u can haz 2 day ban.
Seriously though... I love how people try to sweeten up the way they ask for release dates, thinking nobody will notice.
Posted 06 December 2010 - 08:39 PM
u can haz 2 day ban.
Seriously though... I love how people try to sweeten up the way they ask for release dates, thinking nobody will notice.
Posted 06 December 2010 - 09:20 PM
Posted 10 December 2010 - 08:53 PM
Posted 10 December 2010 - 09:16 PM
Posted 10 December 2010 - 09:29 PM
Posted 10 December 2010 - 10:00 PM
Looks great as usual
But don't the lightbars have 2 white lights in between the blues on the front? Like B W B B W B (B is blue and W is white).
Exactly the same as the back just with white instead of red.
Posted 10 December 2010 - 10:01 PM
Posted 11 December 2010 - 11:14 AM
Looks great as usual
But shouldn't the lightbars have 2 white lights in between the blues on the front? Like B W B B W B (B is blue and W is white).
Exactly the same as the back just with white instead of red.
I believe it to be purple, not red or white.
Mintcake, are you guys adding the Mercedes Sprinter police vans like these?
Posted 11 December 2010 - 03:19 PM
Posted 11 December 2010 - 05:17 PM
Posted 11 December 2010 - 05:43 PM
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur
Posted 12 December 2010 - 12:28 PM
Posted 12 December 2010 - 12:55 PM
Posted 13 December 2010 - 03:09 PM
Just a quick question. Have you got good quality British siren sounds? Do you have different ones for different vehicles? Its just that some of the quality of sirens in other British mods aren't that great, no offence to them, I know it is difficult to get a crisp siren sound like the original game every time.
The OC-D
Got a few questions.
I don't recall reading about unmarked vehicles, motorbikes or non-uniformed Police. Would that be put into the mod in the first release or at a later date? Also, would there be Community Support Officers, Special Constables, British Transport Police and City of London Police? Will it contain hospitals, Fire Departments and Police stations?
Sorry for the bombardment of questions lately but I am really impressed and interested in this mod and wish it to be successful. No problems if you don't include them, I am just curious to know what it may contain and how it will work.
Lastly, an open question to everyone. What's the role difference with the 2 'Met' BMW 325d cars? They are different at the rear but do they perform the same function?
Images of the two types below.
Thank you guys and wish you all the best with this mod!
Posted 13 December 2010 - 05:52 PM
Well I know I'm making the mod...
But I'm very proud of the siren sounds, I spent a long time creating them
So I think there awesome!!!!!!
...if that helps
Might get a video up at some point and they will be in that. so let me know what you think then
I will talk to Mintcake about ununiformed officers, it could be done but im not sure whether they would give anything to mod.
Not long ago i finished a Network Rail van which takes the place of the engineer for dealing with the railway crossing failure incident.
A question to all that that want to be useful, what other event occur in game on free play that need an engineer?
"Whoever said the pen is mightier than the sword obviously never encountered automatic weapons" - Douglas MacArthur
Posted 13 December 2010 - 06:16 PM
Posted 13 December 2010 - 06:37 PM
Posted 13 December 2010 - 07:30 PM
Posted 13 December 2010 - 08:14 PM
I did have that thought about Community Support and Specials but in free play I can see them be of more use than meets the eye. Since this is run on the original version where money comes into play Community Support can probably patrol and hold a violent suspect (For example) until Regular units arrive to arrest.
Another example is when you run low on money, Specials can be called for free as they are unpaid police and could possibly have a certain time limit like 2-3 hours a day and only 4 officers a day. I don't know about the mechanics of the game so don't know if this is even possible.
In relation to the rail engineer, if there are Underground stations or a station the size of Kings Cross then maybe but I can't think of them doing anything else. Can it be made that part of the rail track gets damaged and an engineer needs to repair it? Is that even possible?
Posted 14 December 2010 - 01:06 PM
As the freeplay map will be of "ground" level (I safely assume) unless they were to include some of the small sections where the underground trains do run "overground" this wouldn't be possible as trying to define a spot on the map where we go from "overground" to "underground" wouldn't work too well.But with the last one, maby a train could de-rail in the underground...
I was online when LA2.0 was released!
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the realization that there is something more important"