Even after adding the new coronas I still have a major white box issue.

RSB Simulator 2014 - Emergency 4 [V3 WIP]
Posted 31 December 2014 - 03:12 AM
Posted 31 December 2014 - 04:12 AM
Did you add to mod folder or game folder?Even after adding the new coronas I still have a major white box issue.
Posted 31 December 2014 - 04:35 AM
Did you add to mod folder or game folder?
Posted 31 December 2014 - 04:37 PM
The folder coronas on place?????
Posted 31 December 2014 - 05:20 PM
No idea of what's going on... Try it again and replace the older files.
The folder coronas on place?????
Emergency 4/Data/Textures and Emergency 4/Mods/BV Lisbonenses/Textures.
Check out my latest:
Posted 31 December 2014 - 05:35 PM
No idea of what's going on... Try it again and replace the older files.
Emergency 4/Data/Textures and Emergency 4/Mods/BV Lisbonenses/Textures.
Ok, thanks.
The transport to cars damaged not exist.
Posted 31 December 2014 - 07:21 PM
Ok, thanks.
The transport to cars damaged not exist.
Like I said before, go to Emergency 4/Mods/BV Lisbonenses/Units/Vehicles/TEC and delete the units.xml of ASF and FGRI.
Check out my latest:
Posted 01 January 2015 - 09:26 PM
Posted 03 January 2015 - 07:39 PM
Like I said before, go to Emergency 4/Mods/BV Lisbonenses/Units/Vehicles/TEC and delete the units.xml of ASF and FGRI.
I can confirm that after doing this, the modification is perfect.
Posted 04 January 2015 - 04:47 PM
This has turned out to be one of the best mods for this game IMHO. There is obviously some small bugs here and there like main menu text is messed up and TEC units are missing, but I am very sure that those will be ironed out in the next updates. Good job making a very nice mod!
Posted 04 January 2015 - 06:41 PM
I can confirm that after doing this, the modification is perfect.
This has turned out to be one of the best mods for this game IMHO. There is obviously some small bugs here and there like main menu text is messed up and TEC units are missing, but I am very sure that those will be ironed out in the next updates. Good job making a very nice mod!
Thanks!! I'm currently finishing V3 (no release date, yet) and also working on a secret project...
Check out my latest:
Posted 04 January 2015 - 08:59 PM
Posted 05 January 2015 - 04:16 PM
Will the secret project be released to the public?
Hopefully, yes.
Check out my latest:
Posted 05 January 2015 - 09:13 PM
Thanks!! I'm currently finishing V3 (no release date, yet) and also working on a secret project...
Take your time man! It's going to be great.
Posted 13 January 2015 - 08:32 PM
Mod looks great but I have one problem playing it. None of the sirens work. PD, FD, EMS none. I downloaded the english V2 with the hotfix. I also got an error when I pressed the siren cmd on I think a pd car.
Posted 13 January 2015 - 10:15 PM
It is not working for me(I have 1.3f-de) version.I've installed everything but when it is loading it says ID_FREEPLAY.... and game is not loading at all.
Posted 13 January 2015 - 11:58 PM
It is not working for me(I have 1.3f-de) version.I've installed everything but when it is loading it says ID_FREEPLAY.... and game is not loading at all.
It should be saying ID_FREEPLAY. That is the english version of it.
Mod looks great but I have one problem playing it. None of the sirens work. PD, FD, EMS none. I downloaded the english V2 with the hotfix. I also got an error when I pressed the siren cmd on I think a pd car.
Mine work fine. Make sure you properly installed the mod or simply re-install.
Didn't think ti was large compared to most peoples sig.... But alrightly then
NYCERU Senior Member
Posted 14 January 2015 - 03:15 PM
Maby I need not deluxe version?It is just no loading.Help me please
Posted 14 January 2015 - 03:44 PM
Okay it is working now.U just needed to wait.But ho do I call units?When I click on 1 2 3 4 5 6 buttons nothing happenes
Posted 14 January 2015 - 04:22 PM
Mine work fine. Make sure you properly installed the mod or simply re-install.
Re-installed the mod + hotfix three times by now. Still no sirens.