Are you guys going to include an undercover taxi like they have in the NYPD or a Ford Explorer for the highway patrol Heres a link:

[HOLD] New York City Modification v2.0
Posted 18 February 2015 - 04:16 PM
Thanks to Max Starmer, Jamnj88, Mindcat, Aether, itchboy, and losangelesi for helping me make my own private mod!
Posted 18 February 2015 - 05:14 PM
I'd say it will. We're not quite at that point yet, but it's a lot smaller to use that, so we'll probably see that this time around again
It's gonna be outstanding. Look at the team, we're amazing, of course anything we make will be amazing. You can thank me now. And then, and actually, you didn't thank me in the last post, I'm disappointed
Im hoping you guys will make so you dont need it iv tried to played the other one but my game does not have the mod installer
Posted 18 February 2015 - 10:41 PM
Are you guys going to include an undercover taxi like they have in the NYPD or a Ford Explorer for the highway patrol Heres a link:
During our mod period, I could never find a ford explorer for the highway units, the only thing they had that would be applicable would be a tahoe/suburban for our time period.
The Taxis are part of the NY Taxi and Limo Commission, their primary role is to enforce taxis and limos for compliance in regards to their respective roles within the city (IE not having your medallion clearly displayed, having a customer with the meter off, not having the lights on the cab, equipment violations, etc.) The unmarked cabs arent really meant for regular enforcement duties, but specialized to handle for-hire vehicles within the city. (quite clever when you think about it, who'd ever think that a fellow cab was out to get them if they were unaware it was a police car).
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 19 February 2015 - 03:22 AM
Wow I never thought a cab did that. I also thought it responded to calls or other stuff. WOW technology is better by the minute!
Thanks to Max Starmer, Jamnj88, Mindcat, Aether, itchboy, and losangelesi for helping me make my own private mod!
Posted 20 February 2015 - 07:40 AM
http://www.policecar...d/nypdcars.html try that it may help you a bit
and for highway patrol
it may also help as its got lot off photos
Posted 20 February 2015 - 03:57 PM
Can you guys put in the Nissan Altima Hybrid, and the Prius Hybrid from the link that mooneg4k put in. Thanks
Thanks to Max Starmer, Jamnj88, Mindcat, Aether, itchboy, and losangelesi for helping me make my own private mod!
Posted 20 February 2015 - 05:14 PM
No. The hybrid comes from AFTER the cutoff date for this mod, likewise with the Prius.
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Posted 20 February 2015 - 09:59 PM
Posted 21 February 2015 - 08:20 AM
Love what your doing, taking US Army mod scripts and putting it in a qoute firefighter mod unqoute can't wait for it sounds like a blast! Everyone keep up the great work!
Well, it isnt the US army mod script, it's a brand new script specifically designed to make an emergency services experience, as opposed to the Army mod script which was pure military in it's function (it inspired doing this to the NY mod, but could not be used to "base" off of, unfortunately).
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 21 February 2015 - 10:51 AM
Best way to describe it, is that the New York Mod script is a much much more advanced version.
Posted 21 February 2015 - 10:58 AM
The Taxis are part of the NY Taxi and Limo Commission, their primary role is to enforce taxis and limos for compliance in regards to their respective roles within the city (IE not having your medallion clearly displayed, having a customer with the meter off, not having the lights on the cab, equipment violations, etc.) The unmarked cabs arent really meant for regular enforcement duties, but specialized to handle for-hire vehicles within the city. (quite clever when you think about it, who'd ever think that a fellow cab was out to get them if they were unaware it was a police car).
Not entirely accurate. While TLC enforcement does mostly utilize unmarked patrol vehicles the vast majority (if not all) unmarked RMPs painted as NYC cabs actually belong to NYPD and are used as regular unmarked police vehicles. These RMPs are assigned to NYPD precincts and are used by both uniformed and plainclothes officers. They often perform routine patrols, respond to calls, conduct vehicle stops.
I think the confusion is coming from the fact that in NYC there are a few different types of taxis. This is a tightly regulated city and the only authorized taxis which can pick up passengers on the streets are the uniformly marked yellow (or green, but that's a different story) cabs. These are the ones which NYPD has a few imitations of and what most people think of when they hear about cops using undercover taxis. These are the only taxis authorized to pick up 'street hails' and cruise around looking for passengers. Much more present, especially outside Manhattan, are car services. These cars have numeric license plates (Starting with the letter T and ending with C) and need some required ID/equipment inside, but otherwise are just regular cars with whatever markings the owner sees fit. These cars can only pick up people who have called up and arranged for pick-up. Violations of rules like that are what TLC mostly enforces. As such, I've seen that they do have some unmarked RMPs with the TC plates on them, but other than that no deceptive markings.
I don't imagine that RMPs painted as yellow NYC cabs would make much sense for TLC either as the yellow cabs, operating with an expensive license (medallion) sometimes costing more than a millions dollars to obtain, aren't subject to the restrictions of typical car services and as such wouldn't be seen engaging in some of the sneaky tactics that the car services do.
Posted 21 February 2015 - 11:20 AM
Thank you for the information, I'm not sure if it's accurate though, from what I was told previously by others those cabs are used mostly for TLC enforcement duties.. Without a cited source I'm not really sure what to do with your information, as others from the NY area have stated otherwise just as well. Such is the problem with information, it's only valid if verified =/ and I'm not sure which one is valid and which one is mis-informed at this point.
Obviously, there are different types of services, there are the standard "yellow" cabs that most people associate with nyc, then there are limos, and lastly (but probably the most common) are the for-hire sedan services.. In most cities these vehicles operate outside of the normal "taxi" limitations because of how they operate they work around the loopholes within the "for-hire" system, mostly in that they cannot pick up by being "hailed" on the street.
My guess is that you've got limited experience with "for-hire" services, some of the most prevalent violators of operation conditions are those which have a "monopoly" of sorts on their areas of operation, when they are given exclusive operation licenses over an area they tend to be more prone to overcharging on fares, tampering with the meters, etc. (this especially happens with taxis that have exclusive rights to airport pick-up) Add in the caveat that yes the medallion does cost upwards of 1 mill to obtain one would think that they would be less prone to violation, however, most operators of the cabs (actual drivers) "lease" the cabs from the primary owner which obtained/holds the license for the operation of the vehicle. As such you have some quality control issues when it comes to proper operation of the vehicles since they are in essence renting the cab from the proper owner, this practice occurs in many places where the owner of the cab will take a % in exchange for permitting the driver the ability to operate the cab for profit.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 21 February 2015 - 12:07 PM
TLC enforcement duties fall under the jurisdiction of a completely different agency. TLC maintains it's own force of inspectors who are responsible for dealing with rules specific to NYC's taxis and for-hire cars. While NYPD can of course enforce these rules too it's generally a task deferred to the aforementioned agency. There's a reason why NYC has more law enforcement agencies operating within it than any other city in the US. There are a hell of a lot of specialized departments with specialized tasks. NYPD is just the largest and performs the general law enforcement functions.
That said, the various videos and photos you can find online of uniformed NYPD officers driving patrol cars painted like taxis, clearly, aren't TLC inspectors. Additionally TLC inspectors don't carry a firearm, so in anything you see where the plainclothes officer coming out of a spiffy cop-taxi has a weapon on their hip you can reasonably assume it's NYPD. As TLC has such a small force and this is a pretty niche subject the best way to verify what I'm telling you may just be to google around.
Rules regarding taxi in NYC are a bit different from most of the country. They don't get exclusive operation rights to areas or the authority to set rates. A company which purchases a medallion from TLC must outfit their specifically authorized vehicle to the TLC's regulations regarding specific equipment from decals to dividers, computers, meters, etc. The rates are set by the city through TLC so that every company has to charge the same price. Companies or individual operators messing with the meter really isn't an issue these days. Not only does the threat of a medallion being revoked create a huge deterrent like you mentioned, but the systems are now very sophisticated. The meter is intigrated with all sorts of silliness from an onboard TV, automated messages from TLC, credit card system, etc. Chances are the dude driving the cab would have no idea how to alter the meter without screwing up everything else. Besides, here are also routine inspections for these vehicles. In all seriousness the yellow cabs really aren't a big problem in NYC.
The livery car-services are an entirely different animal. Licensing is cheaper and the extent of required equipment doesn't go beyond an amber duress light positioned on the back of the car, hardware to display the operator's license and a poster from the TLC on the back of the driver's seat. These for hire cars don't have metered fares, but rather the cost of the trip will (or at least is supposed to be) agreed upon before the trip. It's mostly these numerous black towncars zipping around which TLC enforcement ends up addressing.
Posted 21 February 2015 - 05:58 PM
Best way to describe it, is that the New York Mod script is a much much more advanced version.
Well very nice to hear always thought US Army mod was elite but cant wait for you to break your record modding wise.Well, it isnt the US army mod script, it's a brand new script specifically designed to make an emergency services experience, as opposed to the Army mod script which was pure military in it's function (it inspired doing this to the NY mod, but could not be used to "base" off of, unfortunately).
Posted 25 February 2015 - 11:43 PM
Glad to see another major project looks great, will it be a little more in depth with equipment features or new types of emergencies?
Posted 26 February 2015 - 12:09 AM
New emergencies, for sure. As far as in depth more, that depends what your benchmark is. If you want it to be a firefighting simulation, where you have to use one of 600 different tools at your disposal, far from it, however there are more than the base game functions
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Executive Director: EMP Gulag
Do you have a warning that you want to go away, or are you facing another punishment you don't want? Contact me for the NEW alternative!
Posted 26 February 2015 - 01:06 AM
More game functions. Awesome!
Thanks to Max Starmer, Jamnj88, Mindcat, Aether, itchboy, and losangelesi for helping me make my own private mod!
Posted 28 February 2015 - 04:47 PM
Maybe a stupid question, but is it possible to port mods from EM4 to EM5 now when there is full mod support for EM5?.. Reason Im asking is because, is it worth continuing this mod on EM4 instead of EM5?.
Posted 28 February 2015 - 05:06 PM
There is not full mod support, there is still much to do in order to take a mod from EM4 and make it work in EM5, the systems are pretty different especially for models and maps. Let's be honest that is the bread and butter of most mods out there, so you're looking at an incredible bit of work. I am not sure how the scripting aspects work in EM5 vs EM4 at all, so I can't even fathom what would have to change to make that work. Simply put it's not something we have in mind to do with regards to this mod, all of the effort to this point was to make EM4 gameplay more evolved as opposed to trying to make the game look prettier (em5). As framework aspects go, we would rather stick with EM4 rather than trying to go into EM5 and probably most likely have to redo 90% of what we've done thus far.
Their SDK has been released for EM5 yes, but as to improved function/performance/gameplay that has not been proven yet, this latest "patch" (they call it a DLC I call it a patch) just came out and as far as I know nobody has really worked with it to see what it actually does/is capable of doing. Don't try to put the cart in front of the horse with figuring well they released some tools, so now it must be a cakewalk to just flip everything over, chances are it is not going to be that easy unless someone makes additional tools to make it possible. I myself don't feel like going into EM5 is really worth it for the step backwards in game play that I experienced in my trial of EM5, my fellow cohorts would have to speak for themselves as I can only speak for me, but I was unimpressed with EM5.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 28 February 2015 - 05:58 PM
Some of us don't have EM5!. Other people may think that EM4 is better so that's why people continue modding for EM4
Thanks to Max Starmer, Jamnj88, Mindcat, Aether, itchboy, and losangelesi for helping me make my own private mod!