Finland mod Lohja city (In-Progress/Reopened)
Started by
, sep 24 2009 01:16
508 replies to this topic
Gepost 30 augustus 2010 - 05:24
Voitteko tehdä poliisi scootterin tai moottoripyörän?
Can you do a police scooter or motorbike?
Can you do a police scooter or motorbike?
#444 Guest_vilho9_*
Gepost 31 augustus 2010 - 12:38
onko tämäkään valmis?
Nor is this done?
Nor is this done?
#449 Guest_Pohjoismaa_*
Gepost 17 september 2010 - 04:12
Are you still going to continuing the mod, altought EM2012 is coming out soon?
Gepost 18 september 2010 - 07:43
Im kinda sure he will. There is no information that em2012 will be moddable.Are you still going to continuing the mod, altought EM2012 is coming out soon?
Member since 12 Sep 2009.
Gepost 25 september 2010 - 12:59
looks great
Gepost 25 september 2010 - 07:52
Gepost 12 oktober 2010 - 08:52
Can be done'd but thats not gonna be really realistic... But lets see what i can do...
And updates without scrshots.
I'm testing a scrips which randomly puts a alarm to another cities in L-UP are. Not affect to your play but something another realistic parts to this game "hälytysilmoitus Espoo p3,15.13 automaatti, tehtäväilmoitus Siuntio, puukaatunut tielle" ETC.
And updates without scrshots.
I'm testing a scrips which randomly puts a alarm to another cities in L-UP are. Not affect to your play but something another realistic parts to this game "hälytysilmoitus Espoo p3,15.13 automaatti, tehtäväilmoitus Siuntio, puukaatunut tielle" ETC.
Gepost 12 oktober 2010 - 10:16
Ah, so basically sometimes you won't be able to call certain units because they'll be off on a non-existent mission? Cool!
^ what he said
Gepost 21 oktober 2010 - 05:51
Do you think the EOD unit. ootteko miettineet pommin purkuyksikköä.