[EM3] Los Angeles Mod By Hoppah
Posted 28 December 2006 - 05:50 PM
Posted 28 December 2006 - 06:16 PM
What processor do you have?
What graphic card do you have?
What amount of ram do you have?
Do you have a normal pc or a laptop?
Did you update your graphic drivers to the latest version of those?
Posted 28 December 2006 - 08:43 PM
yes stan.. i have all the requirements for my desktop...Did you a forum search?
What processor do you have?
What graphic card do you have?
What amount of ram do you have?
Do you have a normal pc or a laptop?
Did you update your graphic drivers to the latest version of those?
no i did not do a forum search... sorry.
look i thought that this was the right forum so i apoligize.
anyway this is a game that i love and would be more than happy if you helped me find out what i could do to fix this problem.
thanks adam
Posted 28 December 2006 - 09:36 PM
What processor do you have?
What graphic card do you have?
What amount of ram do you have?
Do you have a normal pc or a laptop?
Did you update your graphic drivers to the latest version of those?
Or i can't help you
Posted 28 December 2006 - 10:46 PM
hoppah. hey look i have little problem.. i installed the em3 and got the update and then installed the la mod.... it boots up ok but after the 1st incident report it says sorry for the error would you like to send a report?? please help.. this is one game that i truely love after i got out of the air force... im currently in the vfd program and going into my paramedic class this fall... so please help me with having some fun...
I think you have this error because:
- You don't have installed your latest graphic drivers (that really solves alot of problems).
- Or because you don't have DirectX 9.0c (required for Emergency 3 I thought).
- Or because patch 1.3 isn't installed (required for the latest version of my mod).
Sometimes a reinstall of Emergency 3 works too.

Good luck,
Posted 29 December 2006 - 03:14 PM
And again...
What processor do you have?
What graphic card do you have?
What amount of ram do you have?
Do you have a normal pc or a laptop?
Did you update your graphic drivers to the latest version of those?
Or i can't help you
processor is a pentium 4 cpu 3.40
graphics card is a nvidia 5600
ram is 2.00 gb
Desktop pc
Posted 29 December 2006 - 04:29 PM

Did you update your graphic drivers to the latest version of those?
Posted 04 January 2007 - 02:00 AM
and how do i get my trucks parked in the station they all seem to just clutter behind it?
sorry if its already been asked
Posted 04 January 2007 - 10:12 AM
i was playing and no dispatch there was a guy needing medical assitance in front of my station and as i was going to him i saw a tree on fire that i never got dispatched for is that supposed to happen?
and how do i get my trucks parked in the station they all seem to just clutter behind it?
sorry if its already been asked
Sometimes a call that comes in causes different kinds of damges, a gas explosion for example can not only blow up buildings, but it can wreck cars and injure people as well. So maybe the burning tree was caused by a prior incident and you didn't notice it in all the excitement. Sometimes burning trees are caused by lightning that strikes, when it storms lightning can strike like 5 times in different places, when you are not paying attention you might only see four calls coming in. And off course there is the possibility that there was a little error and the program indeed did not send a dispatch notice to you, it s*cks but it happens.
There is only one way I can think of to park your trucks in the right place, but it takes a lot of effort. You'll have to adapt the mod yourself. When you load the map into the editor you'll notice a blue square box (a so called 'virtual object') behind both fire stations and in front of the police station and the hospital. Those boxes have names corresponding with the command that sends them back to base (gotofirestation etc.)
Now if you make a virtual object for each vehicle (press F5, then press new to make a new virtual object, click wher you want it), asign a diferent name to each box (for example gotowatertender1) and make a 'go back to base' command that matches those names for each vehicle, all the vehicles will go back to their own space. Making the back to base command is easy: copy the gotofirestation command and change its name into the name of the blue box (gotowatertender1 in this example). Then open the file and do the same.
When you have made all the different commands restart the editor and add the commands to the right vehicle. DO NOT MESS with any of the other virtual objects unless you know exactly what you are doing.
greetz,PyroThijs, (Moderator/FAQ author)
See something that doesn't belong? Report it, don't take matters into your own hands.
Posted 04 January 2007 - 10:19 AM
:6: so i hate to be the one to ask this and look like a total n00b... has anyone done a walkthrough on the LA- only missions? I'm having difficulties.... i.e. the second Experimental aircraft crash mission (L.A. only) I can't seem to get the fires out fast enough and either lose or, as I just finished playing, get a 23% with a time of over half an hour(bad), personal injuries(bad, but none of my units, all soldiers on the base), and property(bad, due to fires spreading out of control). If none have been made yet, I have been able to get 100% on some of the missions and would be more than happy to contribute to said LA mission walkthrough.
I appreciate everything you guys do, and especialy all the help, seeing as I can't do half of it![]()
For as far as I know there is no LA MOD walkthrough, most missions are not very difficult. The fire in the first mission is spreading very fast. A way to avoid that is doing as followed: send a extinguising plane to the mission area, make it extinguish the big hangar in the north. Now send about five watertenders with four fireman with breathing apparatus in each. Use three watertenders to fight the fires on the base (let each of the firemen take a hose and connect it to the watertender), the other two need to extinguish the forest fire in front of the base. A police vehicle needs to stop oncoming trafic. And off course you'll need to send in a lot of ambulances and medics to take care of the wounded.
greetings Pyrothijs
greetz,PyroThijs, (Moderator/FAQ author)
See something that doesn't belong? Report it, don't take matters into your own hands.
Posted 04 January 2007 - 10:20 AM
There is only one way I can think of to park your trucks in the right place, but it takes a lot of effort. You'll have to adapt the mod yourself. When you load the map into the editor you'll notice a blue square box (a so called 'virtual object') behind both fire stations and in front of the police station and the hospital. Those boxes have names corresponding with the command that sends them back to base (gotofirestation etc.)
Now if you make a virtual object for each vehicle (press F5, then press new to make a new virtual object, click wher you want it), asign a diferent name to each box (for example gotowatertender1) and make a 'go back to base' command that matches those names for each vehicle, all the vehicles will go back to their own space. Making the back to base command is easy: copy the gotofirestation command and change its name into the name of the blue box (gotowatertender1 in this example). Then open the file and do the same.
When you have made all the different commands restart the editor and add the commands to the right vehicle. DO NOT MESS with any of the other virtual objects unless you know exactly what you are doing.
And you really think someone that can't script can make such commands in 1-2-3 ?
Easier: Click vehicle click in the station where it has to drive, but might be messed with some vehicles

Posted 04 January 2007 - 11:03 AM
I think it is worthwhile to connect the peninsula in the west to the mainland via a bridge. I tried it myself and it isn't that much work. It sure makes it easier to acces the peninsula for vehicles. I even made a third fire station on the peninsula. I'm not saying you need adapt your mod just for this, but when you are updating your mod in the future it might be something to think about. I'm happy to send you a couple of foto's (or the adjusted mod, but I don't know how to do that) if you want.
greetz,PyroThijs, (Moderator/FAQ author)
See something that doesn't belong? Report it, don't take matters into your own hands.
Posted 04 January 2007 - 11:23 AM
I think it is worthwhile to connect the peninsula in the west to the mainland via a bridge. I tried it myself and it isn't that much work. It sure makes it easier to acces the peninsula for vehicles. I even made a third fire station on the peninsula. I'm not saying you need adapt your mod just for this, but when you are updating your mod in the future it might be something to think about. I'm happy to send you a couple of foto's (or the adjusted mod, but I don't know how to do that) if you want.
He won't update the emergency 3 version anymore, 2.5 was the last Final version
Posted 05 January 2007 - 04:06 AM
Posted 05 January 2007 - 11:00 AM
Posted 05 January 2007 - 10:37 PM
excuse me asking, but, is there going to be a next la mod for emergency 3 or just doing one for 4
Posted 06 January 2007 - 01:47 AM
It's very hard to make a script to park vehicles inside a building.
I tried a script and it didn't work and I'm not going to work on the Emergency 3 version anymore.
Maybe someone else is able to edit the fire station and make a good script for it.
Posted 19 January 2007 - 10:52 PM

Rangers, lead the way! General Cota, D-Day 1944
Posted 19 January 2007 - 11:06 PM
That sounds like a good idea agentsmith6! I hope he lets you. My parents said that I can't em4 yet because I got em3 for chrismas and I have to tell you. I hugged them so hard when I got it, but then again, I am from Canada. But anyways, my oarents said I could get it later so I hope he lets you! I love em3 so much! Well, good luck with your modding :1046275747_biggthumpup:Hey hoppah, is there any way I could continue the LA mod for em3? I'm geting the hang of modding, and you will be listed as the author