You sound surprised. As stated in the guide, the bread and butter of private ambulance companies are their private contracts with hospitals and care facilities. Gerber, for example, has the contract with Harbor-UCLA Med center for their Neonatal and Pediatric Teams, and of course, Gerber will also respond to every hospital in the county based on the needs of their clients. It is not unheard of for a patient in the Antelope Valley to be transferred by PRN or ProCare to St Mary's in Long Beach and back depending on the type of medical care and treatment they are receiving. At any give time, you can find half a dozen different ambulance companies at virtually any hospital and the IFT's are truly their #1 source of revenue and use.
I'm not surprised, it's just when you said city contracts have no roll, it kinda left a question, I didn't mean to put the "?!?!" as a surprise, it was meant as a "wait. I know there's some contracts out there from hospitals. Great job with the guide btw. I'm just going around being annoying. Thanks for clearing up my response to 4x4 btw.
Sorry for the post on that RA post in the submod section. This is off topic, but your inbox is full. So: I didn't mean to the city itself, lol. I grew up in Santa Monica, and my dad still lives there. He's an ex-city employee, so I already know a great deal about what they do, Jim Hone and my step-mom have been friends for many years, and my step-grandfather was an LA City Firefighter, then he moved to L.A county. He moved to county, because after saving 3 of his guys from a structural collapse, he decided "I'd rather fight mother nature than fight man-made fires." There's still a few guys around who knew him. I'll talk to you more some time ^^
I don't think there's anything else to add, I didn't see if you put in the call-sign for the BLS ambulance. Over the TAC, it's an 800 ambulance, lol. I think the call signs should be added in to the L.A mod.