[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah
Posted 19 January 2007 - 02:39 AM
Posted 19 January 2007 - 06:39 AM
For the ambulance and patrol vehicles:
- It will first check if a vehicle is on patrol, then it will check the fire station.
The fire station:
- When the vehicle is empty, alarm will be raised and 4 fire fighters will enter the fire truck (2 for watertender).
- When the gate in front of the unit is closed, it will open.
- Sirens and flashing lights will be activated.
Posted 19 January 2007 - 09:18 AM
Just a few questions though hoppah:
when the battalion chief calls a fire vehicle, does a watertender or a firetruck come?
Do all units have a patrol option or only police?
What happens if you own more vehicles than can fit in the stations?
If you click on a vehicle in the fire station, and tell it to move somewhere outside, will the gates automatically open if they're close?
and one last:
what happens if you raise the alarm in the fire station?
Thanks alot!! Can't wait for 1.2!
Posted 19 January 2007 - 10:27 AM
Check the video you can clearly see it when he uses the firechiefwhen the battalion chief calls a fire vehicle, does a watertender or a firetruck come?

As you cans ee on video: Police cars had such a command & ambulancesDo all units have a patrol option or only police?
It says byebye and goes home out of the mapWhat happens if you own more vehicles than can fit in the stations?
Hoppah could you respond, i aint sure of that oneIf you click on a vehicle in the fire station, and tell it to move somewhere outside, will the gates automatically open if they're close?
It's on the videowhat happens if you raise the alarm in the fire station?

Posted 19 January 2007 - 12:52 PM
Looks awesome!
Just a few questions though hoppah:
when the battalion chief calls a fire vehicle, does a watertender or a firetruck come?
Do all units have a patrol option or only police?
What happens if you own more vehicles than can fit in the stations?
If you click on a vehicle in the fire station, and tell it to move somewhere outside, will the gates automatically open if they're close?
and one last:
what happens if you raise the alarm in the fire station?
Thanks alot!! Can't wait for 1.2!
1. You can choose between: Fire Truck, Water Tender, Aerial Ladder and Ambulance.
2. Patrol cars and ambulances have a patrol option.
3. When you use 'Go to fire station' command and there is no space, the vehicle will return to base (as always).
4. No, gates won't open automaticly when you use 'Move to' command.
5. When you raise the alarm, you will hear the alarm and new units will come and enter empty vehicles.
Posted 19 January 2007 - 01:38 PM
The last one would be the most realistic because if you have stabelized the patient 100% you don't have te rush it to a hospital, so the ambulance can drive without lights and siren.

Posted 19 January 2007 - 02:02 PM
can you give me a help?? I have download the LA mod but when I go to freeplay and have a mission I take the persons out of the vehicle and I can not put the firefighters in the car again why?? can you help me?
where can hey update my game??
Posted 19 January 2007 - 07:08 PM
^^those are my feelings about this at a glance!
Posted 19 January 2007 - 07:53 PM
hey I am a new member in the forum...
can you give me a help?? I have download the LA mod but when I go to freeplay and have a mission I take the persons out of the vehicle and I can not put the firefighters in the car again why?? can you help me?
where can hey update my game??
You need the latest patches
Posted 20 January 2007 - 05:30 AM
Nice work man!!!
Posted 20 January 2007 - 11:56 AM
Wow, great video!!! At the moment im playing the Winterberg mod because i didnt liked the la mod anymore. But when the new version is released the Winterberg mod is history!!! Did you take a look at the new Winterberg mod? There are new missions in freeplayer. Fire alarms, some falls, some real. Maybe an idea for the LA mod?!? I hope its finished quickly.
Nice work man!!!
I also like the winterberg mod, but my opinion is that he has going to far with scripting.. you don't have to do anything..
For example
All the vehicles have got a "P" press it and the all get automatic in the vehicle and he will go back...
from the command of base if you click near an accident with the accident command everything goed automatic to the scene
Personnaly i don't like it, calling every unit and think for yourself what you need is also part of the game.
Grtz !!
Posted 20 January 2007 - 06:15 PM
yay i got em4 on order so i should get it soon!
i cant wait to test your
mod hoppah :1046275747_biggthumpup:
Hi, where did you order it from? I cant find it anywhere online that will ship to the US. I would appreciate it (Okay, i just want to play Hoopahs EM4 Mod <lol>)
Posted 20 January 2007 - 06:46 PM
Everything works fine exept that i see no police, Firestation, or hospital in free play, its just the ordinarie Freeplay with the new cars and commands..
Have the stations been released yet or it will be on the 1.2?
I see lots of ppl posting about the stations so im confused..
I have the latest patch installed, its the FR version.
Posted 20 January 2007 - 06:50 PM
stations will be in v1.2 when it is released.im confused. ive downloaded the LA Mod 1.1.
Everything works fine exept that i see no police, Firestation, or hospital in free play, its just the ordinarie Freeplay with the new cars and commands..
Have the stations been released yet or it will be on the 1.2?
I see lots of ppl posting about the stations so im confused..
I have the latest patch installed, its the FR version.
Posted 20 January 2007 - 06:54 PM
good to know.. thx!stations will be in v1.2 when it is released.
Posted 21 January 2007 - 01:07 AM

All changes again in a list:
- New vehicles: Red Cross Hummer H2, Battalion Chief Unit + Battalion Chief.
- Fixed bug that sirens didn't stick with the vehicle in multiplayer.
- Fixed bug that when a vehicle explodes with activated directional lights, it would still redirect traffic.
- Police station added to freeplay map.
- Hospital added to freeplay map.
- Fire Station (open house) added to the freeplay map.
- Roof of the fire station garage is removable and fire trucks and ambulances can park inside.
- A battalion chief vehicle can park at the fire station and the battalion chief can call vehicles from the fire station.
- Ambulances and the rescue helicopter have 'To hospital' command.
- Patrol cars and the police helicopter have 'To police station' command.
- Patrol cars can patrol the city.
- Police officers can call a patrol car, ambulance or police helicopter.
- Three patrol cars can park in front of the police station.
- Trailer logic added and two equipment trailers added to the freeplay map.
- Fixed some other small bugs.
Report (possible) bugs here.
I've also made a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about my mod.
You can read the FAQ here.
I wish everyone a lot of fun with this mod,
Creator of the Los Angeles Mod
Posted 21 January 2007 - 01:12 AM
Something told me to stick around when I saw you online

Edit by Hoppah:
Don't use those large quotes.

Posted 21 January 2007 - 01:20 AM

Posted 21 January 2007 - 01:25 AM
200 to 300 people were downloading the mod at the same time and the server crashes several times.
We have a much better server now, but just to make sure the server won't crash I released it at 1 am.

People will download the mod little by little now.