[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah
Posted 11 December 2007 - 09:58 PM
-Cal Naughton Jr.
Posted 11 December 2007 - 10:26 PM
I kinda like the Camaro though because apparently it makes an excellent vehicle for traffic enforcement. A while ago I saw a lot of articles about the all white 'ghost riders' and thought it was really awesome. While it's not as useful since high speed pursuits and stopping speeders doesn't really happen in EM4, it could still be good for one of those car crash campaign missions you posted you were thinking about making.
What would be really awesome is if you made a charger as well. A lot of departments are using them now, some even plan on replacing all their crown vics with them. I think it would make sense to give the vehicle an appearance ingame.
Posted 11 December 2007 - 10:59 PM

Bridgewater, Massachusetts fully decked out Charger

Massachusetts State Police Crown Vic/Charger comparison
obviously LA and Massachusetts are on other sides of the country, but they are pretty sweet pictures of a police charger and the difference between crown vic if you decide to add them (marked/slicktop/unmarked) Lightbar in those pictures is the Whelen Liberty

Federal Signal Arjent. if the LA Chargers do use the Arjent, There's bigger photos on there site...not to mention i would NEVER use the Camaro either

CHP spent $1.9 million on 88 Chargers...i think that warrents there creation into the LA Mod
What would be really awesome is if you made a charger as well. A lot of departments are using them now, some even plan on replacing all their crown vics with them. I think it would make sense to give the vehicle an appearance ingame.
Quote from that article link above
"Last year there were 3,600 Chargers in police service. This year we've already sold more than 8,000 units. We have our Charger on the ground in every single state except Hawaii"
...now aside from my police charger rant...something else that popped into my mind right after my last post. the motorcycle, when the officer dismounts, the motorcycle lights are off/uncontrollable. this just personally drives me nuts.

Posted 12 December 2007 - 12:23 AM
Nice, but I don't know if it will be useful. It's also quite difficult to add and it will work the EXACT same way as the MP5 and M4a1.
Ok! I just thought it could become handy when taking out rabid dogs :1046275747_biggthumpup:


Posted 12 December 2007 - 01:36 AM
Thats true. It would be neat if there were something like the mp5 that the regular police could use. Some cars have shotguns in them, and when I'm doing freeplay I usually don't use the swat team unless its something big.Ok! I just thought it could become handy when taking out rabid dogs :1046275747_biggthumpup:
Posted 12 December 2007 - 01:52 AM
Its been a great mod..and i am still playing because of the hoppah mod..otherwise i can bet the german game would have been boring after a month..
so i really appreciated hoppah and who have work and to those who have support the la mod in anyhow...but i would like to see changes in v1.5 upcomming mod
Changes i would like to see in v1.5 is..
POlice: new slicktop black model, new police siren...new light bars in cop cars. . i would say time for some changes...and maybe a dispatch sound which i added a personal for myself when i draw a weapon...it comes a dispatch sound and it feels realistic.
ambulance: i kinda hate that model which is sedan car with 2 doctor..cause it should have been a suv..i mean it dont suit thought..
Fire Dept: Life guard car at the beaches...protecting drowners

this is a add-on i think it would have been cool...also alot of changes need in freeplay map...like whole changes ? anyway this mod is still great...and would appreciated ur work as u work hard n hard...
Posted 12 December 2007 - 03:12 AM
POlice: new slicktop black model, new police siren...new light bars in cop cars. . i would say time for some changes...and maybe a dispatch sound which i added a personal for myself when i draw a weapon...it comes a dispatch sound and it feels realistic.
I'm curious what you mean by new police siren? This is the second time in this thread someones mentioned it and I'd like to point out that in the state of California the only sounds allowed are Wail, Yelp, and air horn. To quote the California Code of Regulations Title 13, Section 1023 Part (d)
(d) Control Markings. Electronic siren controls shall be marked to indicate each siren function by the words "Manual," "Wail," and "Yelp" spelled out or abbreviated. Markings for other nonpermitted functions, such as "Hi-Lo," may remain on the control panel provided the function is made inoperable on sirens manufactured after January 1, 1978.
From what i've heard while playing the game, the Wail and Yelp that Hoppah has chosen is dead on to what I hear daily here in L.A.
ambulance: i kinda hate that model which is sedan car with 2 doctor..cause it should have been a suv..i mean it dont suit thought..
I'm curious, why should it have been an SUV? As mentioned previously on these forums, the LAFD only has one EMS supervisor vehicle that is not a Crown vic like the one so excellently modeled by Hoppah. It is just a test vehicle, and has not been well recieved.
In regards to the CHP officer, I'd like to throw my vote in to keep it. It just looks sharp and they're very proud of it as you can see in their publications. It gives them a real State Trooper look.
In regards to the Charger, thanks for posting that article ranger211. As you can see by the article, it's not meant to replace the Special Duty/Special Purpose camaro, but meant to replace the standard crown vic in service if it is adopted. Personally I love the Camaro that Hoppah has modeled, which is the great thing about his mod, and the freeplay aspect of the game. It lets you play it the way you want with what you want.
He's done a lot of hard work and effort to provide a mod that works for everyone.

http://MikesPhotos.us- For the best in General and Fire/Law Enforcement photography in the Southern California Area.
Posted 12 December 2007 - 04:50 AM
I'm curious what you mean by new police siren? This is the second time in this thread someones mentioned it and I'd like to point out that in the state of California the only sounds allowed are Wail, Yelp, and air horn. To quote the California Code of Regulations Title 13, Section 1023 Part (d)
(d) Control Markings. Electronic siren controls shall be marked to indicate each siren function by the words "Manual," "Wail," and "Yelp" spelled out or abbreviated. Markings for other nonpermitted functions, such as "Hi-Lo," may remain on the control panel provided the function is made inoperable on sirens manufactured after January 1, 1978.
From what i've heard while playing the game, the Wail and Yelp that Hoppah has chosen is dead on to what I hear daily here in L.A.
how about the CA steady burn requirement? i think that is an easy and well worth addition to the mod which will go a long way in a realism standpoint.
"25252. Every authorized emergency vehicle shall be equipped with at
least one steady burning red warning lamp visible from at least
1,000 feet to the front of the vehicle to be used as provided in this
<a href="http://www.chp.ca.gov/pdf/chp810.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.chp.ca.gov/pdf/chp810.pdf</a>
If you want to get real technical, that PDF has every CHP regulation, including MikesPhotos quote and my above steady burn regulation
i will also vote to keep the CHP with the hat..i think it looks nice, plus Hoppah edited it in word pad...that deserves some credit
and as quoted, CA only uses the manual, wail, and yelp...but i think the priority siren is just nice for intersections/anywhere where a short, attention getting chirp is needed
Posted 12 December 2007 - 05:02 AM

I've had a few perfect situations to take pics of emergency vehicles the past few weeks but don't carry a camera on me. There was a good one at a local gas station where state troopers and local police were present while they searched a car for drugs...well I assumed that's what they were doing and I can confirm at least that the state troopers did have on those silly hats

Posted 13 December 2007 - 12:53 AM
Thats true. It would be neat if there were something like the mp5 that the regular police could use. Some cars have shotguns in them, and when I'm doing freeplay I usually don't use the swat team unless its something big.
I totaly agree with you!!!
I only sugested this, because I think that it is out of question to make the animal control van.


Posted 13 December 2007 - 01:44 AM
what makes this so special that it was developed for lapd i have a remington 870 magnum 5 shell magazine which can be made as tact. as you want ie: folding stocks short barrels about anything you wantGreat job Hoppah!
I have been serching, and thinking, if you could do a shotgun!?
The Ithaca Model 37 Special LAPD is an American 12-gauge pump-action shotgun developed for the Los Angeles police department and has a 5-round magazine.
What do you think?
Posted 13 December 2007 - 02:24 AM
That brings up another interesting point: even though theres a rabies emergency in freeplay I don't think anyones ever made a unit to go along with it. Maybe it would be more trouble then its worth, idk. Just the first time I've noticed anyone bring something like that up. Cool thought though.I only sugested this, because I think that it is out of question to make the animal control van.
Posted 13 December 2007 - 05:12 AM
Rangers, lead the way! General Cota, D-Day 1944
Posted 13 December 2007 - 06:04 PM
How hard (or is it even feasable) would it be to add a police and or fire substation (much smaller versions of the big ones) to say the Northeast and or South east portions of the playing map. Not sure how this could be done other than to somehow convert an already existing building. This would add some more to the reality of the gameand could actually add to the challenge as well.
Posted 13 December 2007 - 08:44 PM
That brings up another interesting point: even though theres a rabies emergency in freeplay I don't think anyones ever made a unit to go along with it. Maybe it would be more trouble then its worth, idk. Just the first time I've noticed anyone bring something like that up. Cool thought though.
that is what I thought!!!


Posted 13 December 2007 - 09:11 PM
1. I think the shot gun would be a good thing to give to the regular pd officers, because I know that In some places, they do carry shotguns in the patrol cars, in case they respond to a call where they need more firepower. I don't know if they do this in LA so you should probably ask Mike if they do carry them in LA before you put it in the mod if you do.
2. Is there any chance in seeing the bullet proof vests from EM3 return like the traffic vests? I used them alot. It would also be nice to see them on all officers rather than just the sherrifs officers.
Posted 13 December 2007 - 09:19 PM

Sorry my bad english

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Posted 14 December 2007 - 03:50 AM
Posted 14 December 2007 - 03:59 AM
What if civil peoples could do first aid on street