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[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah

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#801 Soldjaboy


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Posted 27 October 2006 - 02:38 AM

I much rather keep the ladder truck as is. It would be too much trouble to call the truck and then attach the trailer.

If anything, I'd make a trailer with a boat on it being hauled by a F350.

#802 Guest_Gamesfunk_*

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Posted 27 October 2006 - 06:30 AM

I much rather keep the ladder truck as is. It would be too much trouble to call the truck and then attach the trailer.

If anything, I'd make a trailer with a boat on it being hauled by a F350.

Why would you have to attach the trailer... why can't we just call up the entire combination? It only needs the logic...


#803 Hoppah


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Posted 27 October 2006 - 09:13 AM

Why would you have to attach the trailer... why can't we just call up the entire combination? It only needs the logic...


That's the whole problem. Truck and trailer are both a model, you can't call them at once.


I am not going to replace my current Aerial Ladder Truck, of course.

#804 FDNYivan



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Posted 27 October 2006 - 04:46 PM

ok hoppah :1046276372_bawling: , it was only an idea.

#805 Hoppah


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Posted 27 October 2006 - 07:35 PM

ok hoppah :1046276372_bawling: , it was only an idea.

I never said I am not going to create that vehicle.

So, this will only work with already placed vehicles on the map.
I will only create this vehicle when I am going to make a fire station too.

#806 Guest_Gamesfunk_*

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Posted 27 October 2006 - 07:38 PM

So, this will only work with already placed vehicles on the map.
I will only create this vehicle when I am going to make a fire station too.

That's what I meant, it didn't come over clearly, did it :dry: ?
Anyway, thanks for thinking about it :happy: !


#807 Hoppah


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Posted 27 October 2006 - 08:14 PM

You really think you are superior, don't you?

Yes it did come CLEAR to me.

I think you still don't understand it, because you said this:

Why would you have to attach the trailer... why can't we just call up the entire combination? It only needs the logic...


The trailer logic is NOT the possibility to call a combination of two models (like a truck + trailer which are two different models), the logic adds the physics (click for video) and codes (for scripts) to have realistic trailers. That's all.
You can't call a truck WITH trailer from the menu because those are two different models (I already said that twice).

You need to attach the truck to a trailer on the map first. You also need a script to make that possible. This would be perfect for a fire station on the freeplay, because vehicles are already placed on the map then. But this won't work with missions, because you need to edit all missions maps too then.

Hope you understand it now.


btw. Your signature picture is too large and annoying.

#808 Guest_drifter6947_*

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Posted 27 October 2006 - 08:52 PM

HI i'm tring to install the mod and i get this, the mod package is corrupted, what do i do.

#809 Guest_CHP_*

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Posted 27 October 2006 - 09:04 PM

HI i'm tring to install the mod and i get this, the mod package is corrupted, what do i do.

You should try downloading it again first of all.

#810 Guest_drifter6947_*

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Posted 27 October 2006 - 09:13 PM

You should try downloading it again first of all.

did twice

#811 Guest_Gamesfunk_*

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Posted 27 October 2006 - 09:21 PM

did twice

Clean your internet temporary files folder, cookies folder and windows temporary folder and redownload.


#812 Hoppah


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Posted 27 October 2006 - 10:01 PM

HI i'm tring to install the mod and i get this, the mod package is corrupted, what do i do.

The mod package is a .e4mod file. I don't see a reason why it is corrupt.
Or do you mean the package which contains the mod package (a .zip file)?
Then you have to do what Gamesfunk said.

#813 Guest_Gamesfunk_*

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Posted 28 October 2006 - 06:36 AM

Or do you mean the package which contains the mod package (a .zip file)?

I'reckon it was, he could only have downloaded it from here, and you guys put everything in a zip-file, so...


#814 Stan



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Posted 28 October 2006 - 07:43 AM

I'reckon it was, he could only have downloaded it from here, and you guys put everything in a zip-file, so...


What Hoppah means is... Did he unzip it?
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#815 Guest_drifter6947_*

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Posted 29 October 2006 - 04:38 PM

What Hoppah means is... Did he unzip it?

of corse i unziped it i'm not a newbe to computers, it gives me that everytime i try to install it

#816 Hoppah


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Posted 29 October 2006 - 05:12 PM

Something is wrong to your Emergency 4 then.
Reinstall the whole game + patches.
Then try installing the mod again.

Something else:
I have finally decided what I'm going to make for v1.2!
I am busy with a hospital for the freeplay/multiplayer map.
The building is fictional, but has some similarities with the real Los Angeles Hospital.
The first picture of my hospital:
Geposte afbeelding

I will post more pictures soon when I make more progress,


#817 Soldjaboy


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Posted 29 October 2006 - 05:25 PM

BTW, Hoppah, good job on the hostpital. The progress looks nice, can't wait to see the fire department!

Edit by Hoppah:
You should have posted the other things in the right topic.

@ Gamesfunk:
You don't have to play admin here.

#818 Hoppah


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Posted 29 October 2006 - 06:05 PM

Second picture from the editor:
Geposte afbeelding
The sky is added with photoshop.


#819 tony11139



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Posted 29 October 2006 - 06:18 PM

Nice Hospital hoppah good work :D :1046275747_biggthumpup:

#820 Guest_Gamesfunk_*

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Posted 29 October 2006 - 07:04 PM

Hoppah, will you add a 'real' police station and/or fire department station in the next version(s)?
