People need to grow up, and learn that because they can't take criticism, or the CREATOR of this mod doesn't want to add something in, doesn't mean to start a whole big fight over it.
Hoppah, I want to thank-you on behalf of everyone here that APPRECIATES this mod, and will play it without having to whine and sook over every little thing THEY don't like. Thank-you for your time and effort, I enjoy the mod, and I am sure most people are in the same mind set. Now I think, as it is coming up towards Christmas, you should take some time away from here, have a good holiday, and don't come back here, or do anything with the LA mod for a while, just because it is Christmas, and you deserve it. We know that you guys have lives outside of here. So go enjoy them.You worked hard the other 350 days of the year, take these ones off

That is my suggestion for the LA mod: The whole team take a break, and rest, don't worry about this for the rest of the Christmas time
Thanks for taking the time to read this