Since you guys are using the same cars from MikeyPI, do you thing the mod that EM4life has made for the lights of the cars will work?

[HOLD] New York City Modification v2.0
Posted 19 May 2015 - 02:57 AM
Thanks to Max Starmer, Jamnj88, Mindcat, Aether, itchboy, and losangelesi for helping me make my own private mod!
Posted 19 May 2015 - 03:34 AM
His modification will likely be incompatible until/unless he updates it. While we are re-using many of the original vehicles from the released modification, his latest version from my understanding includes new vehicles which will no longer function with the new version, along with all the new additions which he does not have at this time. If not for his additions of new vehicles I would say it would probably work, but adding new vehicles into our new modification requires additional work as opposed to the original release.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 20 May 2015 - 07:12 AM
His modification will likely be incompatible until/unless he updates it. While we are re-using many of the original vehicles from the released modification, his latest version from my understanding includes new vehicles which will no longer function with the new version, along with all the new additions which he does not have at this time. If not for his additions of new vehicles I would say it would probably work, but adding new vehicles into our new modification requires additional work as opposed to the original release.
Great, and here I am trying to fix these damn cars and they won't even function like normal. Should I just give up and return to [god's gift to man] EM3?
Posted 20 May 2015 - 07:20 AM
Great, and here I am trying to fix these damn cars and they won't even function like normal. Should I just give up and return to [god's gift to man] EM3
The ones that we made in V1 will work fine, it's the ones that you've added yourself that won't function properly without some work on your part. The original vehicles for the most part should function fine, it's your added units that you've taken it upon yourself to add that will be incompatible with V2. Most of the original ones should work as intended. So that hopefully tells you what you wanted to know, the original stuff, should transfer, new stuff won't since we didnt incorporate it into our end. Plus you'd have a good number of new things you'd need to relight to make them match your submod.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 28 May 2015 - 01:37 AM
Looking good!
Posted 04 June 2015 - 05:50 PM
Never played the New York Mod prior to today and I can absolutely say I can't wait for New York v2.0
Posted 06 June 2015 - 08:58 AM
Well just an update and a poll which I'm going to let run it's course for at least half the month, maybe the whole month. We've gotten to the largest fire boat we're going to represent and are left at an impasse. The options are a vessel that from what I could find was put into service in around 2011 which makes it beyond our cap date for the mod's timeline (Marine 6 "Bravest") or alternatively the vessel which was present during our mod's timeline "Kevin C. Kane" which is within the timeline since apparently "Bravest" replaced it, but the problem is sourcing imagery for this vessel. So ultimately we're going to toss this problem to the users to pick which one they want, "Bravest" is newer than our cap-date so it would be the newest thing in the mod, and slightly out of place with the rest of the units, but there is more available imagery to make that vessel happen, compared to "Kevin C. Kane" which is within our timeline very nicely, but lacks great source imagery from what I've found of it. So with the older vessel there will have to be some guesswork, ultimately either vessel will function/serve the same purpose for the mod in what we intend to do with it, so I leave it up to the end-users to decide if they want the accurate (to our time) older vessel, or the newer vessel even though it is beyond when we've cut off the timeline of our mod.
Up to you guys to pick, either way I'll make the vessel.
In the case of other additions of marine units we've done they push the timeline as well but the vessels that are newer tend to be better fits for the way the game works. In this instance it can be either the older one or the newer one and still do the job, so up to you.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 06 June 2015 - 03:44 PM
Editing lights for the Kent (UK) Mod http://forum.emergen...0-kent-uk-mod/
Editing lights for the West midlands mod V2-submod http://forum.emergen...od/#entry305864
YouTube channel
Posted 06 June 2015 - 04:42 PM
I think the "Kevin C Kane" would be the best fit for the mod, however I kind of like the looks of the Bravest a little more. As a fellow 3D modeler I understand your pain of lack of good reference material.
Posted 06 June 2015 - 08:13 PM
If timeline is your choice, than Kevin C. Kane is the preference, however personally I prefer the look of bravest

Posted 06 June 2015 - 08:54 PM
Ultimately I have enough source imagery to make either vessel work for the game, but the "bravest" vessel has better (higher res) pictures, just a fact of the thing being newer means newer better cameras on it compared to the older one. Which is why I've opted to let this one go to the end-user. One of our other marine boats slightly exceeds our timeline but there are worse things if only the marine vessels do this. Just happened that the newer marine vessel was more purpose-built compared to the old one it replaced, which was more or less just a civilian vessel painted for the role instead of actually looking and being capable of the role it plays.
With bravest vs kane they ultimately will serve the purpose just fine whichever way it happens to go from a visual standpoint and function standpoint, but since both vessels are a time-investment to recreate them I figured I'd let the end users pick which one they'd rather see included instead of me making the call myself since they really are a toss-up in my eyes in regard to actual use in the gameplay aspect. On these two it's more preference for the vessel designs than actual layout, ultimately it isnt which one I prefer but which one you guys want to see included in the mod. Whichever one wins more votes is the one that will end up recreated for the mod. I just hope it isnt a close vote in the end lol.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 06 June 2015 - 08:59 PM
My vote goes to the new one, mainly because it is new. I think that (Unless for scale purposes) you should add a larger, more fire-fighting and multitask boat, like this one: http://www.capecodfd...Y_04_New-M1.htm
Also, incase you haven't came across this site yet, They have pictures of almost, if not every, Boat in the FDNY's current and old fleet.
Didn't think ti was large compared to most peoples sig.... But alrightly then
NYCERU Senior Member
Posted 06 June 2015 - 09:12 PM
Marine 1 (343) is Massive, it does not have a place in the mod. Realize the scale of that vessel compared to the "bravest" or "kane". The vessel pictured with the 343 is a roughly 33 foot long vessel, as you can see the size difference is too massive to even consider it for the map. The largest vessel we will be adding is either the bravest or kane, we will not be doing something the scale of 343 since it would have navigation problems and frankly be oversized for the map.
The largest deck gun on the "bravest" appears to be present on the 343 10 times just for an idea of scaling differences.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 06 June 2015 - 10:29 PM
Thanks to Max Starmer, Jamnj88, Mindcat, Aether, itchboy, and losangelesi for helping me make my own private mod!
Posted 06 June 2015 - 10:36 PM
I am totally indifferent as to which one gets represented, which is why I've posed the question to the end-users. To me they both serve the purpose that we intend for them, they both on this instance at least look the part (compared to many of the older smaller marine units NY had) and ultimately as far as building them goes they're about the same effort for either one. So for me I really don't mind which one ends up in it, but since I have to put the time into making whichever one it is, I want to make sure whichever one gets put in is the one more people would rather see since in this case the old and the new pretty much are twins in how they'll function for game play. The only difference to me is the time in which they ordered them, but as I've said since it is only the marine units, it shouldn't detract too much having newer boats as opposed to cars where one new one would throw off the rest of them, the boats are kinda isolated in their use so it doesnt matter as much in that role.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 07 June 2015 - 01:54 PM
Will there be sufficient water space to use those boats? I mean, I don't really care what boat is it, especially when you don't have to use it often.
Posted 07 June 2015 - 07:38 PM
Yes, the map has enough water to function properly with the designed water missions. Much more than other mods like LA or what have you. The thing is though, given the size of the map in the game, the boats picked are able to fit perfectly in the map and function properly as well. If you put a large boat like Marine 1 in, no it wouldn't work, but the water is a portion large enough.
I don't have a copy on this computer, but there is about 30-40% water if memory serves
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Posted 07 June 2015 - 09:47 PM
My guess estimate would put the water to be around 20-25% of the map where you'll have marine related missions so with every boat we've added we've tried to give them a purpose to make each one have a use. The vessel in the vote fills the last role, but the old and new ones can fit the bill almost identically, such is why we've left it to the end users to pick which appearance wise they' prefer. Ultimately either vessel old or new will fill the final role we require represented just fine, we have several other marine units that cover everything else, aside from the jet ski and RHIB found on R1 in the original mod.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 08 June 2015 - 01:25 AM
I think the Kevin C Kane has more character to it. All the new vessels look too much alike