[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah
Posted 27 September 2007 - 11:56 AM
I think the time is better spent on new things

Posted 27 September 2007 - 04:44 PM
The firehouse alarm will sound to spawn those vehicles. That's necessary to make everything work perfectly. So if you haven't raised the alarm before, the script will active the command automaticly.The Firehouse Alarm sounds (if I hadnt done it manually before)
I don't think the script has mistakes, so check/do this in the editor.But if that were true, WHY is the truck getting down to the part where it drives to the station?
- Make absolutely sure no vehicle is colliding (touching) with the virtual object. Delete all nearby vehicles, to make sure the physics of them can't collide with the virtual object.
- Isn't it possible that the equipment truck touches that virtual object when it snaps into place? So, you didn't place both virtual objecs too close to eachother?
- Or try to change the size of the virtual object.
Ok, I meant the new LAPD cars actually in LA with arjents. I was wondering if you could create one to add instead of the one with an MX700. Like an extra expansion, and only those who want it can download it.
I like the idea, but I am too busy with other stuff. I'll see what I can do after release of 1.4.

Posted 27 September 2007 - 06:35 PM
I rearranged the objects to give them space and it works perfectly

Thanks for the help!
(edit: It started out a quick question, but I kept adding information, lol thanks again

Posted 27 September 2007 - 09:45 PM
THANK YOU SUPERIOR OVERLORD HOPPAH!!!That's what you call a quick question? :1046275747_biggthumpup:
The firehouse alarm will sound to spawn those vehicles. That's necessary to make everything work perfectly. So if you haven't raised the alarm before, the script will active the command automaticly.
I don't think the script has mistakes, so check/do this in the editor.
- Make absolutely sure no vehicle is colliding (touching) with the virtual object. Delete all nearby vehicles, to make sure the physics of them can't collide with the virtual object.
- Isn't it possible that the equipment truck touches that virtual object when it snaps into place? So, you didn't place both virtual objecs too close to eachother?
- Or try to change the size of the virtual object.
I like the idea, but I am too busy with other stuff. I'll see what I can do after release of 1.4.
Posted 27 September 2007 - 11:08 PM

Posted 28 September 2007 - 07:56 PM
Oh...and disable the crash tender too. that is just as unrealistic as using the plane in my opinion, especially if there is no airport around

Are you able to change the EMS Car to an SUV like the batillian chief..only mabey a different color like white or something to tell it is different and name it mabey an EMS supervisor unit or Support Unit. All the gear except the stretcher obviously.
Hoppa I know you dont really want to Add any vehicles to the mod becasue there is already alot but how about changing some. I was thinking about SWAT... Is real Life SWAT teams, including the LAPD generally use both the armourd APC's but also use normal SUV's such as Chevy Surburbans or Ford Excursions all black in color with just 2 grill lights and mabey a dash light all hidden so you cant really tell it is swat.. here is a few pictures. I was thinking we could remove one of the APC's armourd Trucks and replace it with just a Surburban type vehicle that transports just swat officers and snipers. Something along the lines of the LAPD Surburban already there but all black and unmarked with just a few lights (if any...swat rarely responds hot/code 3) Or just plane black vans which are commonly used in alot of places but add a dash light if anything. This way we are not adding vehicles just replacing one. http://footageworks....raining 190.jpg http://www.policecar...T/lapdswat2.jpg
Mabey an all Swat orientated mission in the future heheh
what dose everyone think? Im looking for input from everyone.
Posted 28 September 2007 - 10:05 PM
I'd like this idea, though I don't think it'd be terribly difficult to edit in manually. The Bomb Squad SUV is basically the right paint/color scheme; it just needs different equipment onboard.Are you able to change the EMS Car to an SUV like the batillian chief..only mabey a different color like white or something to tell it is different and name it mabey an EMS supervisor unit or Support Unit. All the gear except the stretcher obviously.
As an example:
On board both units are drugs, oxygen, and trauma kits. The unit is staffed by a Fire/EMS supervisor (similar to a battalion chief). As far as I know, many other areas across the country have similar vehicles.
Posted 29 September 2007 - 03:00 PM
Posted 29 September 2007 - 10:09 PM
I know you said you were not going to make any more vehicles for 1.4 but for the next version do you think you could add the Secret Service Suv like you have in Em3?
Posted 12 October 2007 - 04:02 PM
You could, youl'd just have to copy the model files of the battalion cheif and put them in place of the EMS fly car.I'd like this idea, though I don't think it'd be terribly difficult to edit in manually. The Bomb Squad SUV is basically the right paint/color scheme; it just needs different equipment onboard.
As an example:
On board both units are drugs, oxygen, and trauma kits. The unit is staffed by a Fire/EMS supervisor (similar to a battalion chief). As far as I know, many other areas across the country have similar vehicles.
Posted 12 October 2007 - 06:07 PM
They won't, some of them will defend the barn, others are hiding in some buildings on the farm.Is it possible to make it so the suspects do not run off the map and make you fail the mission?
The reason why I disabled the airplane is that it makes the mission way too easy. There is a no big difference between the Crash Tender and the Water Tender, so just don't use the Crash Tender if you don't like it.Oh...and disable the crash tender too. that is just as unrealistic as using the plane in my opinion, especially if there is no airport around
No, because I can't find pics of an LAFD Chevrolet Suburban EMS Car.Are you able to change the EMS Car to an SUV like the batillian chief..only mabey a different color.
Besides that, I love my Ford Crown Victoria EMS car.
I was already thinking of adding a black unmarked SWAT SUV. But I will only add one if I can make it possible that four SWAT units can stand on those 'footboards', like they're doing on that picture. Maybe, I can use and edit the motorcycle script, because it should work the same way. But that's something for v1.5.http://footageworks....raining 190.jpg http://www.policecar...T/lapdswat2.jpg
If I'm going to make a mission with the President, I will add Secret Service again.Hey Hoppah,
I know you said you were not going to make any more vehicles for 1.4 but for the next version do you think you could add the Secret Service Suv like you have in Em3?
I just think it's quite useless to add them. Same thing for FBI units.
I will release v1.4 within two weeks.

Posted 12 October 2007 - 06:20 PM
Posted 12 October 2007 - 06:27 PM
- Two new missions.
- All US Army units renamed to US National Guard.
- US National Guard Humvee model improved.
- New vehicle: US National Guard Truck.
- LA Port Patrol and LA Airport Patrol cars added to freeplay.
- Fire station improved; Ability to call one fire fighter or one paramedic added.
- Automatic weapons improved; Particles added, new damage system and easier/faster to use.
- Traffic vest commands added to LAPD officers, Highway patrolmen and Sheriff's deputies.
Posted 12 October 2007 - 06:30 PM
What for missions?:#
Posted 12 October 2007 - 06:39 PM

Posted 12 October 2007 - 07:42 PM
If I'm going to make a mission with the President, I will add Secret Service again.
I just think it's quite useless to add them. Same thing for FBI units.
I will release v1.4 within two weeks.
I completely understand.... the reason I asked is because I saw The Kingdom with jamie foxx and obviously it doesn't take place in the US but they use unmarked black suburbans like the one you made for EM3 and i just forgot how sweet the vehicle is and wanted it back! No worries thanks for responding.
One idea though.... Is there an easy was to say copy the LAPD Suv and then add it as a new vehicle and then just re skin it? I wanted to know for myself to try it not for you to do it.
as always thanks.
Posted 12 October 2007 - 07:44 PM

Posted 12 October 2007 - 07:52 PM
I completely understand.... the reason I asked is because I saw The Kingdom with jamie foxx and obviously it doesn't take place in the US but they use unmarked black suburbans like the one you made for EM3 and i just forgot how sweet the vehicle is and wanted it back! No worries thanks for responding.
One idea though.... Is there an easy was to say copy the LAPD Suv and then add it as a new vehicle and then just re skin it? I wanted to know for myself to try it not for you to do it.
as always thanks.
Well, besides copying and renaming the SUV model and texture files you need to do alot more.
I have made a tutorial about addings cars to a mod.
Posted 12 October 2007 - 07:52 PM
I was already thinking of adding a black unmarked SWAT SUV. But I will only add one if I can make it possible that four SWAT units can stand on those 'footboards', like they're doing on that picture. Maybe, I can use and edit the motorcycle script, because it should work the same way. But that's something for v1.5.
If you ever develop such a script, please let me know. I had plans for a US secret service limousine with footboards, and a Coast Guard dinghy boat, that would both require that script.
@ everyone who's asking Hoppah for FBI/Secret service : These agencies will be in my Federal mod. If Hoppah wants to add them to the L.A. mod, it's up to him, but these agencies WILL be in my mod so you can stop harassing him about that.
-Cal Naughton Jr.