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London Mod (In progress)

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#761 Commander Rasseru

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 01:24 AM

I'm glad that you guys are almost finish for your first release in the future. You had a long path you had to travel. I like to say great job to you all.
Geposte afbeelding

#762 Guest_UltimateForce_*

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Posted 01 February 2010 - 04:30 PM

Then they just become fat policemen. :P

It's unbelievable how many overweight policemen there are in Powys. I never understand how they got into the police force.
I think they get so fat because nothing ever happens in Powys so they just sit in the station eating donuts. :P

Ive just medically retired from South Wales Police Force. After my Patrol car was rammed during an escort. After the first 2 yrs probation only Specialised officers such as ARrmed Responce, Protection duties, have to maintain a fitness standard to pass regular test. All others have no further requirement to maintain fitness. hope that helps ...

#763 sniped222


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Posted 01 February 2010 - 04:57 PM

I'm glad that you guys are almost finish for your first release in the future. You had a long path you had to travel. I like to say great job to you all.

thanks a lot, i really want the tokyo mod to do well
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#764 Ale


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Posted 01 February 2010 - 05:44 PM

All vehicles look great, did you finish with all of the vehicles?
In what are you working now?

thanks and keep ti up!

#765 Forensics


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Posted 04 February 2010 - 12:00 AM

Sorry for going a bit off topic but I just found this:
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I think it's London police, does any London police experts know about it?

#766 Guest_madboy_*

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Posted 04 February 2010 - 04:59 PM

that looks like a prisoner transport truck. Behind that looks like an unmarked one ...
Cool that looks reall nice

Either that or armed responce...

#767 randomperson139


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Posted 04 February 2010 - 05:02 PM

I think it is a Met Police Prisoner Transport van. But i'm not completely sure.. :gruebel:
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#768 theocd


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Posted 04 February 2010 - 05:43 PM

Where did you find the image? Also, it looks very heavily armoured and strangely has double wheels at the back. It also is in the same colour as the Jankels, suggestion armed police affiliations. It also has two orange beacons meaning it is used at airports. Therefore I conclude, like the original Jankels, it is to do with Heathrow's armed police.

I may be wrong but they're my observations.

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#769 Forensics


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Posted 04 February 2010 - 05:44 PM

I'm can't remember where I found it, I will look.

EDIT: It must of been here.

#770 theocd


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Posted 04 February 2010 - 07:02 PM

I keep my statement, I guess it's CO19 but it's definately prisoner transport, look at the small window in the side.
Unless anyone has concrete infor I suggest we get :1046276160_schildbacktotopic:

The OC-D

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#771 dyson20



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Posted 04 February 2010 - 07:03 PM

that could come i fairly handy in one of the protests could work like the mass casualty unit on lamod but for prisinors instead

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#772 Kookas


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Posted 04 February 2010 - 08:43 PM

I think CO-19 use those BMWs. Also, will there be armoured trucks resistant to bullets? That would be neat! Also, another thing that would make a cool mission would be convoys. There are lots of things to have convoys of in Britain - maybe transporting Trident nuclear warheads (that would be the most interesting, seeing as they use lots of police cars and Army trucks there)? You could also have the US President visiting.

^ what he said

#773 ShadyCB



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Posted 04 February 2010 - 09:50 PM

Nice mod it looks like its perfectly coming together :)

#774 Kookas


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Posted 05 February 2010 - 12:02 AM

Little idea for you - when someone is declared dead, perhaps you could make it set up a blue tent around the corpse? I saw one of those before down the road, where someone was struck down by a large vehicle when crossing the road (they closed off a whole chunk of Alcester Road for that)

Click below for a picture:


I think they're generally used to hide places where there is gore, such as cars, but I don't know whether you'd be able to do that as well. Might be worth a try?

People tend not to look in real life .. without the tent, people would probably stop and stare over the police line. Alot of people just tend to give the tent one or two glances, search the scene for gore/wreckages/chaos, anything unusual, and move on. They don't usually stop anyway. Maybe you could make people just walk on when the corpse has a tent?

^ what he said

#775 Fuzzyface


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Posted 05 February 2010 - 08:39 AM

Little idea for you - when someone is declared dead, perhaps you could make it set up a blue tent around the corpse? I saw one of those before down the road, where someone was struck down by a large vehicle when crossing the road (they closed off a whole chunk of Alcester Road for that)

Click below for a picture:


I think they're generally used to hide places where there is gore, such as cars, but I don't know whether you'd be able to do that as well. Might be worth a try?

People tend not to look in real life .. without the tent, people would probably stop and stare over the police line. Alot of people just tend to give the tent one or two glances, search the scene for gore/wreckages/chaos, anything unusual, and move on. They don't usually stop anyway. Maybe you could make people just walk on when the corpse has a tent?

As far as I know the 'tarp' which appears over bodies on the LA Mod is literally just the few pixels by the body changing colour (since i'm assuming your idea comes from there)

I imagine it woukld be possible to do the tent, but to script so that people just walk by would probably not be as much fun, and isn't really needed.

I was online when LA2.0 was released!
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#776 Guest_madboy_*

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Posted 05 February 2010 - 12:18 PM

no if someone is murdered in Scotland/London im not sure if it happens anywhere else. There usually is a tent around the area of the death. Also coming from this idea you should put in police tape to cordon off large areas. O.o

#777 Fuzzyface


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Posted 05 February 2010 - 01:39 PM

Also coming from this idea you should put in police tape to cordon off large areas. O.o

This is already listed as being impossible. Or at least difficult to do.
There's no need for it anyway when you only have to click "Halt Civilans" for the same effect.

And I know that they put up a tent, I just meant I wasn't sure if he got the idea of including it from Hoppah's tarp addition in 2.0 :)

I was online when LA2.0 was released!
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#778 sniped222


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Posted 05 February 2010 - 05:00 PM

Little idea for you - when someone is declared dead, perhaps you could make it set up a blue tent around the corpse? I saw one of those before down the road, where someone was struck down by a large vehicle when crossing the road (they closed off a whole chunk of Alcester Road for that)

I think they're generally used to hide places where there is gore, such as cars, but I don't know whether you'd be able to do that as well. Might be worth a try?

People tend not to look in real life .. without the tent, people would probably stop and stare over the police line. Alot of people just tend to give the tent one or two glances, search the scene for gore/wreckages/chaos, anything unusual, and move on. They don't usually stop anyway. Maybe you could make people just walk on when the corpse has a tent?

I will happily attempt to put all these suggestions in if someone finds me a good scripter :P
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#779 dyson20



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Posted 05 February 2010 - 11:05 PM

I will happily attempt to put all these suggestions in if someone finds me a good scripter :P

thats the sort of mod creater i like who keeps updating people and trys to add their ideas if posible :) well done its looking good.

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#780 Forensics


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Posted 06 February 2010 - 12:34 AM

Seems like a lot of people agree with me:

Excellent - [ 79 ] - [58.09%]

I think that average or above is good, so you must be doing a fantastic job to have that many people saying it's looking great!
Great work guys! Keep it up! :)