[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah
Guest_Gil Galvanti_*
Posted 21 December 2007 - 11:33 PM
Posted 21 December 2007 - 11:45 PM
Is there a list of features and/or possible release date for the next mod?
from this post(click on the link) you see the progres of LA mod 1.5 with all the new things

and welcome to the forum

Posted 22 December 2007 - 09:10 AM
I just finished the California Highway Patrol Dodge Charger!
I decided to make a marked version with push bumper and a LED lightbar, because it looks so cool.
The car has the same functions as all other patrol cars except the higher speed.
It has 3 doors (passenger, driver & trunk lid) and about 2.000 polygons including the 4 wheels and the 3 doors.
Front picture (effects added with Photoshop):
Charger Looks great!
ARE you gonna put it in the Lamod.1.4///?????????
Posted 22 December 2007 - 10:28 AM
- Fire station, police station and hospital added to Deluxe freeplaymap.
- Fire Extinguishers added to police vehicles.
- Most police units can use fire extinguishers and carry persons now.
- Multiplayer events edited and specs changed. Thanks to Winger.
- New sirens.
- Hat added to CHP patrolman.
- New body & helmet for SWAT unit and National Guard.
- Events & Superevents files improved. Thanks to Mav1701.
- New vehicle: CHP Dodge Charger.
To Do:
- One new mission.
- Deluxe translation.
- Some new voices (battalion chief, pd helicopter, etc...).
- Bewaffnete Festnahme (Armed arrest) scripts from Woltep.
- Change of most FD vehicles.

Posted 22 December 2007 - 11:06 AM
nice Charger, it looks really great.
Cool also what you've done so far.
Maybe v.1.5 will be released with the new year, hm?

Whatever, keep on good work. :1046275747_biggthumpup:
Posted 22 December 2007 - 12:48 PM
LA mod Deluxe:) ^-^
Posted 22 December 2007 - 03:16 PM
Posted 22 December 2007 - 03:22 PM
Posted 23 December 2007 - 11:16 PM
Posted 24 December 2007 - 12:02 AM
Hoppah what do you plan to change with the FD vehicles?
Change all tops (the skins) as he has pictures from the top now
Posted 24 December 2007 - 12:26 AM
Thanks, love this mod! Thanks again.
Posted 24 December 2007 - 12:38 AM
I am sorry to repeat this, but to Hoppah - if it's not much of a problem, can't you add more stuff to the freeplay? I mean, you play the misisons once or twice, then it gets boring.. maybe some extra stuff to Freeplay that makes it more fun to play as we all mostly play that, also a idea - when I played today, I noticed that the paramedics can't call for ambulance, maybe add that? (When you send that emergency car with 2 paramedics only)
Thanks, love this mod! Thanks again.
Thats true

Christmas greetings.
**Intel Core i7 920 @ 3.8
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**Why don't you leave telling people how to behave on the forum to the forum staff, thank you very much**

Posted 24 December 2007 - 03:23 AM
Depends where you live based on who responds. With volunteer agencies, they'd only respond an ambulance and the local pd to any emergencies that need an ambulance other than MVA's and Structure fires.Thats true
That would be a good idea. To make the paramedics able to call an ambulance to the scene. Even though, firefighters in us often are the ones first on a scene, and they call for the ambulance. One thing i really would like to see, was an EMT on board the firetrucks, that could almost act like an doctor, and could get into the ambulance if needed..
Christmas greetings.
Posted 25 December 2007 - 09:42 PM
can't you just add the Federal Units Mod?
i think that would be awesome!
9-11 Never Forgotten
Posted 26 December 2007 - 08:55 PM

Posted 26 December 2007 - 09:59 PM
Hey man, don't take this the wrong way but please edit/remove your post. it has already been stated that hoppah will NOT add a second station, the coding element is just way too time consuming. Also, please do not type all caps. it portrays yelling, and is offensive to everyone. plus, it is against forum rules.
Thanks, and have fun!

pacis in vicis jurgium
Posted 27 December 2007 - 05:42 AM
I think I read that adding the federal unit mod togeather with the LA mod will be possible. I assume they will be released but seeing as Voodo and Hoppah are such amazing modders I suspect they will have somthing in the works, even if they just write a tutorial on how to put the two mods togeatheri read the thing about the USCG units.
can't you just add the Federal Units Mod?
i think that would be awesome!
Posted 27 December 2007 - 05:45 AM
Hoppah already said he isn't going to do that because it's too much work. All you guys gotta remember, He is doing this for free. so if you want a second fire station in freeplay, use your own time to create it and if you do it well enough, maybe Hoppah will look at it for evaluation and see if he wants to add it into his mod.LOVE THE MOD PLAY IT ALL THE TIME JUST THINK IT WOULD BE COOL IF YOU COULD MAKE A 2ND FIRE STATION AND A B/C 2 SO THERE IS A PLACE FOR A 2ND LADDER, THE RESCUE AND THE HAZ/MAT... JUST AN IDEIA!
@ Mike: I remember that you said that a squad refers to any type of fire apperatus without a pump. Is that how it is out in LA? Because I know that here in the New York Metro area, many squads respond with pumpers, and the FDNY's squads(combination engine company, truck company, and HazMat first responders) respond with a Rescue Pumper as their first out piece of apperatus, and there other piece, a step van(with Hazmat equipment) usually only reponds if it's a Hazmat type call, or there is a danger of Hazardus Materials being present, ex: crash of an industrial tanker truck. Just wondering
Posted 27 December 2007 - 09:52 AM
@ Mike: I remember that you said that a squad refers to any type of fire apperatus without a pump. Is that how it is out in LA? Because I know that here in the New York Metro area, many squads respond with pumpers, and the FDNY's squads(combination engine company, truck company, and HazMat first responders) respond with a Rescue Pumper as their first out piece of apperatus, and there other piece, a step van(with Hazmat equipment) usually only reponds if it's a Hazmat type call, or there is a danger of Hazardus Materials being present, ex: crash of an industrial tanker truck. Just wondering
The term "Squad" has a rich history in the fire service as a "Catch All" term. With most apparatus having a very definitive definition and specific requirements that are laid out in the Incident Command System Field Operations Guide, the term Squad is used to describe any apparatus that doesn't fit so neatly into those parameters. In most areas this means that it is an apparatus that doesn't have a pump or an aerial ladder, but like most things in the US Fire Service, there are always exceptions to every rule! In the FDNY, their squads are just like you said. In 1998, the FDNY decided to change some of their Engine companies over to a specialized role. Purchasing specially built Seagrave Midship Rescue Pumpers that could function as a regular engine company on most calls, they were also equipped with special HAZMAT and Ladder/Rescue company tools! By staffing them with Men and women who had HAZMAT Tech qualificatons as well as Engine and Truck Company training, they created a specialized response unit that was a jack of all trades. Unfortunatly though, with every "all-in-one" solution, you have compromise. Because of the staffing and equipment carried, it was no longer a normal engine company therefore it got the catch all term "Squad."
For Los Angeles County Fire, the squads are small pickup trucks that are staffed by 2 paramedics and carry ACLS medical equipment and a few Heavy Squads carry extrication tools as well. For Los Angeles City Fire, the squads are large HAZMAT apparatus that are staffed with 4 personell with specialized HAZMAT training, yet also respond to Structure fires within 1 mile of their station.
Hope that helps.

http://MikesPhotos.us- For the best in General and Fire/Law Enforcement photography in the Southern California Area.
Posted 27 December 2007 - 04:30 PM
I loved your mission in EM3, that missing child. It was so amazing. So fun to search. Can't you do any more missing person missions? Perhaps they could be taken hostage, stuck somewhere, in fight with someone somewhere? In a building that catches fire suddenly?