[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah
Posted 27 December 2007 - 06:12 PM
There is a FAQ which has been made for (new) users. Maybe you looked over it, but there are alot of questions answered in the FAQ.
@ lala:
Nice idea, but there will be only one new mission in v1.5 (the forest-fire mission). You don't want to wait another long time for just 1 mission, do you?
@ Col. Ghost:
Adding more federal units would be awesome, but if Voodoo_Operator wants to make his own mod it's his decision. I allowed him to use some of my vehicles in return for some of his models. Even if we can make an agreement by adding his vehicles into the LA Mod, it won't be in v1.5.
LA Mod News:
I am almost done with the missionscript for the forest-fire mission. I can tell you more about the objectives:
You need to evacuate about 15 civilians from a village, protect a military airbase and the village from fire.
You also need to deal with some troublemakers who don't want to leave the village.
The mission will start with a short cutscene showing the village, the airbase where you will see a F-15E taking off and the fire.
The mission has some nice twists to make it more difficult and unpredictable.
If you have evacuated the civilians and extinguised all fires, something else will happen. That remains secret until release.
Posted 27 December 2007 - 08:58 PM

Posted 27 December 2007 - 09:06 PM
However, if Hoppah agrees, I could send him a few federal units for the LA mod. I'm thinking the FBI would be a nice addition, and when i get to making the mobile command post, I could easily reskin it as the FBI Los Angeles Field Office truck.
-Cal Naughton Jr.
Posted 27 December 2007 - 09:08 PM
LA Mod News:
I am almost done with the missionscript for the forest-fire mission. I can tell you more about the objectives:
You need to evacuate about 15 civilians from a village, protect a military airbase and the village from fire.
You also need to deal with some troublemakers who don't want to leave the village.
The mission will start with a short cutscene showing the village, the airbase where you will see a F-15E taking off and the fire.
The mission has some nice twists to make it more difficult and unpredictable.
If you have evacuated the civilians and extinguised all fires, something else will happen. That remains secret until release.
Definetly sounds interesting! Can't wait to see what the surprise is for sure! I couldn't help but shake my head and sigh at the same time regarding the troublemakers. California is one of the few states where "Mandatory Evacuations" are not mandatory! One of the most dangerous, and heart breaking parts of every SoCal Firestorm are the people who steadfastly refuse to evacuate the area and their homes and insist on protecting them with garden hoses and other ineffective tools. There is nothing we can do to stop it, we can neither arrest them nor force them to leave as long as they are on their own property or have the permission of the property owner. Unfortunatly this leads to some confrontations with emergency workers at times, and all too often the citizen realizes much to late that his efforts are futile and that he needs to evacuate. That shear audacity and at times, lunacy is the #1 cause of civilian deaths during the firestorm. You just can't outrun a fire. It is just that simple. Even with all of the tools at our disposal from Aircraft to Handcrews, and all of our training and practice, more often then not we're simply at the mercy of the weather and the terrain.

http://MikesPhotos.us- For the best in General and Fire/Law Enforcement photography in the Southern California Area.
Posted 27 December 2007 - 09:44 PM

**Intel Core i7 920 @ 3.8
**Gigabyte EX58-UD3R
**GeForce 8800GTS 512
**Why don't you leave telling people how to behave on the forum to the forum staff, thank you very much**

Posted 27 December 2007 - 10:31 PM
Posted 28 December 2007 - 02:41 PM
Posted 28 December 2007 - 03:06 PM
It doesn't work perfectly, so I'm not going to add it yet.
Posted 29 December 2007 - 05:29 AM
Next you will find the term "Squad" refering to a Heavy Rescue Type Apparatus that is often assigned to a Fire Department. Just because its called a Squad, does not mean it runs HAZMAT calls. The Fire Department "Rescue Squad" I run on is a Heavy Rescue with minimal (basically, just a start) Hazmat equipment. Our primary function is Search and Rescue on the Fire Scene, all types of vehicle extrications, most types of Technical rescue to include Water, Ice, Machinery and Trench as well as Collapse Rescue Support. We carry everything from Extrication equipment to wet suits to torches and Mini Jack hammers and we have all this (except the boat that we have to tow) on one "Rescue Squad". Check out our website and you can see our squad as well as what we carry by clicking on the compartments of the "Rescue Squad". www.bhvfd14.com
Another example I have seen is in Pennsylvania is where a "Squad" is Manpower olny Vehicle whose sole purpose is to transport personel to and from a Scene.

The term "Squad" has a rich history in the fire service as a "Catch All" term. With most apparatus having a very definitive definition and specific requirements that are laid out in the Incident Command System Field Operations Guide, the term Squad is used to describe any apparatus that doesn't fit so neatly into those parameters. In most areas this means that it is an apparatus that doesn't have a pump or an aerial ladder, but like most things in the US Fire Service, there are always exceptions to every rule! In the FDNY, their squads are just like you said. In 1998, the FDNY decided to change some of their Engine companies over to a specialized role. Purchasing specially built Seagrave Midship Rescue Pumpers that could function as a regular engine company on most calls, they were also equipped with special HAZMAT and Ladder/Rescue company tools! By staffing them with Men and women who had HAZMAT Tech qualificatons as well as Engine and Truck Company training, they created a specialized response unit that was a jack of all trades. Unfortunatly though, with every "all-in-one" solution, you have compromise. Because of the staffing and equipment carried, it was no longer a normal engine company therefore it got the catch all term "Squad."
For Los Angeles County Fire, the squads are small pickup trucks that are staffed by 2 paramedics and carry ACLS medical equipment and a few Heavy Squads carry extrication tools as well. For Los Angeles City Fire, the squads are large HAZMAT apparatus that are staffed with 4 personell with specialized HAZMAT training, yet also respond to Structure fires within 1 mile of their station.
Hope that helps.
Posted 30 December 2007 - 02:01 PM
Posted 30 December 2007 - 02:04 PM
Posted 01 January 2008 - 10:32 PM
Posted 02 January 2008 - 12:49 AM
I am going to suggest that you rephrase that...don't ask when a mod is going to be release, he will tell you when it will be ready. It violates the TOS and thats a bad thing. And happy new year and welcome to the forums.Hello everyone
Happy new year
Greetings from small country in Europe near Baltic sea Lithuania. I have a lot of friends who are playing 911 first responders with your mod. It is super. Great job. It can be said that you created the new emergency game
) I think Wizard Works or whatever must invite you to creating new games
Can i ask you when you planning to release mod 1.5 for em4? I can't wait for it:) Also i had idea to you website, you could add chat, i could create it to you, you just add HTML then, if you want to, contact me then
Also if i could be useful for you with sounds etc. please contact me
My email simonas@info.lt
Posted 02 January 2008 - 12:51 AM

i dont think hoppah will add a chat on his site because i think hi have so much time.
about the release of LA mod 1.5:here is a list with what he have to do and what is done

- Fire station, police station and hospital added to Deluxe freeplaymap.
- Fire Extinguishers added to police vehicles.
- Most police units can use fire extinguishers and carry persons now.
- Multiplayer events edited and specs changed. Thanks to Winger.
- New sirens.
- Hat added to CHP patrolman.
- New body & helmet for SWAT unit and National Guard.
- Events & Superevents files improved. Thanks to Mav1701.
- New vehicle: CHP Dodge Charger.
To Do:
- One new mission.
- Deluxe translation.
- Some new voices (battalion chief, pd helicopter, etc...).
- Bewaffnete Festnahme (Armed arrest) scripts from Woltep.
- Change of most FD vehicles.
happy new year too

Posted 02 January 2008 - 01:33 AM

Can i ask you when you planning to release mod 1.5 for em4? I can't wait for it:)
Quote from Hoppah's FAQ:
When can I expect the next version?
I don't work with a deadline or an exact release date.
The next version will be released when it's finished.
Just be patient and the check the forum for updates.
Also i had idea to you website, you could add chat, i could create it to you, you just add HTML then, if you want to, contact me then
Well we had a chat on the forum, even tought Hoppah and me decided to block support since it was put on here and we finally decided to remove it to avoid people whining for support there. We've got a forum for support related questions.
Posted 02 January 2008 - 04:19 AM
@ Stan - thanks, but i meant the lightbars themselves... not the entire mod with the vehicles that have the lightbars, ive already downloaded it obviously!
He meant push Download ---> EM4 ---> Misc.
And people, please let the Hoppah get some time to finish up

**Intel Core i7 920 @ 3.8
**Gigabyte EX58-UD3R
**GeForce 8800GTS 512
**Why don't you leave telling people how to behave on the forum to the forum staff, thank you very much**

Posted 02 January 2008 - 12:50 PM
So, if you can give those scripts, i put your name to my mod readme -file.
Posted 02 January 2008 - 01:15 PM
Hoppah, can i use some your scripts of my mod. Because i arent good to take scripts. But some scipts - i dont how take it..
So, if you can give those scripts, i put your name to my mod readme -file.
Sure, no problem. Which scripts do you want to use and for which mod?
Posted 02 January 2008 - 01:27 PM
Mod is Finland mod. All Finland units ect.. First version of mod is finnish, but next 1.1 version all txts are is english.Sure, no problem. Which scripts do you want to use and for which mod?
I dont know, which scripts i use. Maybe i edit some scipts, like "back to firestation".