[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah
Posted 24 September 2007 - 05:55 PM

Posted 24 September 2007 - 06:44 PM

Posted 24 September 2007 - 07:30 PM
Posted 24 September 2007 - 09:20 PM
4 civilians
Posted 24 September 2007 - 09:36 PM
the camouflage looks awesome :1046275747_biggthumpup:
Posted 24 September 2007 - 09:54 PM

Posted 25 September 2007 - 12:29 AM
Any trouble with those files?
Posted 25 September 2007 - 01:30 AM

LOve to see in freeplay:
Open Access Airport...with restarants inside...

thats for now....
Posted 25 September 2007 - 02:20 AM

Posted 25 September 2007 - 03:29 AM
I think he means adding an airport somewhere to the freeplay map. Personally, I think that would be pretty cool too, having part of a little airstrip somewhere.There's already such an airport in LAMod for EM3, it was a pretty cool map
Posted 25 September 2007 - 09:24 PM
i really dont mean to nag or be rude or anything, but could you make one of the new LAPD cars like a seperate add on? to replace the current patrol car as an option? I love your mod so much, and i really truly dont mean to nag, but i just think it would be really cool. Thanks.
Posted 25 September 2007 - 09:31 PM
You can use the editor.I think he means adding an airport somewhere to the freeplay map. Personally, I think that would be pretty cool too, having part of a little airstrip somewhere.
Load the LA mod, go to map > load map > freeplay.e4m
Pick a spot, remove some houses and stuff. Go to: edit > Scene.
And put fences, open_house buildings on that place. In an original EM4 mission you have to control fires at an airport. So it's all modelled already. And they are acessable (open_house

(maybe an idea for the next LA map i'm workin on?
Posted 26 September 2007 - 06:23 AM
Yeah, I edited the heck out of my map already. My experience is very limited though so I'm sure that someone else could do it much better.You can use the editor.
Load the LA mod, go to map > load map > freeplay.e4m
Pick a spot, remove some houses and stuff. Go to: edit > Scene.
And put fences, open_house buildings on that place. In an original EM4 mission you have to control fires at an airport. So it's all modelled already. And they are acessable (open_houseYou can edit the ground texture for the airstrip
(maybe an idea for the next LA map i'm workin on?
Posted 26 September 2007 - 02:31 PM
Posted 26 September 2007 - 10:21 PM
i guess you all remember the normal EM4 and the big map. it would be cool if there is the same big
map in freeplay with more stations and more calls. so you have to cover a whole city area with their surroundings.
ou could have airports or collages or anything you want, but i guess that's impossbilie or something for the
creators of EM4.
9-11 Never Forgotten
Posted 27 September 2007 - 01:41 AM
Hi hoppah,
i really dont mean to nag or be rude or anything, but could you make one of the new LAPD cars like a seperate add on? to replace the current patrol car as an option? I love your mod so much, and i really truly dont mean to nag, but i just think it would be really cool. Thanks.
Posted 27 September 2007 - 06:09 AM
There are no new LAPD cars in 1.4, just LA Airport patrol and LA Port patrol cars, which have been enabled in freeplay.
So, what do you mean with "current patrol car"?
Besides that, the model of the Ford Crown Victoria is from las00t0ut and nfspdf.
Posted 27 September 2007 - 06:13 AM
I don't like it, what's the fun of a huge runway or terminal? Creating a open access terminal is ALOT of work and not really necessary. And I'm not going to add a White House to a Los Angeles Mod.
Posted 27 September 2007 - 09:02 AM
The following are some of the additions I made to LAToFireStation.script
const char OBJ_EQUIPTRUCK[] = "mod:Prototypes/Vehicles/02 LA Fire Department/light_equipment_truck.e4p"; const char VO_SPAWN3[] = "fire_station_spawn03"; const char VO_EQUIPTRUCK[] = "fs_equiptruck"; const char VO_EQUIPTRUCK2[] = "fs_equiptruck2"; . . . object DummyCheckParked : CommandScript { DummyCheckParked() { SetGroupID(DummyGroup); } bool CheckTarget(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID) { } void PushActions(GameObject *Caller, Actor *Target, int ChildID) { bool ParkinglotFound = false; Vehicle v(Caller); if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_BATTALION) == 0) { GameObjectList l3; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_BATTALION, l3, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if(l3.GetNumObjects() > 0) { Mission::PlayHint(HINT_NOSPACE); v.PushActionReturnToBase(ACTION_NEWLIST); return; } else { ParkinglotFound = true; ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_BATTALION); ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_BATTALION2); } } else if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_EQUIPTRUCK) == 0) { GameObjectList l3; Game::CollectObstaclesOnVirtualObject(VO_EQUIPTRUCK, l3, ACTOR_VEHICLE); if(l3.GetNumObjects() > 0) { Mission::PlayHint(HINT_NOSPACE2); v.PushActionReturnToBase(ACTION_NEWLIST); return; } else { ParkinglotFound = true; ActorList l1 = Game::GetActors(VO_EQUIPTRUCK); ActorList l2 = Game::GetActors(VO_EQUIPTRUCK2); } } ........snip.........
Note that fs_equiptruck and fs_equiptruck2 are clones of fs_battalion and fs_battalion2 (the virtual objects where the Fire Chief truck parks) which were cloned and then moved to an empty place in the Lot - and fire_station_spawn03 as well.
HINT_NOSPACE2 is a message I inserted in the globals to help debug, since there are 2 places that return HINT_NOSPACE.
In the codeblock, the only change is the addition of the "else if(StrCompare(v.GetPrototypeFileName(), OBJ_EQUIPTRUCK) == 0)..." section
I load up a new freeplay game and then deploy a Light Equip truck. (From the Editor, I added VCmdToFireStattion to the Light Truck.)
When I press the Return to Station button, 3 things happen:
The Firehouse Alarm sounds (if I hadnt done it manually before)
The truck drives to the parking spot, snaps into place in front of it (like its fixing to pull forward)
The HINT_NOSPACE2 message plays and the truck drives to HQ)
That means:
if(l3.GetNumObjects() > 0)
is coming back true, meaning VO_EQUIPTRUCK has objects in it. But it doesn't, the game has just started, and nothing is there.
But if that were true, WHY is the truck getting down to the part where it drives to the station?
I am basically copying the Battalion truck code. Is there someplace in another file that sets VO_BATTALION to 0 or NULL or something?
(I attached the whole script file, if you wanna trace all my changes)
I didn't add anything anywhere else, I am just working on getting the truck to park itself.

Posted 27 September 2007 - 09:28 AM
I agree with that, that's why I explained how to add it themselvesAbout the airport idea:
I don't like it, what's the fun of a huge runway or terminal? Creating a open access terminal is ALOT of work and not really necessary. And I'm not going to add a White House to a Los Angeles Mod.