pump. The rest, they stay in the building in case they need the Rescue. So, Pump 1 responds from 119 Bertie St to 119 Bertie St, but, they have to follow protocol. So, they drive around they block, and stage at the corner, waiting for police to clear the building they just left.
Posted 04 January 2009 - 09:53 PM
don't forget the posibality to hold a diver and tow the other trailer. by th way welcome to the fourm cbh84
Posted 04 January 2009 - 10:12 PM

Posted 04 January 2009 - 10:25 PM
What if a second battalion was created, it would be like a special operations chief that could call in the heavy rescue, move the USAR command to his panel so he would call it out instaed of B1, a roll back truck and your ALS RA and replace the BLS RA with the coroners van, so basically, you have all your heavy equipment units and some special units under his command for technical rescue stuff like vehicle in the water type incidents and the first battalion would be your normal fire units (engine, light force, RA's, etc.) and he could be in a dif. type of vehicle..***cough cough durango cough**
, just my idea
I like the idea of having a Special Operations Battalion. Good Suggestion.
I think it would be cool if you had some freeplay events that have terroists who release a toxic gas which would spread as time goes by, injuring people. This would be a mass casualty incident. You could create a LAPD hazmat car http://o.wao.com/pol...apdhazmat1.html which could have police that could go into the hot zone to arrest the terrorist without being contaminated.
On the freeplay map you could make a big beach with lots of people. You could have 1, 2, or 3 life guard towers on the beach for looks. You could create a life guard and a life guard truck, and may be even a life guard boat. Mikes photos has some cool shots of the life guard units, or you could watch the tv show, "Ocean Force" and get a bucnh of ideas from them.
Merged By: MikeyPI- Edit posts.
Posted 04 January 2009 - 11:42 PM

Posted 04 January 2009 - 11:48 PM
there is only contamination events in deluxe
Ok but thats why he should create a few different ones for other versions like 911 FR and EM4 (regualar edition) It would be pretty cool.
Regards, Mike
Posted 05 January 2009 - 12:16 AM
Ok but thats why he should create a few different ones for other versions like 911 FR and EM4 (regualar edition) It would be pretty cool.
Regards, Mike
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 05 January 2009 - 04:26 AM
Posted 05 January 2009 - 05:17 AM
I built the Harley, and I won't be making a new type of motorcycle anytime soon, that one took quite enough time and effort to do, the Harleys are still in use throughout the USA, which is why I did that particular motorcycle, aside from that at the time it was the one that Mikesphotos Supplied Pictures For.
Something that might be cool to have is the LAPD Smart Car. Or the new Motorcycles that they use now instead or in addition to the old Harley.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 05 January 2009 - 05:32 AM
Posted 05 January 2009 - 02:16 PM
ok MikeyPL but what about the life guards.
What would the point be? You'd spend the time making the towers, and making a 4x4 and a Lifeguard unit. Then you'd have to add the spawn locations, the paths, and then the people to spawn and walk the paths. But since you don't want fully clothed people on a beach, now you need to skin new people in bathing suits to spawn on the beach. Then, so it's not all completely useless, you'd need to add missions surrounding it... Which would mean more "person in the water" scenerios, more injured people on the beach, maybe a crime or two (drunken fight, pick-pocket)...
While I'll agree, they ARE a type of first responder, and it would add something... different... to the gameplay, in the end it'd probably be a LOT of time for very little added gameplay. Plus I hate anything in the water. >:o
Also, an actual suggestion.. Can we speed up the diver? Or do I just have to go into the scripts every time there's a release? haha
Posted 05 January 2009 - 02:24 PM
Also, an actual suggestion.. Can we speed up the diver? Or do I just have to go into the scripts every time there's a release? haha
I would second this, because of two reasons:
#1. I find it gets really annoying waiting for the diver to hobble along to get into the water
#2. I know this has been argued about realisim, but i find it's got a spot in this case. But i highly doubt that the trained LAFD Divers would walk that fast.
But MonkeySquasher, could you let me know how you sped the diver up?

Posted 05 January 2009 - 05:29 PM
That's actually not a bad idea. I keep it mind and see what I can do. Maybe I can switch some commands with the current Battalion Chief and EMS captain. They are both basicly the same except for the healing commands now.What if a second battalion was created, it would be like a special operations chief that could call in the heavy rescue, move the USAR command to his panel so he would call it out instaed of B1, a roll back truck and your ALS RA and replace the BLS RA with the coroners van, so basically, you have all your heavy equipment units and some special units under his command for technical rescue stuff like vehicle in the water type incidents and the first battalion would be your normal fire units (engine, light force, RA's, etc.) and he could be in a dif. type of vehicle..***cough cough durango cough**
, just my idea
I thought it isn't possible to change the (walking/running) speeds of the persons.Also, an actual suggestion.. Can we speed up the diver? Or do I just have to go into the scripts every time there's a release? haha
Posted 05 January 2009 - 07:30 PM
It is a good idea but we must ask ourselves, "Does LA actually have a chief/commander like that"?That's actually not a bad idea. I keep it mind and see what I can do. Maybe I can switch some commands with the current Battalion Chief and EMS captain. They are both basicly the same except for the healing commands now.
One option might be to give the USAR FF the ability to call for the heavy rescue, and give the EMS supervisor the ability to call for the coronor.
On the BC and EMS supervisor being almost the same. I initially thought (before 1.7 was out) the the EMS supervisor would only be able to call medically related units such as the ALS RA, the BLS RA, Engine 1, air ambulance, and maybe a light force, along with a patrol car. When the beta manual came out I realized I was wrong.
Posted 05 January 2009 - 09:01 PM
One option might be to give the USAR FF the ability to call for the heavy rescue, and give the EMS supervisor the ability to call for the coronor.
Great idea and follows what I was thinking earlier as well - The new call from off the map command really opens the game up and makes it a lot more realistic to play I think.
You could play the game entirely without the main unit calling tabs if most of the commands were integrated into on call commands for certain players, but that would be a pretty big undertaking. Hoppah would probably want to look at having a Captain or Lieutenant on firetrucks that would have their needed commands added to them as opposed to giving them to every firefighter.
Captains or Lieutenants could have the ability to call Battalion Chiefs, as well as the full suite of additional fire apparatus, (including the units that are not in the station).
Paramedics could have the ability to call EMS Supervisors or for additional EMS resources, (ALS Box, ALS Engine or BLS Box).
This is just a testament to how great the mod is getting - keep up the outstanding work.
Posted 05 January 2009 - 09:23 PM
EMT stretcher teams could call for a ALS RA, ALS engine, and a EMS supervisor. PM stretcher teams could call for a BLS RA and the EMS supervisor.
USFS FFs could call the fire plane.
USAR FFs could call the heavy rescue.
Regular FF/PMs and FF/EMTs wouldn't be able to call anything.