Lol, That is so trueHow about a fix-up on the negotiator's texture? I mean, It says Poletzi on the front of his vest.

[EM4] Suggestions/Ideas Thread: (Revised)
Geschrieben 30 Dezember 2008 - 03:33
Also, the coroners van should have the traffic advisor above the rear doors like this rather then on the back of the lightbar as it is ingame.
Again these are just suggestions to make the game more accurate.
Geschrieben 30 Dezember 2008 - 05:53
Geschrieben 30 Dezember 2008 - 11:21
A few more suggestions, just for accuracy. RA102 in real life does not have the chevrons on the back, as you can see in this photo. I suggest you just change the 102 to 107, as RA107 has the chevrons as seen in this photo.
Also, the coroners van should have the traffic advisor above the rear doors like this rather then on the back of the lightbar as it is ingame.
Again these are just suggestions to make the game more accurate.
Accurate yes, but ultimately you run into the problem of Specific vs Representative. To be completely accurate, Fire Station 1 would not have the units it has, nor would Fire Station 2. Then you get into the issue of models and numbering, Do you have RA107 in Fire Station 1 when it should be RA1, but RA1 might have ab older style ambulance or Engine, so do we not have the new version in the game because FS1 doesn't? Or do we just use random numbers that are representative of various units throughout the city and that don't necessarily reflect any actual unit in service but represent a mix of the majority of units one would find if they were to walk around LA and conforms to the general numerical scheme used by the LAFD?
i dont know how usefull these sugestions are but i want to thank everyone that takes there time to reply to the commints my idea was a trailer that the tec van could tow with baracades, cones, flares, traffic vests, and other traffic equitment and mabie it could also have a light bar on top to re direct cars after you detach it from the van so i guess it could be like a traffic control trailerto deal with high density areasjust an idea
Well, let me ask you this, can you give me an example of when you would use this in freeplay in a way that you find more efficient or better then having the current Caltrans van used as a rolling arrow bar, and PD cars for traffic control, cones and flares? The only trailers we really use here in LA and SoCal, be it LA DOT, CALTRANS, or LACo Public Works, are the arrow boards and now and then porta potties. The arrow board might have a "cool!" factor for some people, but when you realize the trailer logic in the game is not perfect, and it seems that having the Caltrans van just park there with the arrow is just as effective, I'm not quite certain the "cool!" factor beats the simplicity of using PD and the van.

.jpg) For the best in General and Fire/Law Enforcement photography in the Southern California Area.
Geschrieben 30 Dezember 2008 - 11:44
Does LA have any Traffic control vehicles that aren't like police cruisers... ?
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Geschrieben 30 Dezember 2008 - 11:55
Question, then the answer will determine if this becomes a suggestion:
Does LA have any Traffic control vehicles that aren't like police cruisers... ?
Yes and No. The department of transportaion (LA DOT) uses the parking enforcement bureau for traffic control. These are hybrid toyotas with amber lights, for the most part, and pics can be found on my page. They are only requested for extended cleanup/call out with PD handling the majority of traffic control duties.
And as for a suggestion, it has already been suggested and discussed within the mod, and probably needs to be added to the first post, that they be added much like the original unarmed police in the game. Seeing as how a DOT van is already in the game with arrow bar, and PD is prevalent with cones and flares, it's super low on the addition scale for it really doesn't add anything that can't already be accomplished easily.

.jpg) For the best in General and Fire/Law Enforcement photography in the Southern California Area.
Geschrieben 30 Dezember 2008 - 11:56
Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information
Executive Director: EMP Gulag
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Geschrieben 30 Dezember 2008 - 11:57
I saw a SWAT helicopter in a youtube video, but can't quite remember which one. I was wondering is that available to get, or download, etc?
Would a firefighting helicopter be any good in the LA Mod?
Also I was thinking, is a quint ingame possible?
Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2008 - 12:03
There is one, use the Medicopter for Helitack(FD)
a quint is a ladder that sprays basically, and this one does, It is Rear mount, Front mount is possible, but I think it was discussed somewhere, and it isn't going to happen
There we go 4 lines to answer it

I'm good,

Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information
Executive Director: EMP Gulag
Do you have a warning that you want to go away, or are you facing another punishment you don't want? Contact me for the NEW alternative!
Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2008 - 12:07
SWAT helicopter was a personal mod by someone, the Army Chopper drops people and the police chopper can carry SWAT too
There is one, use the Medicopter for Helitack(FD)
a quint is a ladder that sprays basically, and this one does, It is Rear mount, Front mount is possible, but I think it was discussed somewhere, and it isn't going to happen
There we go 4 lines to answer it
I'm good,If someone from the team wishes to elaborate, go ahead.
Thanks for answering the other Q's but do let me elaborate on the Firefighting Helicopter.
I am meaning one something like this:

Sort of a cross between a firefighting aeroplane and a Medicopter, but this Helichopper (

Though, it may be too advanced for the game. I don't know really.
Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2008 - 12:08

Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2008 - 12:10
The Quint topic, the team can handle,because I don't know what to say to that
And no, the map can't get bigger, at all, its as big as possible for the game engine
Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information
Executive Director: EMP Gulag
Do you have a warning that you want to go away, or are you facing another punishment you don't want? Contact me for the NEW alternative!
Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2008 - 12:10
I saw a SWAT helicopter in a youtube video, but can't quite remember which one. I was wondering is that available to get, or download, etc?
LAPD's Huey is no longer in service and they are waiting to get one of the retired LAFD ones once the new helos are in service. Also, Hoppah has stated numerous times that he wants to keep the rapelling feature a speciality of the National Guard. It just goes to show how little SWAT misses the rapelling when they could retire the big blue bird without having any replacement on tap for quite a length of time.
The one you saw in a video was made by someone as a demonstrator, you'll have to contact that person.
Would a firefighting helicopter be any good in the LA Mod?
My personal opinion is that it would. I've lobbied hard in the past and still hold out hope for an LACoFD Firehawk to be added with water dropping capabilities to augment the LAFD helicopters air ambulance role. While the model would just be a very minor revision to the current blackhawk in the game, unfortunately, the water dropping aspect attached to a helo has not been solved and probably won't be for quite some time.
The benefit of the helicopter in addition to the plane would be quicker turn around offset by smaller/more concentrated drops.
Also I was thinking, is a quint ingame possible?
Possible yes, but LAFD does not use quints. That is why we have the Task Force/Light Force concept.

.jpg) For the best in General and Fire/Law Enforcement photography in the Southern California Area.
Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2008 - 12:11
Accurate yes, but ultimately you run into the problem of Specific vs Representative. To be completely accurate, Fire Station 1 would not have the units it has, nor would Fire Station 2. Then you get into the issue of models and numbering, Do you have RA107 in Fire Station 1 when it should be RA1, but RA1 might have ab older style ambulance or Engine, so do we not have the new version in the game because FS1 doesn't? Or do we just use random numbers that are representative of various units throughout the city and that don't necessarily reflect any actual unit in service but represent a mix of the majority of units one would find if they were to walk around LA and conforms to the general numerical scheme used by the LAFD?
Well, engine 7 is skinned accurately, along with engine 88 (now 288 ingame). Other units are modeled and skinned after their real life counterparts. USAR 85 seems to be in station 1 along with engine 7 and 88 (288). To be really accurate you would have to model TF1 along with RA1 to go in station 1. I don't see what the problem is in changing a 2 to a 7 for accuracy's sake, esp. when other units are modeled after real life units. Obviously, the map doesent reflect LA at all, so I don't really think that the stations being inaccurate is a big deal. In my opinion, the units should be as accurate as possible. Not so much the map and stations.
Would I like the map and stations to be accurate? Hell yeah, but I know that an accurate map and accurate stations will never ever happen.
How hard would changing a 2 to a 7 be? You could get ShaneGreen to do it.
Also, RA 802, which is ingame, should also be changed becuase there is no RA 802 in the LAFD.
Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2008 - 12:14
LAPD's Huey is no longer in service and they are waiting to get one of the retired LAFD ones once the new helos are in service. Also, Hoppah has stated numerous times that he wants to keep the rapelling feature a speciality of the National Guard. It just goes to show how little SWAT misses the rapelling when they could retire the big blue bird without having any replacement on tap for quite a length of time.
The one you saw in a video was made by someone as a demonstrator, you'll have to contact that person.
My personal opinion is that it would. I've lobbied hard in the past and still hold out hope for an LACoFD Firehawk to be added with water dropping capabilities to augment the LAFD helicopters air ambulance role. While the model would just be a very minor revision to the current blackhawk in the game, unfortunately, the water dropping aspect attached to a helo has not been solved and probably won't be for quite some time.
The benefit of the helicopter in addition to the plane would be quicker turn around offset by smaller/more concentrated drops.
Possible yes, but LAFD does not use quints. That is why we have the Task Force/Light Force concept.
Thanks Mike,
I'm not too up to date on what apparatus/appliances the LAFD has, but i'll be sure to do a bit of research.
Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2008 - 12:21
a quint is a ladder that sprays basically,
Not true, a quint is a rig that has to support both engine and truck company roles, meaning a full compliment of hose and a pump panel and a fixed ariel device, so it would be an addition to the game for those fires in freeplay that end up on the second story but then you get exposures starting to burn. but thats my opinion

Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2008 - 12:37
A few more suggestions, just for accuracy. RA102 in real life does not have the chevrons on the back,...
I believe la mod only has an ra102. it a sub mod that adds 102.
Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2008 - 12:37
Well, engine 7 is skinned accurately, along with engine 88 (now 288 ingame). Other units are modeled and skinned after their real life counterparts.
7, 88/288 are all older models and don't have Chevrons. While the ones in game have them because they are representative of the latest models, and not specifically those units in real life.
USAR 85 seems to be in station 1 along with engine 7 and 88 (288). To be really accurate you would have to model TF1 along with RA1 to go in station 1. I don't see what the problem is in changing a 2 to a 7 for accuracy's sake, esp. when other units are modeled after real life units. Obviously, the map doesent reflect LA at all, so I don't really think that the stations being inaccurate is a big deal. In my opinion, the units should be as accurate as possible. Not so much the map and stations.
You are correct, to be really accurate, USAR would have to be removed, B1, would have to be removed, and all of the numbers would have to be changed which is not something you, nor anyone else wants.
The maps, the stations, and the units, do indeed represent a great cross section of LA from the wildland interface to the port areas in a way that I have always been impressed with, seeing how none of the game designers or mod makers are from LA. What helps that is the fact that LA is so diverse and having lived in much of the US and been to great sections of the world, places tend not to be very different from one another.
Would I like the map and stations to be accurate? Hell yeah, but I know that an accurate map and accurate stations will never ever happen.
How hard would changing a 2 to a 7 be? You could get ShaneGreen to do it.
Also, RA 802, which is ingame, should also be changed becuase there is no RA 802 in the LAFD.
But there has to be a line drawn between specific and representative. The members of the mod chose to draw that line at something that really should NOT be an issue, and to us, isn't an issue, and that is the numbering scheme. Why is 802 numbered 802? Because it is the second model of ambulance. Why isnt Engine 7, Engine 1 then? Because Hoppah was fond of that image and wanted to make that rig and has updated it over time.
You seemed resigned to the fact that the map and stations will never be accurate, feel free to add the numbering will not either. It will be representative in that the numbering scheme will fit in with the current practices ie. Reserve Engines if ever added will be 400 series, 2-Cars will be 200, BLS ambulances will be 800... but they will not be specific.
How hard is it? When you have a list of over 60 things that are being worked on that affect gameplay, stability, improvements and scripting, #61 change a couple of numbers doesn't even register on the list.
So just to repeat, because I know you will be chomping at the bit to reply to this because you truly want to see the numbers change...
The numbering and paint schemes used for ALL units in the game are Representative and may or may not reflect any current vehicle in service at this time.

.jpg) For the best in General and Fire/Law Enforcement photography in the Southern California Area.
Geschrieben 31 Dezember 2008 - 01:47
Dieser Beitrag wurde von MikesPhotos bearbeitet: 31 Dezember 2008 - 02:01
Question moved to appropriate thread.
Geschrieben 01 Januar 2009 - 04:50
how bout a new strecher hers a pic of the most comon 1 i see
Firstly, I think that's the stretcher they already use in the game.
Second, To you, Mike... What does LA use? Do they use the Striker series, or Fernos?
And lastly, I was thinking the other day.. Is there a way to add the animation used during the "stabilize" ability (with the two FF/EMTs setting down the stretcher, teching the patient, then standing up again), and add that to the "pick up patient on stretcher" command? You'd get the realistic time and action of them picking the patient up from the ground onto the stretcher, then standing with a stretcher with a patient on it... Know what I mean?
I realize of course that it just makes it LONGER to pick up a patient, and does not add anything, just asthetics. But would it be possible? Or does the game recognize the two animations ("stabilize" and "pick up patient") as two totally different actions?