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#41 Guest_RunAwayScientist_*

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Posted 15 December 2007 - 11:22 PM

Hoppah, just an idea, but since there are 3 different ambulances in your mod, can you make 1 of them with just the 2 medics for those of us who don't mind gettin the stretcher?

I believe there's a way you can externally edit that. Check under your UNITS folder and screw around with those files in notepad. I can't give you the exact details, as I've never attempted it myself, but I'm sure you can edit that from a .xml file somewhere in your units folder under data. Take about 30 minutes and see if you can figure it out.


#42 MikesPhotos


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Posted 18 December 2007 - 11:49 AM

Speaking of ambulances, I spent some time at Kaiser this morning and managed to get these pictures for you Hoppah. They're of LAFD's Rescue Ambulance 107 which proudly serves the Chatsworth area. As you can see, many of LAFD's and LACoFD's apparatus are being painted with a more European like Hi-Viz paint scheme in the rear. They're still rare but I believe all new apparatus are going to be ordered with it.

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One other thing to note since you mentioned uniforms in your main thread, the LAFD Paramedics do not wear a light blue over dark blue uniform as you have them in the game. Typically you will find them wearing either the dark blue/navy button down Work Shirt, or the dark blue/navy T-shirt with dark blue/navy uniform pants or on occasion like as seen in this pic, Turnout pants.

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#43 Hoppah


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Posted 18 December 2007 - 11:58 AM

GREAT Pictures! :1046275747_biggthumpup:
I will change the paramedics too. :)

#44 MikesPhotos


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Posted 19 December 2007 - 07:05 AM

GREAT Pictures! :1046275747_biggthumpup:
I will change the paramedics too. :)

I'm glad you like the pics and hopefully they are of some use.

I've also been thinking about the Uniforms a bit lately and in addition to the Paramedics I'd like to note that Battalion Chiefs typically wear a brush or turnout jacket, white helmet, and black pants instead of full turnouts. You can see a great example of that here for LAFD.

LAFD Chiefs, Captains and EMS Supervisors Pic(not mine)

as well as for LACoFD

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If you look to the far left of the LAFD picture, you can see an EMS supervisor in the Red/Orange helmet and Navy pants.

While I understand your reluctance to change the original gameplay to much, I had an idea about the EMS units that you might find favorable since it doesn't change the gameplay at all.

The Los Angeles City Fire Department utilizes both EMT level and Paramedic Level Rescue Ambulances in the field as well as an EMS Supervisor. With having the newer all red and the older white over red style, it would be possible for your mod to reflect the EMS system realistically.

Right now you have 1 Medic that staffs the supervisors vehicle and replaces the Doctor in the original game, and the 2 medics with a stretcher that cannot heal just stabilize which replaces the paramedics in the original game. The benefit of this is that it stays to the original gameplay, and uses only 2 units, the Medic with the stretcher and the Medic without.

The other option would be to create 5 seperate units which I understand would be more work then it may be worth:

  • EMS Captain
    --Similar to the BC he would wear a Red/Orange Captains helmet, Brush/Turnout jacket and Navy pants. By giving him the ability to heal as well as call for additional RA's and Air Ambulances, you'd bassically replace the Doctor with this unit while giving him the additional Supervisor capabilities he has in real life. He'd staff the EMS supervisor vehicle similar to the original Doctors car in the game.
  • Paramedic
    -- This unit would mimic the current paramedic you have with the exception that the 2 unit w/stretcher could heal just like the current single Paramedic can. Typical uniform is really a mix of everything from Yellow Helmet to Baseball cap to No headwear, Turnout Jacket, Navy Work Shirt, Navy T-shirt, and Turnout Pants and Navy work pants. The benefit of adding the Heal capability to the stretcher unit is that the ambulance only needs the 1 unit to perform all of its functions, or it can drop the stretcher and assist two patients till another ambulance arrives on scene, for example, an 800 series for transport.
  • EMT
    -- This unit would be similar to the Paramedic but have a different uniform such as Baseball Cap or no headgear, T-shirt, and Navy pants so you could easily tell the two apart. Also whether single unit or with a stretcher they would only stabilize a patient much the way the 2 Paramedic with stretcher can now. They'd mostly be for transportation as they are in real life which is usefull when you have a lot of patients and you want to keep your medics bouncing from one to another while still getting patients up and out like in your terrific race crash scenario.

By having seperate ALS and BLS units you can use the All red Box ambulance for an ALS (2 Paramedics) Rescue Ambulance, and use the White over red as your 800 series BLS (2 emts) ambulance and just leave the Classic White over Red van with whatever staffing you'd like.

It's just a thought and hopefully you will find some logic in it.
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#45 Renal



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Posted 19 December 2007 - 03:05 PM

I had an idea about the EMS units that you might find favorable since it doesn't change the gameplay at all.

It's a very good idea and I'd love to see it, but IMO, a gameplay change would be needed to make the most of it.

On a similar note; does LA have pre-hospital doctors?

#46 MikesPhotos


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Posted 19 December 2007 - 07:24 PM

It's a very good idea and I'd love to see it, but IMO, a gameplay change would be needed to make the most of it.

The way I see it, there would be no change due to the fact that the EMS Captain would just be an extra EMS officer much the way the battalion chief is for the firefighter. The paramedic would still function as is, with the single and dual units, but would just be able to heal with the stretcher which would be an added ability. For those who enjoy the original gameplay, they would just use the RA's as they always have with 1 PM and 1 PM w/stretcher and just ignore the EMTs and the EMS Captain.

On a similar note; does LA have pre-hospital doctors?

The Los Angeles County Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical System DOES indeed have medical doctors! While they are not part of the typical daily response in the way that Paramedics and EMTs are, each large agency does employ a Medical Doctor who oversees the departments EMS system. His roles include issues certification, training, and developing standard operation procedures for the EMTs and Paramedics. In addition to that, during times of unusual emergency, they can also respond to an incident especially during mass casualty and natural disasters. By having him on scene, the paramedics can perform additional procedures and give additional medication that they would normally have to radio (cell phone nowadays) contact with a nurse or doctor for.

Los Angeles also has what is known as a Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT), which is part of the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS). With doctors, nurses, and both paramedics and EMTs, they have been known to respond to large incidents as well. A trend started a few years back at the Pines Fire in San Diego was to respond the local or state DMAT to all wildfires and set them up in the ICP. I happened to be one of their first patients on that incident for a minor issue and I was greatly thankful to have them there!

More common though is the use of Nurses for pre-hospital care and transport in the private sector. Many private ambulance companies such as AMR and PRN utilize Mobile Intensive Care Nurse (MICN) for use in transporting high risk patients from facility to facility and from home to facility. While their use in emergency medical response is minimal if at ever, for departments that do not have their own air ambulance, many rely on Mercy Air which has both Flight Nurses and Flight Surgeons as part of their crew. LACoFD also has some flight surgeons who are available as well I beleive, though I've actually never met one on an incident.

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#47 police189



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Posted 20 December 2007 - 04:55 AM

Is there any other type of RA unit LA county or LA city uses and if so can you get some pictures?
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#48 Spaloo



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Posted 20 December 2007 - 05:13 AM

Is there any other type of RA unit LA county or LA city uses and if so can you get some pictures?

In Inglewood, I sometimes saw an LAFD RA with a freightliner chassis (RA 66 maybe?). As far as LA County, their ALS are the rescue squads, and they use many different private companies for their transport (Westmed, Emergency, CARE, AMR, McCormick to name a few) all with different designs. Some have type 3 ambulances, some just the type 2 vans.

#49 MikesPhotos


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Posted 20 December 2007 - 06:02 AM

In Inglewood, I sometimes saw an LAFD RA with a freightliner chassis (RA 66 maybe?). As far as LA County, their ALS are the rescue squads, and they use many different private companies for their transport (Westmed, Emergency, CARE, AMR, McCormick to name a few) all with different designs. Some have type 3 ambulances, some just the type 2 vans.

You are correct. The Los Angeles City Fire Department did purchase a freightliner RA for testing and evaluation a few years back. For the longest time it was at 100 but I beleive it is now at 46's.

As for Los Angeles County, while you are right in saying that LACoFD does use Paramedic Squads with private transports, they also have what are known as Mobile Aid units. Spread out throughout the county and rarely used on a permanent basis, these are a mishmash of Van and Box style ambulances that were acquired from various contract cities and have been brought into service more and more recently. 1 was staffed at the Canyon Fire in Malibu and 1 has also been fully staffed at Fire Station 41 due to the closure of Martin Luther King's Emergency Room.

It is just one more testament to the flexibility you find in the Los Angeles area's Fire and EMS Service. You just might see an LACoFD ambulance on your next call!
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#50 Spaloo



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Posted 21 December 2007 - 12:18 AM

You are correct. The Los Angeles City Fire Department did purchase a freightliner RA for testing and evaluation a few years back. For the longest time it was at 100 but I beleive it is now at 46's.

As for Los Angeles County, while you are right in saying that LACoFD does use Paramedic Squads with private transports, they also have what are known as Mobile Aid units. Spread out throughout the county and rarely used on a permanent basis, these are a mishmash of Van and Box style ambulances that were acquired from various contract cities and have been brought into service more and more recently. 1 was staffed at the Canyon Fire in Malibu and 1 has also been fully staffed at Fire Station 41 due to the closure of Martin Luther King's Emergency Room.

It is just one more testament to the flexibility you find in the Los Angeles area's Fire and EMS Service. You just might see an LACoFD ambulance on your next call!

WHAT?!?!?!? Station 41 has AN AMBULANCE?!?!?!? Holy crap they didn't even have a fully staffed medic engine when I was there! Just a "medic assessment"! I spent my BLS years working for AMR before the big amr implosion. How does the staffing work in willowbrook? Is it just the 3-4 guys at the station, or are they up to 5-6 with the ambulance? Why can they justify an ambulance there but not in a somewhat farther away area like huntington park? Anyways I'd love to see a picture of that RA 41 (is that what they label it?). Memories....I ran some crazy calls with the 41 guys. I learned alot.

#51 Hoppah


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Posted 21 December 2007 - 12:40 AM

Thanks for all the information. It's very interesting as I don't have any experience with things like that. :1046275747_biggthumpup:
Before I will considering adding more medical units I want to change some vehicles first. That's more important I think.
I need to change most Fire Dept. vehicles and maybe some police vehicles too, to make the mod more realistic. :)
But I haven't finished the new (Forest fire) mission yet, so it will take some time before I can work on new units.

#52 firefighter111


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Posted 21 December 2007 - 01:36 AM

Hoppah, just an idea, but since there are 3 different ambulances in your mod, can you make 1 of them with just the 2 medics for those of us who don't mind gettin the stretcher?

or better yet why don't you just sound the alarm, pull out all the ambulances, have them return to the fire station unload their crew, and staff them with two medics. and any incoming ambulances you can just have arrive with two medics


#53 MikesPhotos


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Posted 21 December 2007 - 01:47 AM

WHAT?!?!?!? Station 41 has AN AMBULANCE?!?!?!? Holy crap they didn't even have a fully staffed medic engine when I was there! Just a "medic assessment"! I spent my BLS years working for AMR before the big amr implosion. How does the staffing work in willowbrook? Is it just the 3-4 guys at the station, or are they up to 5-6 with the ambulance? Why can they justify an ambulance there but not in a somewhat farther away area like huntington park? Anyways I'd love to see a picture of that RA 41 (is that what they label it?). Memories....I ran some crazy calls with the 41 guys. I learned alot.

While I normally spend my time in Battalions 1 and 5 (west hollywood and malibu/calabasas) I've had the pleasure of heading down to 41s and 16s on a few occasions. It's definetly an experience that everyone in the department should try at least once. Since MLKs ER closed, they found that staffing the ambulance, known as MA41 (mobile aid) ,was the best way of handling the situation since the station is right across the street from the old ER. The reason factored in the number of calls, type of calls, and the response time for private transports as opposed to being able to scoop and run on their own. They first considered just adding a staffed squad, but after weighing the pros and cons, and the special circumstances that the ER closure presented, it was found that this was the best model for the area. I'll try and get down there shortly and take a pic of it, but I have to admit, it wasnt anything impressive the last time I saw it. Just a Van style ambulance in a dark old red paint scheme, with Los Angeles County Fire Dept on it in stencilled lettering.

Thanks for all the information. It's very interesting as I don't have any experience with things like that. 1046275747_biggthumpup.gif
Before I will considering adding more medical units I want to change some vehicles first. That's more important I think.
I need to change most Fire Dept. vehicles and maybe some police vehicles too, to make the mod more realistic. smile.gif
But I haven't finished the new (Forest fire) mission yet, so it will take some time before I can work on new units.

You are quite welcome, if nothing else it gives you a bit of insight into things. And I agree with you, my recomendations were more in tune with Mod 2.0 or 4.0 vs anything recent. I'm looking forward to the new mission and updates though I must admit, I'm still having a great time with the way things currently are.

If you have any questions or need any details, feel free to ask!

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#54 MikesPhotos


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Posted 25 December 2007 - 04:25 AM

Hey Hoppah,
As you may know we're having another wind event today here in Los Angeles. A lot of down power lines, snapped poles, and blowing embers making even the most minor fire into a major one.

While on an incident, something struck me that I completely forgot about. In Los Angeles City, we have what is known as OPG tow. OPG stands for Official Police Garage, and these are the official private tow companies for the city of Los Angeles and handle all impound and accident calls. While they are private companies, they all follow the same paint scheme as you can find here at the Hollywood tow service

White cab, black flat bed, with the OPG seal on the doors and tow company name on the side as you can see here

it's the same model, same animation and everything that is in the current in-game tow vehicle, just different look.

Also in regards to the Coroners vehicle, in Los Angeles County the coroners office uses vans like the one you have modeled with Amber colored lights, or specialty vehicles with red lights as you can see here:

Pic 1 - Similar to the Fictional MCI vehicle you have in the game

and pic 2

and Pic 3 (not mine)

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#55 Voodoo_Operator


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Posted 25 December 2007 - 06:06 AM

Pic 1 - Similar to the Fictional MCI vehicle you have in the game

This one looks exactly like an ATF truck I am considering making as a variation to my International-Pierce rig. Even the blue stripe layout seems to be the same.
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#56 Guest_haggibear_*

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Posted 25 December 2007 - 07:12 PM

About those medics.

1 option would be that there is paramedics and then doctors. And when patient is in yellow (going to die) "balk" goes little bit slower than it does now and ONLY doctor (comes only with that medic 1 car) can heal patient from yellow. Just idea and would be good and if no one else have suggested that ;):D

#57 MikesPhotos


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Posted 29 December 2007 - 05:55 PM

About those medics.

1 option would be that there is paramedics and then doctors. And when patient is in yellow (going to die) "balk" goes little bit slower than it does now and ONLY doctor (comes only with that medic 1 car) can heal patient from yellow. Just idea and would be good and if no one else have suggested that ;):D

Hmmm I don't know whether or not I'm reading this correct, but isn't that pretty much how the original game is? The main idea of my post regarding a change to the EMS in the game was to reflect the practices of the Emergency Medical System in the Los Angeles area. Your idea, while interesting, is the exact opposite.

On a totally seperate note...

Hoppah, as you may have seen in the Off Topic forum, I happened to jump a City call a few days ago and grab some shots that you might find interesting. It was a residential 2 sty apartment house fire during high winds which brought out all of the big boys to play. Division Chief 3 was in charge, and EMS 10, EMS 14 (the EMS truck that people commented on), the new USAR88 which is using a vehicle very similar to the Hazmat rigs now with the exception of a large metallic structure on its roof, and Hazmat Squad 87 amongst others.

You can see the pics here.

Some previews:
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99 pics in all

I also asked about the new EMS vehicle, and the general impression was that they can't wait to get the crown vic back as soon as possible.

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#58 Hoppah


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Posted 29 December 2007 - 06:50 PM

Great pictures Mike! Why was Hazmat on scene? I will take a closer look at the pictures when I have some more time.
Oh and. I just saw this vehicle:
That's one of coolest police SUV's I've ever seen! Want to replace my LAPD SUV (which actually doesn't exist) now! :D
But, Isn't LA County Police Department the same as LA Sheriff's Department? Because I can't find any information about LACoPD. :)

#59 police189



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Posted 30 December 2007 - 06:58 AM

Well i am not 100% sure but here in georgia there is only county police when the county its self is so big and they would be like a regular police department, where the sheriff office in a small county would be a full service department which means they go on patrol and do everything. BUT when there is a county police agency That county police agency will take the "full service" job instead of the sheriff office the sheriff office would just do warrents,court things,and maybe traffic but not answer calls for duty.Not to sure if it is the same out west but if that helped well there you go lol. and btw yeah the county police suv would be pretty cool i dont know if you want to make another police agency in the mod but that would be pretty bad ass to have L.A. county police.
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#60 RiotGear



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Posted 30 December 2007 - 07:19 AM

But, Isn't LA County Police Department the same as LA Sheriff's Department? Because I can't find any information about LACoPD. :)
