London Mod (In progress)
Posted 30 September 2009 - 09:41 PM
Posted 30 September 2009 - 09:53 PM

Executive Director: Forum Child Watch
Think a lot. Say little. Write nothing.
-J.P. Morgan
Posted 01 October 2009 - 10:04 AM
Good stuff, yeah I personnaly wouldn't worry about videos until you get a lot of stuff in the game bud. Good ones are too time consuming, when you could be modding hehe.
I agree.
Posted 01 October 2009 - 06:47 PM

Posted 01 October 2009 - 06:52 PM
Well in that case you will be used to waiting
And what if I told you that I hate waiting

Are all the models being made by you or Luisinho is helping you with them?
Posted 01 October 2009 - 07:10 PM

Posted 01 October 2009 - 07:12 PM
I agree.Then I can say that Luisinho is a great modeler! And you are a great skinner sniped222

Keep up the great work guys

Executive Director: Forum Child Watch
Think a lot. Say little. Write nothing.
-J.P. Morgan
Posted 01 October 2009 - 07:15 PM
And skinning is not that hard

It the little things that count:
Once a model and texture is finished from photo reference I usually talk with our researcher about improvements and then add them in, sort of "quality testing" and as I think I have said before I really want this mod to be about quality of the finished product unlike the “England mod” which was a bit of a let down for me.
Any way geography coursework to be done!
Posted 01 October 2009 - 07:22 PM

Posted 01 October 2009 - 07:24 PM
I find skinning hard for now but in the future it won't be that hard for me( I have to learn how to use Photoshop
). Researching is also a hard work to do. For example even if I knew how to model, skin, and script like an expert a Greek mod would not be possible because I can't get any info for our units from websites. What a shame there are really good vehicles and uniforms but...
You should learn some skills and make a greek mod!
also i find fireworks better then photoshop

Posted 01 October 2009 - 07:27 PM

Amazing work guys

Executive Director: Forum Child Watch
Think a lot. Say little. Write nothing.
-J.P. Morgan
Posted 01 October 2009 - 07:28 PM
You must read your Geography before you post a reply here. It's an order

Yes these are some Greek Police patrol cars. Octavia and Citroen Xcara are the main city patrol units. The first one is a bit old I think...
Posted 01 October 2009 - 07:31 PM