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[EM4] Suggestions/Ideas Thread: (Revised)

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#161 Paramedic_Engine_2


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Geschrieben 08 Januar 2009 - 02:24

Those cars are sweet!!

Yes they are, it would be even sweeter if they were in the mod.


#162 Guest_MonkeySquasher_*

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Geschrieben 08 Januar 2009 - 03:17

I'm not even going to bother quoting the OPs..

The USAR is 85. It's modeled after 85, which has a single rear axle and is a WORKING USAR TRUCK. I doubt he's going to reskin the truck just to add an axle to make it look like a DIFFERENT truck that does the SAME job.

Missions are out. Multiple people have said they are NOT making missions. *I'm* starting to get annoyed at the requests for missions, and I don't even make them.

Again with the cars... He's most likely not going to add a car simply because "OMG ITS LOOKS KOOL!". Same with a rehab unit. It serves NO function in the game. nor does it add anything, I doubt it'll be added.

#163 MCERT1


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Geschrieben 08 Januar 2009 - 03:59

Same with a rehab unit. It serves NO function in the game. nor does it add anything, I doubt it'll be added.

I doubt that they would put it in the mod. I was simply giving them an idea of how to implement it into the game since they couldn't think of a way to implement it. Also if you play with the settings and alter resistances to make it more realistic, you do have occasions where need to rehab fire fighters. Even with out the editing there still are sometimes you could need it.

Who knows they could add it to the game, heck I and many others suggested the heavy rescue, and begged and pleaded for Hoppah to add it. Personally I never thought it would be added. So who knows maybe they will decide to add it.
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#164 PFAexplorer



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Geschrieben 08 Januar 2009 - 04:02

The rehab unit is kinda off...but, my police officers are always getting injured in the riots or gun shot wounds, is there anyway to make them automatically heal if they were parked at the police station, kinda like the fire station, if your FF gets injured, he is fine on the next call if he has been to the station, why not the cops, I mean a little bit of glazed doughnut goes a long way ;)

#165 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 08 Januar 2009 - 04:50

You know, we know the uses of a vehicle, that is not an issue, finding a legitimate purpose to make the thing in the first place is what we do. We do not wish to waste our time creating things just because they are cool or serve purposes that are exactly the same as existing things, or add nothing really interesting into the game. The heavy rescue, in honesty was added to test the capability of the function, since as you can tell people are having problems with it (which we figured was going to happen) we don't pursue things that are that complicated. Not everyone here has great connections and great computers so we can't sit here and make rediculously complicated things left and right without ruining the modification for everyone other than the few that have the computers to run it well. Our goal is to keep this mod as friendly as possible to ALL users, so we choose things very specificially after weighing in on many different factors, factors most of these suggestions will never take into account, and you know what? That's fine, but don't assume that we can't think of things you guys do, occasionally someone comes up with a new idea that might actually add to the mod something interesting but most the time all it would add is a ton of headaches to the game that would pobrably cause 80% of the people to spend alot of quality time in Tech Support or Bug Reporting things that we can't fix without removing the vehicles/persons in question. Love it or leave it there is only so much we can do to this game and that limit is getting to be set in stone, due to many different factors. We already planned several missions but at this time we don't have that kind of time to pursue them, so we're doing the best we can to focus on what we feel is a priority. I am not trying to be rude or mean here, I am just trying to explain why we can't do half of what ya'll want.

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#166 MCERT1


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Geschrieben 08 Januar 2009 - 05:21

Rehab Truck:
While I like the specialized units, without some special attribute that they can do they just really never get used; If we could figure out some specialty use for the truck it might be a worthwhile investment of our time.

My apologies if I offended, based on the above, I simply thought the mod team was having trouble thinking of a way to make it work/ have it utilized in the mod.
My statements reflect my personal thoughts and opinions, and do not reflect those of any agencies I'm affiliated with.

#167 Paramedic_Engine_2


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Geschrieben 08 Januar 2009 - 07:34

I'm not even going to bother quoting the OPs..

The USAR is 85. It's modeled after 85, which has a single rear axle and is a WORKING USAR TRUCK. I doubt he's going to reskin the truck just to add an axle to make it look like a DIFFERENT truck that does the SAME job.

Missions are out. Multiple people have said they are NOT making missions. *I'm* starting to get annoyed at the requests for missions, and I don't even make them.

Again with the cars... He's most likely not going to add a car simply because "OMG ITS LOOKS KOOL!". Same with a rehab unit. It serves NO function in the game. nor does it add anything, I doubt it'll be added.

I know that 85 is in service but He should make it look like the LAFD in service UASR 88.


#168 Hoppah


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Geschrieben 08 Januar 2009 - 09:52

I know that 85 is in service but He should make it look like the LAFD in service UASR 88.


Does it matter? The patrolcars have all a different number on their roofs which probably don't exist in real life (100, 101, 102, 103, 104 etc...).

Reason I made the older USAR squad (with the white cabin) is that the newer USAR squads look too much like the HAZMAT squad.
What we have now makes both vehicles easily identifiable + the variation. I have no intentions to add another USAR squad. Makes the mod even more confusing for new players. :)

#169 Paramedic_Engine_2


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Geschrieben 08 Januar 2009 - 10:28

Does it matter? The patrolcars have all a different number on their roofs which probably don't exist in real life (100, 101, 102, 103, 104 etc...).

Reason I made the older USAR squad (with the white cabin) is that the newer USAR squads look too much like the HAZMAT squad.
What we have now makes both vehicles easily identifiable + the variation. I have intentions to add another USAR squad. Makes the mod even more confusing for new players. :)

Cant wait for the USAR truck, I do still think the trucks are different and realistic considering the LAFD uses them. One has 4 wheels and one has 6 wheels. Its your call but when you bring out the USAR keep the old one and put the new one in the house.

Hazmat: http://www.code2high...fd_hazmat87.jpg

USAR 88: http://i250.photobuc...7/LAFD/UR88.jpg

You do have to agree that is a sick lookin truck.


#170 Hoppah


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Geschrieben 08 Januar 2009 - 10:39

Sorry I meant 'no intentions'. That's what happens after a couple of beers. :1046276057_GroupHug:

#171 erfd


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Geschrieben 09 Januar 2009 - 12:33

Sorry I meant 'no intentions'. That's what happens after a couple of beers. :1046276057_GroupHug:

LOL :cheers-mate: :beer:

#172 Guest_MonkeySquasher_*

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Geschrieben 09 Januar 2009 - 01:04

So now we're adding vehicles because of the number of wheels they have... *shifty eyes*

#173 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 09 Januar 2009 - 02:22

yep, I think we need one of those mobile cranes with 10-20 axles, just so that I can set the record for the most axles piled onto this game.

So now we're adding vehicles because of the number of wheels they have... *shifty eyes*

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#174 Paramedic_Engine_2


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Geschrieben 09 Januar 2009 - 02:33

Sorry I meant 'no intentions'. That's what happens after a couple of beers. :1046276057_GroupHug:

Well let me know next time you have a couple beers and ill suggest it again.

So now we're adding vehicles because of the number of wheels they have... *shifty eyes*

Hey bro, Its a nicer looking truck. It looks like a heavy rescue truck not like a light equipment rig. Also, The USAR rig is a Pierce and the HAZMAT is a Seagrave.


#175 jab16


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Geschrieben 09 Januar 2009 - 02:42

hey stop getting mad everyone hoppah and the mod team was nice enough to start this topic so be greatful and don't waste there time with this yelling :protest:

#176 Guest_MonkeySquasher_*

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Geschrieben 09 Januar 2009 - 05:12

yep, I think we need one of those mobile cranes with 10-20 axles, just so that I can set the record for the most axles piled onto this game.

Dammit you beat me to it! I was going to post a pic of one of those giant cranes you see at earth quarrys and such and say "Hey, I could use another crane to move crap around. This one has a ton of axles, can we make it??" lol

#177 Ami89E1234


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Geschrieben 09 Januar 2009 - 10:40

yep, I think we need one of those mobile cranes with 10-20 axles, just so that I can set the record for the most axles piled onto this game.

like this?


(go to Product Line => ATF 360G-6)

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#178 MikeyPI


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Geschrieben 10 Januar 2009 - 12:12

Yeah I was being smart, typically you'll never see them in america for whatever reason they are rare.... but same deal basically where they have like 10-15 axles all independently turn so the crane can maneuver in tight places.

like this?


(go to Product Line => ATF 360G-6)

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#179 Newfoundking


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Geschrieben 10 Januar 2009 - 12:34

Well America does usually have wider roads :P

Question, is there an intention of adding any vehicle/thing that will restore injured units, other than a paramedic, or something along his lines? or is like a health restore unit out of the question...

How hard would it be to make it so units can enter the hospital to heal, I think that would be pretty cool, don't you? Then if it could happen, only a script thing, no modeling is really required I wouldn't say. It would be good for those times when an officer is shot when trying to apprehend an armed suspect, they usually go to hospitals, and have something done about the hunk of lead in them, as you would... you go there, send them in, and they heal, when they heal completely, theycome out and either return to vehicle, like a really special command that will send a vehicle there, empty injured personnel, and return them when healed, or just stand by the door, or a certain spot, awaiting you to say, "get in Officer Timmy!"

So what do you think about that little brain wave... any good? or a no

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#180 Guest_cbh84_*

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Geschrieben 10 Januar 2009 - 12:41

what about adding a control panel at the police station (like the one at the fire station) to call police officers not the cars or maybe to call both and be able to send injured officers back in the police station