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LEDesigns * Minor Release Jan 26, 2011.

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#721 ChicagoFirefighterL3



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Posted 16 May 2010 - 06:23 PM

Where and how do you install this
Geposte afbeelding

Geposte afbeelding

#722 Guest_BLFDfirefighter158_*

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Posted 17 May 2010 - 12:20 AM

yea im confused as how to install this too. i dont have any version of it and would like the latest one.. im just not good at all this computer stuff.. ahahha so i hopeee it has an installer.

#723 Guest_PalaFDExplorer_*

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Posted 17 May 2010 - 08:36 PM

yea im confused as how to install this too. i dont have any version of it and would like the latest one.. im just not good at all this computer stuff.. ahahha so i hopeee it has an installer.

It's not very hard. Go to joseOu's light bar submod, download it, then go to your los angeles mod folder (C:/Program Files/Wizard Works/911 First Responders/mods/Los Angeles mod v2.0 [There may not be spaces]). Open the JoseOu's light bar winrar file, then click the file to see the contents. back up each of the files being replaced. highlight all of the contents inside the winrar, then drag them into the la mod folder. Replace all of the folders in there, it should ask. Then, download the ambulance and pd lights from pr, as well as the fire light mod. DO NOT DOWNLOAD 9.4!! Then, go to the "Prototypes" folder in the LA Mod file. Then to "Vehicles" then open each folder (I.E LA Ambulance). Then, open LA Ambulance in the winrar, drag the contents into the LA Ambulance, LA Police, or LA Fire. Just make sure it's the corresponding file. Any questions? It shouldn't be too hard.

#724 Guest_BLFDfirefighter158_*

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Posted 17 May 2010 - 10:22 PM

It's not very hard. Go to joseOu's light bar submod, download it, then go to your los angeles mod folder (C:/Program Files/Wizard Works/911 First Responders/mods/Los Angeles mod v2.0 [There may not be spaces]). Open the JoseOu's light bar winrar file, then click the file to see the contents. back up each of the files being replaced. highlight all of the contents inside the winrar, then drag them into the la mod folder. Replace all of the folders in there, it should ask. Then, download the ambulance and pd lights from pr, as well as the fire light mod. DO NOT DOWNLOAD 9.4!! Then, go to the "Prototypes" folder in the LA Mod file. Then to "Vehicles" then open each folder (I.E LA Ambulance). Then, open LA Ambulance in the winrar, drag the contents into the LA Ambulance, LA Police, or LA Fire. Just make sure it's the corresponding file. Any questions? It shouldn't be too hard.

well i screwed up somehow. i tried to do it like you said but as i try to load freeplay the game shuts down when it loads up.. :/

#725 C.F.D


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Posted 18 May 2010 - 02:09 AM

Do you have the correct LA mod? Did you drag the prototype files into the correct vehicle folders under prototype? Did you add Jose's required Files for models, and scripts?



#726 Guest_BLFDfirefighter158_*

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Posted 18 May 2010 - 02:32 AM

Do you have the correct LA mod? Did you drag the prototype files into the correct vehicle folders under prototype? Did you add Jose's required Files for models, and scripts?

i have la mod version 2.0 with patch one. i have the additional units submod which is the only submod i have so far. i THINK i put in jose's and i THINK i put in the right files and everything, but then again obv i didnt cause its not working lol, im just horrible at this stuff hahah, should i just forget about putting in this submod? cause you would probably get annoyed trying to explain this to me.. :(

#727 Xplorer4x4


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Posted 19 May 2010 - 12:53 AM

No, I've not updated the LAPD Impala. And for the Pack, Well, Sorry, but gets me really occupied. I'll try get your request completed hopefully soon sometimes this week.

It takes you a week to find the most recent working folder and zip/rar them up and upload? Thats ok then I'll just use what I have, since its to much trouble, and use that new light pack thats out now.

Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.

Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.

Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE

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#728 cnyfirefighter18



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Posted 19 May 2010 - 05:42 AM

the ems supervisor has a bug in it and different spawn points for vehicles but other than that it works great and love the new added lights

#729 260TS



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Posted 24 May 2010 - 12:22 AM

I installed the latest mod, and now my "Chase Vehicle/Person" button isn't working on the LASD cars.. anyone else having problems with that or know how to fix it? It use to work before I installed the mod..

The "Standby" feature on the regular CHP patrol car seems to be missing as well..

#730 heyjoojoo


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Posted 24 May 2010 - 06:38 PM

So is the LATEST project reality file the 1.9.4? and then you add the JoseQ update files to this?

(it's really hard to try and figure out which files are needed and which are the latest...)

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#731 heyjoojoo


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Posted 24 May 2010 - 06:42 PM

Posted Image

It's finally here!

EMS, FD and PD have been updated to improve realism, newer patterns and slight glitches.

The installer has been removed, simply extract the folders into the Prototypes/Vehicles folder.


NOTE: This Attachment currently has all Submods added...Make sure you have the required additional units to make it work, otherwise they will appear as Missing in-game....Hoppah's Additional Units, Lushinos Unmarked Unit and EMS Supervisor SUV.

Tomorrow or Later on i will upload the Clean version that does not have any addon prototypes.

Changes made:


-LAPD Dodge Charger and LAPD Slicktop and Marked units updated. Improved and realistic Arjent Quality.
-Improved many dome headlight colors for Corner Strobes on many units that has it, i.e LASD, Unmarked, ATV Unmarked ( Hoppah's additional units submod)....
-Updated the Border Patrol Charger ( Hoppah's Additional Units submod)
-Improved the quality of lights on Unmarked Crown Vic as well changed some patterns to the rear lights ( it has several patterns changed in the time frame of 1 minute or 2)
-All Traffic Advisories Updated and realistic.
-Updated FBI Suburban, added Rear Hide-A-Ways as well Corner Strobes.
-Updated Lushinos Unmarked Dodge Charger-Added two more frontal LED lights.

Videos of them in action:

Fire Department:

-Battalion SUV; With no Special lights Activated, Realistic LAFD lights shown...but with Special lights activated ( Traffic Advisory) Extra Lights activates, signature of Project Reality Lights and Tony Lights.
-Both Engines have updated Traffic Advisory Patterns and some speed changes made to intersection lights.
-Minor Tweaks made to some Brush Units.


LAFD Aerial Truck's Lightbar Domes now converted to LED; based off real life new vector LEDS kit....Here is a video for example...



- Some Minor Tweaks made to LAFD Ambulance
- Lightbar of Large Rescue Ambulance ( Hoppah Addtional Units Submod) Patterns changes now...many patterns changed under the time frame of 1-2 minutes.
- EMS Supervisor SUV; Corner Strobes, Some 360 Lights, and when Special lights Activated, more rear lights activates.

Hope you Enjoy it!

Does this include JoseOu's updated FD vehicles?

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#732 Tevion2GO



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Posted 24 May 2010 - 08:01 PM

Does this include JoseOu's updated FD vehicles?

no. you can dowloaded joseOu's LED vehicles with the PRL update extra. it's the first download in the first post ( something with Project Reality LED FD )

#733 heyjoojoo


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Posted 24 May 2010 - 09:18 PM

no. you can dowloaded joseOu's LED vehicles with the PRL update extra. it's the first download in the first post ( something with Project Reality LED FD )

Ah okay. Thanks.

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#734 Steve Winters

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Posted 25 May 2010 - 09:06 PM

It seems like people are having some troubles... If you guys need help installing it and the LED Light bar mod, ask and I'll help you out.

Posted Image

#735 Guest_ArmyEngineer25_*

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Posted 26 May 2010 - 10:19 PM

What models are you missing? If its Police like Unmarked Units, then you need to download Lushinos Additional Unmarked Units, or Hoppah's Additional Units Submod.

If its the limos and some civilian cars, its still an issue we're trying to fix.

I am having the same problem with the missing limo and other civilian cars but its no biggy....MOD is AMAZING.....best thing I have downloaded yet!

#736 TacticalRooster22


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Posted 26 May 2010 - 10:30 PM

Everything works fine for me... :unsure:


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#737 Xplorer4x4


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Posted 26 May 2010 - 11:02 PM

My guess is he is using an outdated package from when the bug was around.

The only major detail lacking on alot of rigs is side radiation. Your getting very good, cfd, with the radiation for things like corner strobes, now time to add some side radation coming from the lightbar.

Please DO NOT PM ME for help. Ask your questions on the forum to help others with the same issue.

Enhance your LA Mod Freeplay Experience with LA Mod 2.0 4x4 Submod.

Los Angeles Mod v2.0 4x4 W00ds Map v1 - BETA RELEASE

If you appreciate my work, then please donate. Every little bit helps!

#738 Guest_BLFDfirefighter158_*

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Posted 27 May 2010 - 08:44 PM

i just installed this and the game just closes either when i go into freeplay or not to long into a mission.. i know its installed correctly cause i dispatched some units with the LED and everything on a mission.. i had this problem before but only after a while on freeplay or randomly throughout freeplay. and a message came up about the video driver or somthing like that.. what can i do to solve this?? atleast to where it does it less frequently..

and now, i just tried to go on again and the screen is halfway down the moniter!! ugh.. i have bad luck..

#739 Guest_ArmyEngineer25_*

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Posted 27 May 2010 - 09:05 PM

I have a little problem....I went through earlier and downloaded a the PR light kit...I then downloaded the v1.6.1 update since it said you have to have it then I downloaded and installed the folders from the very first download which included Engine 7 Engine 88 Brush 7 LaCoFD Heavy Equipment Squad then i went down the page and downloaded v1.9.4. The problem I am having is that after I downloaded them the lights worked great but I noticed missing civilian vehicles that magically turned into boxes which i am sure that one of them is the limo. Also the 2 ems supervisor cars are all jacked up and the ems supervisor charger is missing the picture and when its called out, it is all mangled. besides that i think i downloaded and installed the stuff correct but if not please help me out haha.

Oh and one other thing I noticed....when you tell the vehicles to patrol or go to hospital they just sit there as well as the patrol cars stop when i click on a suspect to chase down.


#740 Guest_ArmyEngineer25_*

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Posted 27 May 2010 - 11:24 PM

Nevermind about the missing cars ect. I just went in and deleted the supervisor vehicle all together.....I dont have missing limos or cabs...everything is running amazing!

If anyone could help me tho with installing a new emt supervisor vehicle and what specific file to replace that would be great other wise i dont use it anyways