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#21 aidan196



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Posted 29 August 2009 - 05:42 PM

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I beleave a cruser of this stile will be impossabale to recreate in game. Its a Toronto Ontario PD Crown Victoria Stelth cruser. It is an unmarked cruser until it is hit by a bright light. When the light his the police logo is revealed, as you can see some parts of the gold paint is missing on the hood and rear of the cruser.

A Metropolitan Toronto Police Department Ford Crown Victoria Stealth Unit. The police markings are reflective and visible in the presence of a headlight beam (or photo flash as in this case); otherwise, the car appears black.

Description from wikipedia.

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#22 saxguitar



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Posted 02 September 2009 - 01:32 AM

I beleave a cruser of this stile will be impossabale to recreate in game. Its a Toronto Ontario PD Crown Victoria Stelth cruser. It is an unmarked cruser until it is hit by a bright light. When the light his the police logo is revealed, as you can see some parts of the gold paint is missing on the hood and rear of the cruser.

A Metropolitan Toronto Police Department Ford Crown Victoria Stealth Unit. The police markings are reflective and visible in the presence of a headlight beam (or photo flash as in this case); otherwise, the car appears black.

Description from wikipedia.

I've never seen that, thats wicked awesome

#23 aidan196



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Posted 02 September 2009 - 04:03 AM

I've never seen that, thats wicked awesome

Another reason Canada is da bomb :P

Funny thing is, people will sometimes drag race these guys, (some of the patrol cars are faster looking, and less reflective to light, and the logo will only appear at close distance), not realiseing it's a patrol car, (their usually opperated by the 'younger' officers :P), then right when the cop passes the other guy, he hits the lights, and screws the drag racer over :P

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#24 LACityFFengineCo287


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Posted 12 September 2009 - 12:49 AM

That canada car's cool.

what I think is kinda funny is, the NY mod seems to be doing alot of the impossible... I think they deserve quite a bit of credit, and to hoppah to. I wonder which 1's gonna break more records in this game. NY or LA?
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#25 917893678251



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Posted 13 September 2009 - 06:49 PM

Police pursuits are possible now in 1.9 and Winterberg mod.
Geposte afbeelding

#26 LACityFFengineCo287


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Posted 19 September 2009 - 08:44 AM

Police pursuits are possible now in 1.9 and Winterberg mod.

I know. I can't read German, so i usually end up clicking random buttons. Nothing spells fun like clicking random symbols! anyways, this list has been significantly shortened, from what it was. now that k-9's, police chases, tillers, set water supplies. It's all changing, probably for the better :)
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#27 randomperson139


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Posted 19 September 2009 - 05:27 PM

There is an english translation for the winterberg mod.
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#28 LACityFFengineCo287


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Posted 20 September 2009 - 10:39 AM

There is an english translation for the winterberg mod.

really? how do i use it?
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#29 sniped222


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Posted 26 September 2009 - 07:58 PM

I think hoppah just uses the list of impossible things as his list for his next realease :P
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#30 nick the greek

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Posted 26 September 2009 - 09:37 PM

I think hoppah just uses the list of impossible things as his list for his next realease :P

Well if he does it would be fantastic!

#31 Newfoundking


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Posted 26 September 2009 - 09:44 PM

I just updated the list so to speak, marking off two things..

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#32 LACityFFengineCo287


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Posted 02 October 2009 - 12:50 AM

Who knows. Maybe someone can figure out a pursuit script. With everything thats been done, maybe someone can get this crossed of the list ^^
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#33 Guest_dave_434_*

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Posted 16 July 2010 - 08:13 PM

How about a police water cannon... :police:

#34 billyfromhill


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Posted 16 July 2010 - 10:03 PM

How about a police water cannon... :police:

There already is one. Read the manual.

#35 dyson20



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Posted 13 February 2011 - 08:49 PM

would this sort of thing be posible im nto sure if that is what is meant by mid mount arials sorry if it is

this is the one i was thinking of
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this is the sort of thing it does


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#36 MikeyPI


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Posted 14 February 2011 - 01:32 AM

mid-mount refers to a ladder w/ the basket/whatever positioned in the middle of the truck extending off the rear of the vehicle.. theoretically possible but complicated to implement, positioning the vehicle to enter structures is nearly impossible to guarentee with how you have to do the model for a mid-mount... Your example, on the other hand has several pivot points from the looks of it, which would pose a problem to re-create, it is no different than a truck type called a cherry picker it has a scissor type arm that folds back onto it's self and opens up, that type of aerial vehicle can't really be re-created for this game because of how the ladder is permitted a single pivot point..

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#37 dyson20



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Posted 14 February 2011 - 07:21 PM

ahh so i will have to stick with a basic TL in my mod then i can barely do the basics don't wanna have a go at complicated stuff yet

new idea... would it be possible to have an ALP (arial ladder platform) or water tower with a water monitor on it and have a firefighter to attach a hose from one pump/hydrant to the ALP instead of the firefighter climbing into the basket and the hose hanging down from the basket like below

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#38 Newfoundking


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Posted 14 February 2011 - 10:12 PM

I've never seen a hose attached to the firefighter in the basket before, I've always just put them in the basket ? I've never had to havea hose for the monitor to work?

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#39 dyson20



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Posted 14 February 2011 - 10:18 PM

well at the moment in em4 to use turntable you get firfighter with hose then install truck get ff into basket and it goes up irl i know in britain not sure about anywhere else they have a monitor (cannon ) built into the basket and the hose runs up the frame of the ladder to a pump at the bottom in the truck if you look at the pic above it should show what i mean better

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#40 MikeyPI


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Posted 15 February 2011 - 01:06 AM

in the americas the ones that have a sprayable tub on the end usually have an extendable boom that has under each segment a section of pipe, the truck it's self is hooked into the feed not a hose that is then ran up the boom... that's how we do things personally i don't see how running a hose up from ground level with water in it to a basket or a ladder unless you ran it up the ladder it's self would be safe... water weighs alot fast and a hose danglin off a ladder just seems dangerous to me. it'd require scripting to cause such an effect that imo just isnt justified for the effort required you have to basically make the vehicle become the FF instead of the dude that was carrying it so the hose *attaches* to it.

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