Emergency! Submod
Posted 13 March 2011 - 08:42 PM
Posted 15 March 2011 - 10:35 PM
Posted 16 March 2011 - 12:50 AM
example: u dispatch squad 10 and engine 10 on a traffic accident
personel run out and tones drop.
*tones* squad 10 engine 10, respond on a traffic accident. 13270 flower 13270 flower cross street main time out 13:45
and when the 2 units roll out the bay doors u hear la station 10 10-4 we are responding.
if u respond a whole station, it says like station 10, respond on a structure fire.
Posted 16 March 2011 - 02:43 AM
what r your ideas for this kinda thing? just curiuoswell I am working on something similar to that. But what you are proposing would require alot of scripting(which I have no experience). I am hoping to find someone with some scripting experience to help out.
Posted 16 March 2011 - 04:21 AM
-Change the audio for dispatches(the guy that pops up and says "fire, take care of the fire and any civilians that are injured") from audio clips from the show. Just dispatches.
-For the dispatcher, when you call out a vehicle or station, Have it say "Squad 10 responding"
Posted 16 March 2011 - 05:08 AM
Station 10 was
Engine 10
Engine 210
Truck 10
Squad 10
Battalion 10
(I think that there was one more but I can't remember it.)
Also if you look at the Emergency mod for EM3 you might be able to adapt their biophone script for your purpose. Like instead of only being able to use it to call an off map ambo, you could say that you have to use it before you could treat a patient.
Posted 17 March 2011 - 01:11 AM
Looks awesome, would love to see it come out!I play it on EM3 to!One thing though, on the EM3 one I feel like there are to many fire stations.I think it should be 2 max.Emergency! Submod
Any help would be appreciated. I really just need people who can do lights and the editor. Anyone who can edit LA Mod scripts would be helpful too.
My Backround
I am a long time member on the EM-Planet forums. I joined a few years ago(been too long for me to remember...yes I know its in my profile, shut-up) and I have been a side modder since then. I did a few years ago try to create a mod for the Emergency! TV Show, but I did not have the skills in scripting and map making, and my modeling skills were sub par. now after a few years of practice, and working on several mod teams(including LA Mod, NY Submod, Xplorer4x4's Mods, and a few others) I have refined my skills as a modeler and learned a few things about scripting. Right now I am an Officer in the US Navy and I do this on my spare time.
Why a Submod?
Some of you may be asking, "Why a Submod?". well that is quite simple. Because almost everything I want my mod to do(script wise) has been done in the LA Mod. Why make more work for myself if someone else has already done it(and definitely did a better job than i could). Since this is pretty much just a model rehaul, then it makes my job alot easier.
Mod Details
So after reading for a few minutes you are getting board. You want me to get to the meat of the mod and tell you what this will entail. I am on a horse...but I digress. This Mod;s mission statement(ultimate goal) is: To create a modification to the LA Mod to incorporate as many vehicles, stations, and to create as authentic an environment from the TV series Emergency! as possible.
Here is what I want to have:
Implementation Stage
Station 51(replaces FS2):
Station 51 Firefighter reskin
Ward Lafrance Engine 51(model done)
Dodge Squad 51(ingame)
Station 110(replaces FS1):
Station 110 firefighter reskin
Engine 110-1(In-game)
Engine 110-2(In-game)
Battalion 110(Model in progress)
Ladder 110(model done)
Squad 110(ingame)
Station 10(New Station):
Station 10 firefighter reskin
Ladder 10(In progess)
Engine 10(ingame)
Concept Stage:
Rampart General(replaces Hospital)
Mayfair Ambulance 1(box ambulance)
Ambulance 2(Vintage ambulance)
Ambulance Personnel
Sheriffs Station:
Patrol 1
Transport 1
Sheriff Personnel
LA City Police
Patrol 1
Patrol 2
Police Personnel
Drugbox(replaces med bag)
Biophone(this will be the only way to call an ambulance from off screen)
**Note: This is a rolling criteria.This can change at any time. I can either add or subtract. Suggestions are welcome
So without further ado, I know that everyone loves screenshots, here is an ingame shot I have of Squad 110(I may update the model), and Engine 110:
Best Regards,
Posted 17 March 2011 - 01:47 AM
Posted 17 March 2011 - 02:30 AM
Posted 17 March 2011 - 05:33 PM

Posted 17 March 2011 - 11:20 PM
Posted 19 March 2011 - 07:22 PM
will this mod include an installer, or will it be manual install?
Posted 19 March 2011 - 07:36 PM
Posted 19 March 2011 - 08:20 PM
kool tht will lessen the install time and increase the play time which im sure all of us agree with!It will have the mod pack install.