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London Mod (In progress)

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#1641 BritishArmyReserveCadets


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Posted 12 April 2012 - 05:05 PM

Might be something wrong with your mod installer, try reinstalling Emergency 4

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#1642 7894rmnxj



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Posted 12 April 2012 - 10:22 PM

Does anyone know how to make the fire appliances fire resistant or at-least slow down the process
Posted Image

#1643 TheCadetForce



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Posted 12 April 2012 - 10:59 PM

Does anyone know how to make the fire appliances fire resistant or at-least slow down the process

If your engines are catching fire, your to close to the fire, just move them away and you wont have a problem.

#1644 theocd


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Posted 13 April 2012 - 11:11 AM

Alternatively you can change their properties in the Editor, I know Bullet Resistance is there but I believe Fire Resistance is too.

The OC-D

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur

#1645 trebor901



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Posted 13 April 2012 - 12:44 PM

Hey just wanted to say this mod is brilliant and you have done some great work love the models and love the skins on the cars But i was just wandering are there any other veichles you are planning to add to the mod ? :)

#1646 theocd


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Posted 13 April 2012 - 03:14 PM

Sniped222 and Mintcake69 are taking a break from this mod. I know Mintcake won't be back until the end of the year so I wouldn't expect any information, plans, updates or bug fixes any time soon. The only other thing I'm aware of is Dyson's offer to make a map, but he's doing the Manhattan Mod, the Manchester Mod and other projects.

The OC-D

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur

#1647 gunswat


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Posted 13 April 2012 - 05:04 PM

Sniped222 and Mintcake69 are taking a break from this mod. I know Mintcake won't be back until the end of the year so I wouldn't expect any information, plans, updates or bug fixes any time soon. The only other thing I'm aware of is Dyson's offer to make a map, but he's doing the Manhattan Mod, the Manchester Mod and other projects.

The OC-D

they did say the end of the year

#1648 prmdc



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Posted 16 April 2012 - 06:59 PM

is there anyway to put flying squad back into the fiesta after they have shot a bank robber?




                    Did anybody ever  find out, how to get to sesame street?  

#1649 theocd


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Posted 16 April 2012 - 07:26 PM

If you have used the 'Armed Arrest Script' it would seem not, some bug with the moving of Hoppah's Script to this mod. If just normally, then you may have a problem with your version of the mod and may need to reinstall it :)

The OC-D

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur

#1650 prmdc



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Posted 16 April 2012 - 11:17 PM

If you have used the 'Armed Arrest Script' it would seem not, some bug with the moving of Hoppah's Script to this mod. If just normally, then you may have a problem with your version of the mod and may need to reinstall it :)

The OC-D

it was with the armed arrest script, so will have to deploy trojan instead, thanks.




                    Did anybody ever  find out, how to get to sesame street?  

#1651 theocd


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Posted 17 April 2012 - 01:38 PM

If you have problems with the Trojans, get them to equip then unequip the MP5's from the vehicle, that normally sorts them out :)

The OC-D

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur

#1652 prmdc



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Posted 17 April 2012 - 05:15 PM

No probs with Trojans. Though I am also interested in changing a few of the civilian vehicles (changing the buses to red) but cannot find them in the files?




                    Did anybody ever  find out, how to get to sesame street?  

#1653 theocd


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Posted 18 April 2012 - 01:30 PM

They'l' be in the original game files. Gonna have to find the .dds, possibly unlock it and then convert it to a .jpg or similar. To put it back, reverse the steps. I think.

The OC-D

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur

#1654 Shootagain



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Posted 02 May 2012 - 10:51 PM

Got to say after a long break from EM4 coming back and see how much has been added to this Brilliant Mod Keep up the good work Guys, I got to say you are Going above and Beyond to keep the Mod Users happy and pleased with you progress and updates , Myself I had a tear come to my eye when I noticed you added an EDF Van be that I'm a Cable Jointer who Works Out of the London Borough of Croydon I worked for EDF Energy Till we got Bought out by UK Power Networks , It just nice little touches like that , That keep People interested and wanting more from you Guys Well Done and Keep up the good work .

( Just a bit of Cheek A picture from last year in the snow of an old EDF Van can't remember who's it was and a New Labeled UKPN my Little Beast in the same yard in Purley South London Notice the new Logo =P)

Eingefügtes Bild

Eingefügtes Bild

#1655 gw01993



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Posted 10 May 2012 - 04:43 PM

hi all, two questions:

1) (i have made a topic of this in modding help forum but this is the mod i would be using it on) how do you increase the amount of civi vehicles and civilians walking around on the map as for london scrolling the map i see about 3 cars and about 5 people, whereas the LA mod has more traffic and people so guessing this can be done?

2) on this mod (i think it was a bug in readme) when i end the game in freeplay after it registers the score and i press end game theres always a CTD, has anyone worked out how to fix this?


#1656 theocd


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Posted 10 May 2012 - 07:17 PM

1) Will be in Freeplay setting file which can be found browsing folders. I'm sorry, I can't remember off the top of my head.
2) It always happens with this mod, we don't what causes it or how to fix it. I suspect its the amount of complex objects (Tazer, Riot Shields etc.) that makes the game a little bit confused.
Sorry I can't be more helpful.

The OC-D

"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur

#1657 Jon Woad

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Posted 26 May 2012 - 10:21 PM

Hi, newcomer here :)

I have had a quick scan through and a quick search but can't see anything to do with my question.

In free play I can't right click on any vehicles, but I can in the missions, is this normal?



#1658 galantjunior



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 01:07 AM

Hi, newcomer here :)

I have had a quick scan through and a quick search but can't see anything to do with my question.

In free play I can't right click on any vehicles, but I can in the missions, is this normal?



Dear Jon from what i have seen in playing the mod, there is no problem in right clicking the vehicles, perhaps the mod is not installed properly?
Try reinstalling, if that doesn't work i'll send you the mod, without the e4mod file.

hi all, two questions:

1) (i have made a topic of this in modding help forum but this is the mod i would be using it on) how do you increase the amount of civi vehicles and civilians walking around on the map as for london scrolling the map i see about 3 cars and about 5 people, whereas the LA mod has more traffic and people so guessing this can be done?

2) on this mod (i think it was a bug in readme) when i end the game in freeplay after it registers the score and i press end game theres always a CTD, has anyone worked out how to fix this?


Dear gw01993,

The freeplay CTD problem is unfixable. This problem occurs when large amounts of complex data, models, textures, scripts etc, overload the game engine while it is trying to terminate the freeplay mode. This usually happens with big mods, London mod is 327MB (Smaller than the LA mod which does not have this problem, probably because the models are not that complex, and the engine has less difficulty to unload it. but does CTD when you try to change mods), it is rather small in comparison with the Winterberg Mod, Which current version has 1.10 GB, and also does CTD when you terminate freeplay mode.
This occurs because of a lack of, shall we say, "capacity to process a very complex amount of data" of the engine. The only LEGAL ways to have this problem fixed would be:
  • To contact the development team, and explain the problem of the engine, and then asking for a fix of the executable file.
  • The other way would be that the developers release the source code of the engine, allowing advanced users (moders scripters etc) to tweak the engine accordingly and improve it's performance.

Since the development of EM4 was stopped sometime ago, option 1. is out of the question. Option 2. is a big wish of some people, but lets face it, how many german publishers you know have released the source code to something?
In case of pure entertainment and of "trying to help others" types of things, you could reverse engineer the engine, but that is illegal.
In the winterberg mod case, the freeplay problem is aggravated. Because of the large amounts of scripting (the mod includes Special events that are unique to it) the game will often CTD while playing. Again this is the lack of "capacity to process a very large amount of data" of the engine. I hope this provides a good explanation of the problem and it's causes.

Cheers :)

And on topic now.

Nice mod, needs to be scripted even further, like the LA mod, because without the scripts to call in fire trucks the station manager and crew manager, and some of the police units seem useless. Also the policeman in the Road Patrol vehicles should not be allowed to pursuit on foot suspects, or vehicles, because it makes them draw a firearm, that they don't have, which could lead to trouble. Either arm the policeman, or disable that script. Also the ISU H.A.R.T.S. ambulance (the large one that carries 6 injured), should have enabled the same script that the MCU in LA mod uses [the carry in vehicle script (what i mean is that normally to transport a patient you have to pick him up and the stretcher paramedics must go in with the patient, in the MCU case the Stretcher dudes only load the patient into the MCU and stay outside, ready to load a new patient on board, like a policeman putting a suspect in his car)]. That was my suggestions

#1659 theocd


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Posted 27 May 2012 - 01:19 AM

Which of the police units seem useless? (Other than the repeats that try to get different unit numbers to make things more realistic)
The drawing of a firearm is a problem with the armed arrest script, hence named because it relies on the officer being armed. In the UK, as you can probably tell, almost all officers are unarmed. However, people liked the idea of Traffic Units chasing suspects as per real life. Hence, if you have a problem either use the CO19 ARV's for pursuits or don't use the pursuit script. As per real life, the events where you need the pursuit script mostly involved armed criminals (the car thief has a rifle and violent crime's and bank robberies both occur) so CO19 would be dispatched anyway.
I understand what you mean with the LAS HART ISU, but I think that's relatively easy to change if you want to dig about in unit properties :)
The scripting of Call Unit commands is a relatively long process, the mod makers needed to strike a balance between getting it released as both knew their real lives were suddenly going to take priority. Therefore both the Crew and the Station Managers are in because they were a) already created b) nice bits of eye candy and c) place holders if they ever managed to return to the mod.


The OC-D

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#1660 galantjunior



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Posted 27 May 2012 - 01:28 AM

Thank you very much for your explanation :) I confess, i do not know a lot about law enforcement in the UK, so i am please to have been enlightened about the subject. Has for the ISU i don't have a very good ability at scripting so i won't do a good job, and will probably mess the whole thing up. But one question though, was i accurate or at least managed to explain the situation of hte Freeplay CTD crash in post 1658?