Its okay this mod will take time to come out just like the La mod

[HOLD] New York City Modification v2.0
Posted 10 April 2015 - 11:33 PM
Thanks to Max Starmer, Jamnj88, Mindcat, Aether, itchboy, and losangelesi for helping me make my own private mod!
Posted 10 April 2015 - 11:34 PM
Sorry wasn't meant in a rude waytrue my bad
Posted 10 April 2015 - 11:44 PM
We are the equivalent of the "union" modders. we work on our own timetables when we can and more importantly feel like working on the mod. We are making progress and will release some more pictures sometime soon =) Patience is a virtue, and unions can go on strike >)
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 11 April 2015 - 12:43 AM
What makes it more interesting is that because we're a multinational team, our union isn't quite one. We each have different time tables, for instance, I only work for a minimum of four hours work, with a minimum of 30 minutes break time included. And my hours have to be a certain time frame with a certain amount of notice.
Not to say work isn't being done, it's just we're relaxed about how it's done
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Executive Director: EMP Gulag
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Posted 13 April 2015 - 07:35 PM
Hello guys,
Some new screenshots!
Lately we've been mostly working on new buildings and filling the map a bit up. We're making good progress on that. but there is stil a lot that needs to be done. We can hopefully release some more information regarding gameplay soon. Just like Meik and NFK said, we take our time. I wish I had more time to work on the mod, but a fulltime job is unfortunately demanding.
Posted 13 April 2015 - 07:42 PM
Posted 13 April 2015 - 11:42 PM
looks great guys!
Posted 14 April 2015 - 12:20 AM
Thanks to Max Starmer, Jamnj88, Mindcat, Aether, itchboy, and losangelesi for helping me make my own private mod!
Posted 14 April 2015 - 12:27 AM
I think they said that traffic wouldn't be heavyI know this is dumb to ask since it existes in NY but you guys will include the fire lane and alot of traffic to simulate New York right?
Posted 14 April 2015 - 01:18 AM
The AI is too dumb to flood the map with excessive traffic. Fairly fast the map would turn into gridlock from the user's activities (IE redirecting traffic or blocking an intersection). So while realistic, in this game once a spawn is blocked the traffic won't spawn anymore there, so it'd cause more complaints if the traffic seized up the first time you jammed it resulting in alotta traffic till you cleared it then a ghost town because of the way the game handles that issue.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 14 April 2015 - 07:23 PM
You guys planing on adding interiors to the buildings or will it be like some other mods where the FF and police walk into it then disappear and then come back later? I must say I enjoy any mod that has interiors. makes FF and swat way more interesting.
Posted 14 April 2015 - 08:22 PM
There will be interiors on some buildings, but I don't believe all buildings will have full interiors.
Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information
Executive Director: EMP Gulag
Do you have a warning that you want to go away, or are you facing another punishment you don't want? Contact me for the NEW alternative!
Posted 17 April 2015 - 01:43 PM
So I have a idea, not sure if you'l want to look into it for this mod but I thought it was cool.
Is it possible to have cars run over people? If its possible it would be cool to have a script so that if personal were not in traffic vests or bunker gear and encountered a car on the road they would be hit and become injured. This way we have a added layer or relism and a use for the traffic vest.
Also Supporting: RCMP mod, Stillwater mod, Lampard mod, Ravenna sub-mod, Rockport mod.
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Posted 17 April 2015 - 02:09 PM
So I have a idea, not sure if you'l want to look into it for this mod but I thought it was cool.
Is it possible to have cars run over people? If its possible it would be cool to have a script so that if personal were not in traffic vests or bunker gear and encountered a car on the road they would be hit and become injured. This way we have a added layer or relism and a use for the traffic vest.
Original Emergency games had this feature as standard.
It is quite possible in EM4. All Hoppah needs to do is play with the physics engine via mission script. Some of my own examples here:
This has many more negatives than positives:
- The game has spotty physics. Might not always work/might crash game
- These things are optimized for cutscenes, not general gameplay
- Too much work IMO for only a minor cosmetic gameplay function.
An alternate solution would be to only allow redirection and traffic control when wearing the traffic vest
If anyone wants to try this out, here's some of the code used.
MoveCollCheck OnCheckMoveCollision(GameObject *Collider1_, Actor *Collider2_) { if ( Collider1_ && Collider1_->GetID() == ccrash.GetID() )) { return MCC_IGNORE_CONTINUE; } if ( Collider1_ && Collider1_->GetID() == gcar.GetID() )) { return MCC_IGNORE_CONTINUE; } return MCC_HALT_CONTINUE; } void OnCollision(GameObject *Collider1, GameObject *Collider2) { if (!Collider1 || !Collider2) return; if (Collider1->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE && Collider2->GetType() == ACTOR_VEHICLE) { if (Collider1->GetID() == ccrash.GetID() || Collider2->GetID() == ccrash.GetID()) { GameObject *suv = NULL, *sedan = NULL; if (Collider1->HasName("cs_gcar") && Collider2->HasName("cs_crash_car")) { suv = Collider1; sedan = Collider2; } else if (Collider1->HasName("cs_crash_car") && Collider2->HasName("cs_gcar")) { sedan = Collider1; suv = Collider2; } if(suv) { suv->ChangePrototype(PROTOTYPE_WRECK2); suv->EnablePhysicsSimulation(true); suv->EnablePhysics(); suv->SetPhysicsVelocity(10.0f, -8.0f, 2.0f); } if(sedan) { sedan->ChangePrototype(PROTOTYPE_WRECK1); sedan->EnablePhysicsSimulation(true); sedan->EnablePhysics(); sedan->SetPhysicsVelocity(24.0f, -6.0f, 1.0f); } Audio::PlaySample3D(SOUND_CAR_CRASH, ccrash.GetPosition(), false); for (int d=0; d < MAX_DEBRIS; ++d) { mDebris[d].Show(); } Vector EmitterPos1 = ccrash.GetPosition(); Vector EmitterPos2 = gcar.GetPosition(); Game::PlayEmitter("thud01", EmitterPos1); Game::PlayEmitter("windowsplints02", EmitterPos1); Game::PlayEmitter("thud01", EmitterPos2); Game::PlayEmitter("windowsplints02", EmitterPos2); System::Log("M05: Car crash!"); Mission::StartSingleTimer(TIMER_ENDCRASH, TIME_ENDCRASH); } } }
Posted 17 April 2015 - 04:00 PM
We did tests on playing with the physics for real-time crashes before, while it looked interesting and clever, there were alotta drawbacks to implementing it. In the end it was more comical than actually a cool thing when we totaled our test car with a script. Hitting a ped with a car is probably easier in comparison so idk bout that one at this time.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 19 April 2015 - 01:35 AM
It's always difficult to balance features and usability. (scripts vs bugs) The goal is always a bug free product. Keep your goals realistic and innovate where you can.
If you stretch your goals too far, you end up with more features but more bugs; some mods never fix these bugs simply to keep the "feature" in.
Posted 19 April 2015 - 02:44 AM
I think they did this in the US Army Modification.
Posted 19 April 2015 - 09:31 AM
It's always difficult to balance features and usability. (scripts vs bugs) The goal is always a bug free product. Keep your goals realistic and innovate where you can.
If you stretch your goals too far, you end up with more features but more bugs; some mods never fix these bugs simply to keep the "feature" in.
That is why we abandoned the vehicle vs vehicle collisions, the bugs that resulted from the engine's problems while hilarious to watch were so inconsistent that it made it kind of pointless to implement them. The script was fine but the reliability in the engine's physics to complete the task the same way every time just wasnt there. Mowing down a ped with a car in theory should be more reliable but we'd have to test it to see if it would respond as intended reliably, so maybe that can happen but I wouldnt bet the farm on it given what we've learned previously from using vehicles in a similar fashion.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 20 April 2015 - 10:30 PM
There's a bit of realism issue to vehicle-pedestrian collisions in a NYC mod. The citywide speed limit is only 25mph unless otherwise posted. Even large 6 lane highways like West St in downtown Manhattan have a speed limit of only 35mph. People really aren't going fast enough to make first responders being struck by vehicles a major issue. Civilian employees of the NYPD who work traffic control all day wear reflective vests, but aside from that it's unusual to see actual cops wearing gear like that. Even on special events and on scene in collisions, cops usually just rely on their vehicle's emergency lights to create visibility.
For gameplay, it's actually very realistic to simply put a cop standing in the street to momentarily stop traffic.A mechanic where personnel can be run over for standing in a vehicle's path would make a lot of sense if the mod took place in a rural area or on a highway, but in this case would in fact detract from realism.