Sorry if this has already been asked Potty however; is this model likely going to make an appearance in the near future???
I was wondering about that, because I saw it in the model folder but it isn't in-game.
Probably still has lights/working shield/corrections to be made as Potty likes everything to be top notch.

Can't remember if its the rail van or the power van, but one of them is a traffic vehicle already, so will this be a tech unit in future?
Another bug
For the third game in the row, the water carrier just won't move. I am trying to move it with 2x normal fire fighters, one in normal clothes, one in fire tunic. I have turned the engine on and right click to move but the lights come on, the cab tilts slightly, the siren comes on, the siren comes off and then nothing else happens. It just won't move from where it spawns.
Anyone else managed to move it???