Oh wow .Do I see Engine to Engine/Satellite (the concept should be se same) connection?

[HOLD] New York City Modification v2.0
Posted 04 February 2015 - 10:11 PM
Posted 04 February 2015 - 10:35 PM
No. Your eyes deceive you, it's actually two manatees mating. That is all.
Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information
Executive Director: EMP Gulag
Do you have a warning that you want to go away, or are you facing another punishment you don't want? Contact me for the NEW alternative!
Posted 05 February 2015 - 02:23 AM
No. Your eyes deceive you, it's actually two manatees mating. That is all.
Things looking FANTASTIC, great job so far!
Check out my YouTube Channel!
I make intros and stuffs. PM me if you'd like to request one!
"No." - Rosa Parks, 1955.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:58 AM
so why da hell can't I post hahahttp://forum.emergen...-44#entry291577
Two different browsers say that it works 100% fine and there is no issue what so ever.
Posted 05 February 2015 - 09:40 AM
Because your own account apparently doesnt like you, several of us have tested it, looked at it to re-verify that there is nothing restricting you, and there is nothing... So, the problem has to be on your end, as to what in the world can cause that particular issue I have no clue, but we've all tested your account and have found no issues with the account it's self, it has to be something on your end... With no error given what so ever, it could simply be a connection issue that you're experiencing. There should be an error given if there is a problem from the forum's end, and from my experience whenever I've broken something or done something it doesnt want me to, it kindly tells me with an obnoxious error code.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 05 February 2015 - 01:09 PM
Posted 05 February 2015 - 04:02 PM
I have no idea. Either way, the issue is on your end. Three separate staff members have tested it on several separate computers, and occasions. It's not us, it must be you. I don't know what else to tell ya.
Either way, back to the topic at hand please. Any website issues can be reported in support or by PM.
Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information
Executive Director: EMP Gulag
Do you have a warning that you want to go away, or are you facing another punishment you don't want? Contact me for the NEW alternative!
Posted 05 February 2015 - 08:16 PM
And I thought I was bad at topic hijacking + offtopic chatter.
- Newfoundking likes this
Posted 06 February 2015 - 07:18 AM
Will it run with the same emergency 4 requirements , or required more like Manhattan mod?
Posted 06 February 2015 - 08:03 AM
As of our last testing it was similar in requirements to the original released version of this mod, or the final standard release of the LA mod. As with any mod the original minimum requirements of the standard game are a bit low to expect perfect performance, but it is nowhere near as demanding as things like the Manhattan mod.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 07 February 2015 - 10:59 AM
If you can run the LA mod, this mod should be no trouble to run. All models in there are optimized to be the smallest size while still looking good, each script to prevent lag, and the experience itself is optimized for this mod, which means there will be a good bit less problems experienced than with port mods, like the Manhattan mod.
So long as you have a somewhat modern computer, you shouldn't worry about running this
Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information
Executive Director: EMP Gulag
Do you have a warning that you want to go away, or are you facing another punishment you don't want? Contact me for the NEW alternative!
Posted 08 February 2015 - 09:01 AM
Don't worry, maxing the RAM is my job.
That'd be it too, within the default mod that we're making the goal is to keep it available to as many users as possible, that means we've taken our best efforts to keep performance in the forefront of our process, rather than go all-out for ultra-HD visuals that'd be only available to maybe 5% of the users... We're trying to make sure everyone (within reason) can have a positive experience performance wise with this mod, it's up to people like EM there to wreck that experience with the overzealous lighting after the fact =)
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 12 February 2015 - 12:21 PM
Nice c: Love the map the most.
Posted 13 February 2015 - 02:12 AM
Are you guys still going to have the Ambulances at the hospital or are you gonna give them their own station or put them in a fire house?
Former Fire Fighter (2006-2011)
Squamish Fire Resuce
Hall one Company 41 (on call 24-7)
Posted 13 February 2015 - 03:05 AM
In my opinion I think they should be stationed at a fire station and at a hospital because that's what most cities do but I don't know what New York does. I leave it to them, anyway is perfect and doesn't matter
Thanks to Max Starmer, Jamnj88, Mindcat, Aether, itchboy, and losangelesi for helping me make my own private mod!
Posted 13 February 2015 - 03:24 AM
Actually, most the cities I've been to have them stationed along with the fire apparatus, (usually an engine). For a good deal of american cities the standard response involves a fire engine and ambulance for medical responses, most cities do not "station" ambulances at hospitals, as there simply isnt enough space available to have them sit parked until needed. Most major hospitals service large communities, generally including not only major metro areas, but the outlying communities as well (think counties). All these agencies have their own emergency vehicles, and as such will require the ability to off-load their patients as well, it is not uncommon to find EMS hospital bays overflowing with ambulances from varying services (private transport, city municipal ambulances, county municipal ambulances, and private facility transport ambulances). So it is more common to find the ambulances within the actual fire departments alongside the fire apparatus.
NYC, however does things a bit differently, for the most part their apparatus for EMS is kept within their own stations, some of which are located at/near the hospitals, but most tend to be in what appear to be old fire stations that have been converted to EMS stations. As to whether or not we will relocate them to their own station, I honestly don't know at this time, It's a matter of the effort vs reward to justify creating another station (stations means less space for activities to take place, missions and things like that). If every agency available in the mod were given their corresponding stations, the map would be quite boring fast because there wouldnt be much left to play with outside of all the stations/agencies represented on the map physically with a brick-and-mortar on the ground. The problem with most of the EMS stations are their size, they arent exactly small facilities and unfortunately most of them have excessive spacing around them to stow all of the EMS vehicles there. I honestly am not sure if it's worth the loss of space to have the ambulances parked on the map in/at a station considering all the other stations presently on the map.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 13 February 2015 - 05:45 AM
Fair enough answer... Thanks
In British Columbia Medical Service runs with their own stations averaging roughly about three units per station... I only know of one station to date that is connected to a Fire hall and I believe that was coming to a close last I heard.
I can understand the events/space ratio that is a problem, if only we could just make the map that little bit bigger so that way we can put everything we want on it right
Again thanks!
Former Fire Fighter (2006-2011)
Squamish Fire Resuce
Hall one Company 41 (on call 24-7)
Posted 13 February 2015 - 07:31 AM
Some areas do have their own stations for EMS, but in most regions the fire/ems get called out to the same responses so they put them into the same place (in alotta american regions Firefighters make up the EMT forces as well so it kind of makes sense) so that they can just simply respond together as one unit instead of responding separately to medical responses. Sometimes they still end up split up (the ambo will go to a hospital while the engine returns to it's station) so their response suffers in those situations, but the intent of keeping them together is to have everything arrive on-scene that is required for the call. NYC I'm guessing because of the density and traffic issues has their EMS separate in their own stations, outside of that I am not exactly sure of the intricacies of how the NYC emt services work, whether they sit at hospitals to wait for calls, patrol in a sense, I'm simply not informed well enough to know about that area.
Lazy Moderator - Will warn when agro >)
Executive Director, EMP Internment Camps
Posted 13 February 2015 - 08:50 AM
There are scattered EMS stations around the city , although they are usually subpar to actual FDNY stations. Majority of ambulances are posted on a street corner and wait around for calls.NYC I'm guessing because of the density and traffic issues has their EMS separate in their own stations, outside of that I am not exactly sure of the intricacies of how the NYC emt services work, whether they sit at hospitals to wait for calls, patrol in a sense, I'm simply not informed well enough to know about that area.