be quicker? if still struggling edit the bomb times or somethinanyway back to topic
just want to see if anyone els if having the same problem as me ? when i send EOD to disarm bomb each time they get there the bomb just goes of anyways! anyone els having that problem?

London Mod (In progress)
Posted 08 February 2013 - 08:39 PM
Posted 08 February 2013 - 08:43 PM
and how do i do that?be quicker? if still struggling edit the bomb times or somethin
Posted 08 February 2013 - 08:50 PM
Inside the specs folder, you will see a file called fp_params_endless.xml.
Open this file and find
<Enabled value = "1" />
Underneath this, you will see the lines
<!-- MinBombTime: minimum seconds till bomb explods -->
<MinBombTime value = "90.0" />
<!-- MaxBombTime: maximum seconds till bomb explods -->
<MaxBombTime value = "120.0" />
Edit those values to how you want them.
If the file won't save, copy it to your desktop and then edit and save it, making sure you put it back in the right place.
Executive Director: Forum Child Watch
Think a lot. Say little. Write nothing.
-J.P. Morgan
Posted 08 February 2013 - 10:12 PM

Posted 08 February 2013 - 10:55 PM
Posted 28 February 2013 - 12:58 AM
Posted 28 February 2013 - 10:40 AM
Joseph - Handsup!
Emergency Services Enthusiast
Staffordshire Police Cadet
Posted 09 March 2013 - 02:19 PM

Ok so back to London Mod 1.2 well i have been playing it now for round 26 hours and i have to say i think its just awesome, i really like it, its so well done, i found just 2 problems, but before i go any further i would like to add that my post is only to help not to put down the mod in any way, this is just a help post something i found in the mod

So my first problem i came up against was the motor cycle police, what i found is that after arresting a criminal and handcuffing them i couldnt put them in a police car i had to let go of them and the police officer from the car had to re-arrest the criminal and hand cuff them then put them in the car.
It would be great if you could fix this so that even a police motor cyclist could arrest handcuff and put into the police car and or van.
Next thing was the AA recovery lorry what i found is that after my police motor cyclist was taken away by ambulance after being knocked to the ground was i couldnt remove the police bike from the road with the AA lorry, again it would be nice if you could fix this so that you could be able to pick up any emergency vehicle that wasnt able to be used again.
Thankyou again for this great mod, and for all those involved in putting it together its much appreciated

Posted 09 March 2013 - 03:10 PM
Did you try destroying the Police bike and then cooling it down and towing it away? Easiest way to do this is call an ARV, equip one with a Fire Extinguisher and the other 2 with pistols.Hi guys well I'm pretty new to posting here but not to Emergency 4 mods, i have to say i cant help but first be impressed by this great site and with all the great mods you guys have created, thank you all
Ok so back to London Mod 1.2 well i have been playing it now for round 26 hours and i have to say i think its just awesome, i really like it, its so well done, i found just 2 problems, but before i go any further i would like to add that my post is only to help not to put down the mod in any way, this is just a help post something i found in the mod
So my first problem i came up against was the motor cycle police, what i found is that after arresting a criminal and handcuffing them i couldnt put them in a police car i had to let go of them and the police officer from the car had to re-arrest the criminal and hand cuff them then put them in the car.
It would be great if you could fix this so that even a police motor cyclist could arrest handcuff and put into the police car and or van.
Next thing was the AA recovery lorry what i found is that after my police motor cyclist was taken away by ambulance after being knocked to the ground was i couldnt remove the police bike from the road with the AA lorry, again it would be nice if you could fix this so that you could be able to pick up any emergency vehicle that wasnt able to be used again.
Thankyou again for this great mod, and for all those involved in putting it together its much appreciated
Posted 09 March 2013 - 09:54 PM
The police bike itself is best dealt with by the method suggested by TheCadetForce as only motorcyclists can ride it and you end up with a never ending chain as you can only bring one on to the map at once

The OC-D
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur
Posted 10 March 2013 - 11:48 AM

Posted 18 March 2013 - 07:35 PM
- Map- Have street nams on the map. Add stations like in LA Mod for police fire and ambulance as well as a hospital where units can go to and park up without going off the map. Park up points dotted arround the map for units to go and park up on.
- Units and personall- Give armed units the ability to patrol. Creat mountid police for riot situations. Make it so that the police dogs bite. Add some more units like DPG Forensic and Fire Investigation. Add a marked a fire chief car. Have the ability to put up cordan tape barryers and even cones. Have only one person with a strecher.
- Other things- Add a dispatcher like in winterburg mod. Ability to call out units like in LA Mod. Make emergencys last longer.
Apart from that the mod is so cool.
Posted 18 March 2013 - 11:20 PM

1. Stations take an awful lot of work although have been talked about many times. Street names on the map as per Harbour City Mod ruin the look IMHO. Park-up points? Why not just station some units in car parks like they do in real life?
2. The ARV's not having patrol is an oversight that would be fixed if there was to be another version. Mounted Units have only bee demo-ed in one mod and didn't seem to work particularly well, will see if I can find the vid. Police dogs that work like Hoppah's are very hard, man it took the man himself months to do. DPG, Forensics, CID and Marked Chief Cars might appear if there was to be another version, would be Mintcake and Sniped's decisions. Cones and barriers might be able to be implemented, although cordon tape that works unlike the barriers hasn't been made yet.
3. The dispatch function from Winterberg needs a scripting capability that is far and above average. And what do you mean about emergencies lasting longer? Fire's burn quite well and there's not much more you can do with a Medical Emergency...?
Thanks for the interest and the input; I'm not trying to shoot you down, just provide reasons why they aren't, and maybe won't, appear in the mod

The OC-D
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur
Posted 19 March 2013 - 06:14 PM
Also Supporting: RCMP mod, Stillwater mod, Lampard mod, Ravenna sub-mod, Rockport mod.
State & National Park enthusiast can help modders in park related issues.
My statements in no way respect the views of any agency I am or was formerly associated with.
Posted 19 March 2013 - 08:51 PM

Posted 20 March 2013 - 04:46 PM
Hi guys well I'm pretty new to posting here but not to Emergency 4 mods, i have to say i cant help but first be impressed by this great site and with all the great mods you guys have created, thank you all
Ok so back to London Mod 1.2 well i have been playing it now for round 26 hours and i have to say i think its just awesome, i really like it, its so well done, i found just 2 problems, but before i go any further i would like to add that my post is only to help not to put down the mod in any way, this is just a help post something i found in the mod
So my first problem i came up against was the motor cycle police, what i found is that after arresting a criminal and handcuffing them i couldnt put them in a police car i had to let go of them and the police officer from the car had to re-arrest the criminal and hand cuff them then put them in the car.
It would be great if you could fix this so that even a police motor cyclist could arrest handcuff and put into the police car and or van.
Next thing was the AA recovery lorry what i found is that after my police motor cyclist was taken away by ambulance after being knocked to the ground was i couldnt remove the police bike from the road with the AA lorry, again it would be nice if you could fix this so that you could be able to pick up any emergency vehicle that wasnt able to be used again.
Thankyou again for this great mod, and for all those involved in putting it together its much appreciated
Hi all both me and my mate have loved playing london mod so much and have came up with a list of things we feel would make the mod on a whole new level.
Apart from that the mod is so cool.
- Map- Have street nams on the map. Add stations like in LA Mod for police fire and ambulance as well as a hospital where units can go to and park up without going off the map. Park up points dotted arround the map for units to go and park up on.
- Units and personall- Give armed units the ability to patrol. Creat mountid police for riot situations. Make it so that the police dogs bite. Add some more units like DPG Forensic and Fire Investigation. Add a marked a fire chief car. Have the ability to put up cordan tape barryers and even cones. Have only one person with a strecher.
- Other things- Add a dispatcher like in winterburg mod. Ability to call out units like in LA Mod. Make emergencys last longer.
@rusty: Still working on that Police MOtorbike issue...
1. Stations take an awful lot of work although have been talked about many times. Street names on the map as per Harbour City Mod ruin the look IMHO. Park-up points? Why not just station some units in car parks like they do in real life?
2. The ARV's not having patrol is an oversight that would be fixed if there was to be another version. Mounted Units have only bee demo-ed in one mod and didn't seem to work particularly well, will see if I can find the vid. Police dogs that work like Hoppah's are very hard, man it took the man himself months to do. DPG, Forensics, CID and Marked Chief Cars might appear if there was to be another version, would be Mintcake and Sniped's decisions. Cones and barriers might be able to be implemented, although cordon tape that works unlike the barriers hasn't been made yet.
3. The dispatch function from Winterberg needs a scripting capability that is far and above average. And what do you mean about emergencies lasting longer? Fire's burn quite well and there's not much more you can do with a Medical Emergency...?
Thanks for the interest and the input; I'm not trying to shoot you down, just provide reasons why they aren't, and maybe won't, appear in the mod
The OC-D
Just to say I agree with all these comments a great mod that is unfortunately falling behind the times and with great mods like manhattan mod v3 that most of us even with super gaming computers can not play we need this to get updated and as I am personally from the UK near london I would love to see some more UK oriented mods born or updated in line with current developments in say LA and Manhattan ModsI think a new map is in order (if i remember rightly one was being made) it is a shame that such a good mod has slowed down so much, what happened to sniped222 and mintcake69? if they dont have time to carry on i think it would be good if we could get a little team together just to keep it going and let sniped222 and mintcake69 look over it. I just feel that it is a shame that it has just stopped as i feel this mod is one of the best if not the best
Currently Supporting Kent Mod, London Mod and London Project along with the already released Welfordshire Mod
Posted 20 March 2013 - 07:30 PM
Posted 21 March 2013 - 02:00 PM

The OC-D
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur
Posted 02 April 2013 - 11:25 PM
Just to say I agree with all these comments a great mod that is unfortunately falling behind the times and with great mods like manhattan mod v3 that most of us even with super gaming computers can not play we need this to get updated and as I am personally from the UK near london I would love to see some more UK oriented mods born or updated in line with current developments in say LA and Manhattan Mods
i think it is just an awesome mod guys, it is perfect just the way it is, i don't give i f**k ( sorry for bad languis) if there are any bugs, or that it isnn't that good as manhattan mod, it is perfect!!!I'm interested in what you mean by 'falling behind'...? Every mod is an advancement on the original game, every mod adds new things, different things that other mods don't have. Currently we're not sure whether Sniped or Mintcake are going to return to this, so we might have to treat it as a dead end, c'est la vie. The only way that new mods are gonna get made is if people are willing to give their time to learn to mod
The OC-D
sorry for bad english, i'm dutch!
Greets from the fire dept, zaandam!
Posted 08 April 2013 - 12:38 AM
Currently Supporting Kent Mod, London Mod and London Project along with the already released Welfordshire Mod