Finland mod Lohja city (In-Progress/Reopened)
Posted 28 October 2010 - 02:53 PM

Posted 28 October 2010 - 03:01 PM
Posted 28 October 2010 - 04:35 PM
Posted 30 October 2010 - 06:41 AM

Posted 01 November 2010 - 06:53 PM
Itekki asun lohjalla ja "vaikutan" virkkalan vpk:ssa. Jos teet tehtäviä niin yksi hyvä vois olla se Roution rakennuspalo missä oli porukkaa pitkin etelä-suomee:DD
Posted 02 November 2010 - 01:25 PM
Offtopic: Itsekin olin ko. keikalla ensimäisenä kohteessa olevassa yksikössäCould it be possible to see some photos on the map?
Itekki asun lohjalla ja "vaikutan" virkkalan vpk:ssa. Jos teet tehtäviä niin yksi hyvä vois olla se Roution rakennuspalo missä oli porukkaa pitkin etelä-suomee:DD

Ontopic: mmm, someday.
Posted 04 November 2010 - 08:23 PM
Posted 05 November 2010 - 12:10 AM
Both.What vechile you will use ass a HAZMAT -unit? L18 ( http://www.fireimage....php?pos=-47781 )? or will you use KU38 ( http://www.fireimage....php?pos=-55802 )?
Posted 16 November 2010 - 02:20 PM
Whew! Finland mod! Good!
Hey. If you need help with anything, i am willing to help. Tho i have no modding experience, so i can't help with the models/scripts =(
Great job! Seems like this is going to be one of the best mods ever!
BTW: Love the emergency lights!
Check out my public mod, Honolulu Modification
I speak Swedish, Finnish, English and German (only a little German).
The massive image has been removed. Refer to the ToS for acceptable sizes.
Posted 16 November 2010 - 08:27 PM

-St.John Ambulance Cadet First Aider
Posted 01 December 2010 - 09:18 PM

But, indeed, it has been a while since last mod-status-update...
Check out my public mod, Honolulu Modification
I speak Swedish, Finnish, English and German (only a little German).
The massive image has been removed. Refer to the ToS for acceptable sizes.
Posted 02 December 2010 - 12:27 PM
I have pretty bad news for you, i'm going to stop the mod. Because i really dont have time and interest to continue this mod alone. Last thing what i made was the facelifting, and i havent even opened the editor since that.
My personal life has changed pretty much that i dont even want to be at computer allday.
I'm not gonna delete any files, because i don't know about the future, maybe i continue the mod or not...

I can answer the PM:s if you have something in your mind.
Moderators can also lock this topic.
Posted 03 December 2010 - 08:21 PM
Posted 03 December 2010 - 08:23 PM
Well i support your opinion and wish you good luck olevinaa.
Posted 03 December 2010 - 09:12 PM
Damn it! That's too bad, just think of how close of a release you where! At least the models seems quite finished... And the lights and all... Noooo!
At least it's good that you have realized that you have a life without the computer! I haven't!

But hey! How about passing on the project to someone else? (definitely not me, i know to little of modding especially modelling)
You could change the status of the topic to "on hold", or something.
Check out my public mod, Honolulu Modification
I speak Swedish, Finnish, English and German (only a little German).
The massive image has been removed. Refer to the ToS for acceptable sizes.
Posted 04 December 2010 - 07:13 AM