[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah
Posted 18 August 2008 - 10:14 PM
that would be the purpose of the EMS captains car that's already in-game in 1.6.
question for Hoppah, are the FFEMTs replacing the firefighters?
Yes, the normal firefighters had to be renamed to 'FF/EMT' and 'FF/EMT with SCBA gear', that's all.

Posted 18 August 2008 - 10:20 PM

Posted 18 August 2008 - 10:23 PM
Dear Hoppah,
Can you please create a new thread when 1.7 is out? It's hard to find the link between lots of posts here.
This is going to be the best mod.
It already is! :supercool:
Posted 18 August 2008 - 10:32 PM
That thread is NOT about a possible release date. :1046275873_shakehead:
I made it because I wanted to put all news about v1.7 together.

I even got PM's from people who asked me IF there will be a v1.7, lol.
Posted 18 August 2008 - 10:57 PM

Posted 18 August 2008 - 11:47 PM
i love this change becuase the paramedic Squad has two firefighter paramedics right mike? so im happy cause nw i can just put two ff/pm instead of 2 firefighters and 2 medics
I can field that one. By squad, I assume you mean the LA County FD squad. The usual staffing is two firefighter/paramedics and yeah, its nice to just be able to put 2 in there
Posted 19 August 2008 - 01:56 AM
Always wantet to use that
Posted 19 August 2008 - 03:37 AM
Posted 19 August 2008 - 04:33 AM
I agree, what was even the point of posting that???thats just not right
Anywho, back to topic now:
So Hoppah, are you getting rid of the regular paramedic and replacing it with the FF one? Or are you just adding more to the mod? Awesome either way :1046275747_biggthumpup:
Posted 19 August 2008 - 05:16 AM
I agree, what was even the point of posting that???
Anywho, back to topic now:
So Hoppah, are you getting rid of the regular paramedic and replacing it with the FF one? Or are you just adding more to the mod? Awesome either way :1046275747_biggthumpup:
he is replacing the medic with the ff/pm
Posted 19 August 2008 - 09:03 AM
More news!
I have changed the skin of Mass Casualty Unit. It has the same colors as the Mobile Field Hospital now.
Because trailers are too buggy I kept the model I already had, so it's just a reskin to add a bit more realism. Picture:
Photo's of the Mobile Field Hospital: click and click
And I have changed the skin of the coroners. Picture:
Photo: click
The changed EMS (Emergency Medical Service) system:
Mikesphotos already revealed there will be a big change in the EMS system in my mod. Here is the full info:
The firefighters in the Los Angeles mod have been splitted up into 2 different qualifications.
The FF/EMT can stabilize and the FF/PM can heal persons.
Both kind of firefighters can use all equipment and both firefighters can use SCBA gear or a stretcher.
Besides the two qualifications, I have added an EMS Paramedic Captain. He can heal and call for additional vehicles.
Because the FF/EMT's have a basic medical training you will usually find them on fire apparatus like the fire engine's.
The FF/PM's can be found on the ambulances or as extra crew on the engine's and trucks.
Because the FF/PM's can heal they are part of the EMS group (or Ambulance group = white dots on minimap) and the FF/EMT's are part of the Fire Department group.
You can easily recognize the paramedics on the EMS logo in their unit picture.
What are the differences compared to previous versions of the Los Angeles Mod?
Besides some name changes, the FF/PM's have more similar clothing to the normal firefighters like in the previous versions.
They have a helmet and wear a yellow jacket now. All FF/PM's have the ability to use all equipment and they can get the SCBA gear.
The FF/EMT's have the abilty to get a stretcher now.
Because it is not possible to change person models, the firefighters with stretcher still wear navy blue pants and shirt.
The EMT bag which was carried by the paramedic is standard equipment of the FF/PM and can be dropped and get from vehicles now.
FF/PM's without the bag can still heal persons, but the EMT bag offers a small bonus to the healing process and is necessary to defibrillate persons.
Because there are 4 new person models and name and skin changes I have added a picture which summarizes the above text:
EMT = Emergency Medical Technician
PM = Paramedic
FF = Firefighter
The last part of this newpost is a small preview of the manual (for v1.7) I'm working on:
Hey hoppah
just to start off 1.7 is going to be off the hook!!!!!!!!!!

Attached Files
Posted 19 August 2008 - 09:07 AM
if I may offer a little helpful critsism, it may be able to add what the standered crew is on the Fire and EMS units, when the alarm is sounded.
There will be a chapter about the fire station too.
All vehicles + default crew for alarm will explained in that chapter.

Posted 19 August 2008 - 02:28 PM
There will be a chapter about the fire station too.
All vehicles + default crew for alarm will explained in that chapter.
Are you going to staff the vehicles upon an alarm in a light force/task force configuration?
Posted 19 August 2008 - 05:57 PM
It's just not very realistic to have each vehicle fully staffed and waiting around for a call to happen.
Posted 19 August 2008 - 11:13 PM
Any thought to having the initial alarm that populates the fire station not actually send any staff to the vehicles? It might just be the way I play, (with a BC acting as a dispatcher), but the first thing I do when playing freeplay is to send each vehicle out of the hall and then send it right back to empty everything out.
It's just not very realistic to have each vehicle fully staffed and waiting around for a call to happen.
It's a game. Staffing the vehicles at start make things much easier.
I don't care of its realistic or not.
Posted 19 August 2008 - 11:27 PM

Well, what he was saying is that the firefighters doesn't come out of the station 1 second after the bell rings, it takes... 20 to 25 seconds, minimum..
Posted 19 August 2008 - 11:41 PM
You know what I don't understand, why you are so bitter? You bang the "realism" drum all the time, but when someone makes a suggestion based on the fact of realism, (not just my recent staffing suggestion), you act like a 5 year old and stomp your feet.It's a game. Staffing the vehicles at start make things much easier.
I don't care of its realistic or not.
Is the mod supposed to be real or easy, tell me that - then I'll know what suggestions to make or not.
Posted 19 August 2008 - 11:59 PM
If I wanted to make that realistic, it would be already changed.
But it's not. It makes the game a bit easier, but mostly, more pleasant to play.
I already see people 'reporting possible bugs' that the firefighters don't come out of the building, because they can't wait 20 seconds.
Emergency 4 is a fast game, increasing these times would be annoying as hell. Putting crew in the vehicles by yourself each time you start takes too much time.