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Emergency 1 - Walkthrough

Walkthrough for Emergency 1

Posted by Stan on jul 16 2012 10:53

Forest Fire

Needed Vehicles:
F115 (2)
F101 (2)
F303 (2)
F109 with 2 ABC-Firefighters (1)
F201 with 1 Doctor, 2 Orderly units (depending on how well you follow the instructions which follow, you'll be forced to deal with many or just a few injured persons. Employ your F201Ambulances spontaneously as the need develops. It's advisable to send 3 ambulances into the mission area right at the start.)
F103 with 2 standard Firefighters (2)
F302 with 3 Police Officers (1)
F117 with a Motor Boat (1)
F105 (8)
F203 with 1 Doctor, 1 Orderly unit (?)

Mission Solution:

  • This is an extremely complex mission. You'll have to perform a wide variety of tasks concurrently. Here is a list of these actions, in approximately chronological order.
  • Right at the beginning of the mission, the F111 Fire-fighting Plane must "hit" the extreme western reaches of the fire.
  • Now send the required vehicles into the mission area as follows:
  • Bring the two F115 Pumper Boats to the southeast. Send one due west until it reaches the row of four gas tanks. Just north of these are three containers. Start dousing the forest at this latitude. Send the second pumper boat a bit to the west, travelling parallel to the road. When it is level with the end of the road, it should stop and start dousing the home there.
  • Post the two F101 Mobile Command Units on the roadside, as close as possible to the location where your vehicles enter the mission area.
  • Send an F105 Pumper south to the gas tanks mentioned above. Once there, it should start dousing the container furthest to the right. Your task here is to keep a fire from breaking out, particularly in the factory. If you fail in your efforts, and a blaze does ignite, anyone in the area will suffer contamination and you'll need to call in the ABC-Vehicle.
  • Send an F105 south to the house with a telephone booth and start dousing.
  • Send another F105 to the house where the motorcycles are parked and start dousing that as well.
  • Send an F105 to the next house (directly to the north) and start dousing.
  • Send an F105 southeast along the road running from west to east (the one with the manhole covers). Proceed until level with the second manhole cover (counting from the left). Now start watering down the forest edge.
  • Send an F105 along the same road, proceeding further east until it reaches the third manhole cover (from left). Start watering down the forest edge.
  • Send an F105 along the same road, proceeding further east until it reaches the fourth manhole cover (from left). Start watering down the forest edge.
  • Send an F105 along the same road, proceeding until it reaches the open gas lines, which are marked by a construction sign. Start watering down the gas line.
  • Send an F103 along the same road, all the way to the east, then all the way to the south, until it reaches the yacht harbor. The two firemen should get out of the vehicle immediately and start throwing life preserves to the drowning persons.
  • Send the second F103 due south until it reaches the four gas tanks. Here, on the southern banks, is a short sidewalk next to two deciduous trees. Equip the firemen in the F103 with power saws and cut down these two trees. Drop the saws and move the trunks.
  • Now select the F117 and bring it to the blinking red marker (where the trees were). "Hit" the marker and launch the motor boat.
  • Send the motor boat ASAP due east to the yacht harbor, where the drowning people are. Take on four swimmers and return to the F117. "Hit" the F117 and the passengers will emerge, injured, on the riverbank. Since there's a total of 5 people in the water, you'll have to send the motor boat twice (unless you were too late and some of them died in the water).
  • Send the two newly arrived F201 Ambulances to the F117 as well. Get the injured people lying at the riverbank immediate medical assistance and take them away from the scene.
  • Send the two F303s and the F302 Police Truck along the "manhole" road due east, then, at the bend, due south. Further to the south on the left-hand side is a bar with a neon sign. Four black-clothed hooligans will emerge shortly from the bar, and start throwing firebombs at the houses. Post the two F303s, with cannons ready, in front of the bar. As soon as the hooligans appear, start spraying. This should keep them from the road. The officers in the F302 should now arrest them and take them back to the base. If anyone is injured during the arrest, fly in a doctor via helicopter to treat the person immediately. Then fly him/her to safety.
  • While you are carrying out these actions, keep your eye on the fire. If it looks like it might spread past the vehicles or the Pumber Boat you've posted, you'll need to select these and re-deploy them wherever necessary. Just keep the following in mind � A) you mustn't allow the flames to reach the homes to the west of the forest. That's why our F105 Pumpers started dousing the homes at the eastern boundary right from the beginning. B) Don't let the factory or the gas tanks to the south catch ablaze. C) Prevent the flames from leaping over the "manhole" road. D) Don't let the open gas lines burn. E) Keep the flames from the homes at the eastern end of the forest. Should the flames manage, despite your diligent efforts, to spread to any of these objects, send in the F111 Fire-fighting Plane right away! Keep searching the area and studying the fire. Select the F105 Pumper and the pumper boat posted to the west
  • The flames will reach the homes in the western section of the mission area much quicker than those in the east. Don't try to fight the flames DIRECTLY everywhere. Rather, you should pick out a few critical objects, like homes, the container, or the forest edge, and douse these. Do this properly and the flames will burn out eventually. Once you've eliminated the danger to the western and northwestern sectors, send the F105 and the pumper boat which you posted by the gas tanks due east. Stop parallel to the forest edge and prevent the flames from reaching the roa
  • Once the fire on the western side of the forest is permanently extinguished, your firemen in the two F103 vehicles can start cutting down and removing the burned-out trees with their power saws. This will create a gap through which you can quickly transfer one or two F105 Pumpers to the burning areas in the east. Once there, they can battle the flames.
  • The mission is successfully completed once you've satisfied these conditions:
  • All injured persons and/or casualties have been evacuated from the mission area.
  • The three hooligans have been arrested and taken away.
  • All fires have been put out.

Mission complete :)

Congratulations, you just finished Emergency 1!

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