[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah
Posted 30 June 2007 - 02:28 PM
Posted 30 June 2007 - 02:34 PM

"A model is only as good as it's skin"
Posted 30 June 2007 - 03:14 PM
ok just asking but can you do them with one pointing left, and then right?
If you mean one light going to right and the other one to left, yes, if you mean change it of direction, first left then right, no
Posted 30 June 2007 - 06:37 PM
Posted 30 June 2007 - 09:13 PM
Posted 01 July 2007 - 03:10 AM
you can add port and airport police to the normal game easily. Hoppah's already created them and they came in the mod. You just got to add them to the game.Sorry to nag, but also maybee add the Port police and Airport police as emergency units (sorry to nag) and maybb add Voodoo's units too?
Posted 01 July 2007 - 07:53 AM
What? Where and how?you can add port and airport police to the normal game easily. Hoppah's already created them and they came in the mod. You just got to add them to the game.
Posted 01 July 2007 - 09:31 AM
What are you talkin' about?you can add port and airport police to the normal game easily. Hoppah's already created them and they came in the mod. You just got to add them to the game.

Posted 01 July 2007 - 11:48 AM
Is it possible to give this option to (some) police vehicles? (for example only tot the the highway patrol vehicles) That way you don't have to put up roadblocks every time you have an car theft...
Posted 01 July 2007 - 12:57 PM
The police helicopter has an 'follow' option, if you click this on an escaping vehicle the police helicopter wil follow it an the escaping vehicle wil stop.
Is it possible to give this option to (some) police vehicles? (for example only tot the the highway patrol vehicles) That way you don't have to put up roadblocks every time you have an car theft...
as stated two times before in this topic, this is not possible as the police vehicle will not stop behind the vehicle when it stops but just drive in it and go stuck with it

Posted 02 July 2007 - 11:25 AM
If you open the mod in the editor and look at the police cars, you'll see a LAAP and a LAPP crown vic. ZildjianDrummer already did that so you'll have to ask him how to do it since I don't exactly know how to.
You're almost right.
There are actully 3 airport police cars.. but none of them have lights on and so, like the rest of the police squad.

Posted 03 July 2007 - 08:13 PM
I have a couple of suggestions for L.A. mod let me know your thoughts;
1. i have played around with this one alot myself and its proving to be very hard and its giving me a whole lot more respect for you modders..
I think it would be very cool and realistic to see a brush truck and or light equip. truck parked in the parking lot of the fire station. Exactly like the fire chief veichle. (with go to fire station command).. as i said above i realize how hard this is so maybe someone with knowledge could right the scripits for hoppah as it is very time consuming and i think hoppahs priortys are in more important places. just a thought
2. i have been reading up on this.. and it sounds like when there are 3 ambulances filling the fire station, a 4th, if sent to hospital will go on patrol after.. I personaly would like to see them go on patrol regaurdless of space in the firestation. ( i realize in real life ambulances need down time to clean up after a call so it seems fitting, BUT in this game it seems more practical to have them go on patrol afterwards). I guess this one is completely an opinion call So id like to hear the commuintys thoughts. AND this is alot a work re-scripting for such a small change and aagain can imaagine hoppah is spending his time on more useful changes.
3. i think i already know the answer to this one but here goes,
Is there a way to have the vechiles turn off their running lights when parked? I remember reading a post by either stan or hoppah on how lights worked and this seems possible from what i understand. This again is a small change and hardly seems worth the time to script, but once all is said and done would be a neat addon. i just find at night the fire station gets blindingly bright since every vechile has its running lights on.
Im picturing a command that says for example "shut engine off" when this is the case the car would not be able to move nor have running lights on. And then reversaly "turn engine on" would start up the running lights and allow the vechile to move again.
AGAIN these are just things i think would be neat Please dont think im asking this of anyone as i understand how much work each of these are for just a bit of eye candy. But i defently want to here what you guys think!
Posted 04 July 2007 - 01:25 AM
Hey all,
2. i have been reading up on this.. and it sounds like when there are 3 ambulances filling the fire station, a 4th, if sent to hospital will go on patrol after.. I personaly would like to see them go on patrol regaurdless of space in the firestation. ( i realize in real life ambulances need down time to clean up after a call so it seems fitting, BUT in this game it seems more practical to have them go on patrol afterwards). I guess this one is completely an opinion call So id like to hear the commuintys thoughts. AND this is alot a work re-scripting for such a small change and aagain can imaagine hoppah is spending his time on more useful changes.
3. i think i already know the answer to this one but here goes,
Is there a way to have the vechiles turn off their running lights when parked? I remember reading a post by either stan or hoppah on how lights worked and this seems possible from what i understand. This again is a small change and hardly seems worth the time to script, but once all is said and done would be a neat addon. i just find at night the fire station gets blindingly bright since every vechile has its running lights on.
Im picturing a command that says for example "shut engine off" when this is the case the car would not be able to move nor have running lights on. And then reversaly "turn engine on" would start up the running lights and allow the vechile to move again.
AGAIN these are just things i think would be neat Please dont think im asking this of anyone as i understand how much work each of these are for just a bit of eye candy. But i defently want to here what you guys think!
I like them to go on patrol when full, it is much better then whey they just went to HQ. I use a combination of patrol and FD ambulances, so them just going on patrol would be worse then them going to the station as a first choice and require more babysitting of the units when they leave the hospital.
The vehicle lights isn't an issue for me. sure it would add atmophere to have them off when parked but it isn't a big thing. The emergency flashers going off when parked and on when sent out adds a lot more to the feel of the game then the headlights.
Posted 04 July 2007 - 12:52 PM
I don't think I'm going to add more vehicles to the fire station. I was thinking of adding more commands to the control panel:
1. Call one fire fighter
2. Call one paramedic
3. Call two paramedics with a stretcher
Each time you click on one of the commands above a unit will come and you can send it to a vehicle by yourself. This way, you can add more units to a vehicle easily if you want.

Posted 04 July 2007 - 03:47 PM

In this new version of the mod what new siren comand have you created?? I can't notice any difference...
Good work :1046275747_biggthumpup:
Posted 05 July 2007 - 04:22 PM