This could be a good announcement or a bad one, all depends on how you look at it - So I hope you take the time to read and understand it.
I don't think anyone here could truthfully say they haven't noticed a lack of updates, posts, pictures and videos. There are actually many reasons behind this as I will now explain.
For those who don't know, this topic was opened mid July last year (18th July 2014) and with no doubt started getting popular pretty quickly (As many new UK mods do). Nearly a year of development later, the Alpha release came out and many of you did and still are enjoying it. After that I continued showing development including new police personnel and BTP vehicles, now however there has been a serious lack of such posts.
What are the reasons for this? Putting it simply, I can't find it in me to work on the mod. From a few months after the start of the topic all the way through to release I was spending countless hours a day, everyday, working on it. It gets tiring and I don't have any motivation left for it.
Now at the beginning I said that this could be a good announcement, however you are most likely looking back trying to find anything I have just said that is good. While this modification has died (From the beginning I had thoughts of it just being a test or trial mod, which I guess it has evidently become), I have been able to give life to a new one. Now you can ask 'how do I know this one will get anywhere and that you will stick with it'? Well here's my answer to that:
What took me about 4 months to do for Kent Mod took me (And the person helping me) just one month for this mod. I am spending reasonable hours on it, getting work done, creating brand new features, making it look and play good but not getting burned out. I can use the skills I have acquired through Kent Mod and I am learning more. I am enjoying it.
I will most likely not announce this modification until it is close to a release date, however I can say, yes it is a UK Modification. There are lots of great things planned for it and I can't wait for it to be enjoyed by you all.
The map update along with BTP and the personnel I created after the release will still be completed and uploaded. When that update is out, if people decided to add in station parking or make the call-out menu I will happily patch it in 
Thank you to all of those who have shown their support for the mod, I hope to not disappoint in the future!
Topic will be left open.