[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah
Posted 27 November 2006 - 06:22 PM
can you add the two SUV's to the station or is that asked too much?
Posted 27 November 2006 - 09:42 PM
Whats your problem?

I've warned you. Next time you will be banned for a few days.
Posted 27 November 2006 - 10:24 PM
Posted 28 November 2006 - 11:00 AM

And a few wuestions to he fire house, does the ates actually work? and is it just me, or are they skinned as if they were made of briks?

Posted 28 November 2006 - 01:06 PM
And a few wuestions to he fire house, does the ates actually work? and is it just me, or are they skinned as if they were made of briks?
Thats a normal structure for a gate, horizontal lines

Posted 28 November 2006 - 05:19 PM
Do you plan to make EMTs like in EM3?
Is the freeplay map going to be custom or a remake of one of the defaults?
Posted 29 November 2006 - 03:27 AM
You mean it work only when you play normal EM4 ? not the Deluxe Freeplay map ?I have the file of LA mod copied over my em4-deluxe file. Everyting works exept the instal of the bride car. But i solved it with coping the orginal install.script to my directory. I didnt tried the deluxe mission yet.
Posted 29 November 2006 - 12:57 PM
For those who wants to play la mod in de new freeplay map:
- You can't call cars (in Deluxe freeplay).
You can fix this by copy freeplaybase.xml to freeplaybase_d.xml in the la mod directory.
Posted 29 November 2006 - 01:28 PM
For those who wants to play la mod in de new freeplay map:
- You can't call cars (in Deluxe freeplay).
You can fix this by copy freeplaybase.xml to freeplaybase_d.xml in the la mod directory.
You cant check victims => not finish murder missions
You can't pickup the infected birds => not finish virus mission
You won't have cars in the deluxe missions
Posted 29 November 2006 - 01:31 PM
- Some new commands in EM4D aren't assigned to my units.
- You can't call cars (in Deluxe freeplay).
- New text codes are missing (You get ID_*).
Hehe, I am quoting myself.
Posted 29 November 2006 - 03:52 PM
You cant check victims => not finish murder missions
You can't pickup the infected birds => not finish virus mission
You won't have cars in the deluxe missions
Okay, read my earlier text agian plz. It works for me.
I do have cars.
I can pick up dead birds.
I can check victims.
Posted 29 November 2006 - 04:13 PM

Posted 29 November 2006 - 06:26 PM
Posted 29 November 2006 - 06:29 PM
Hoppah, when do you expect 1.2 to be released? Just say a date when you think you've finished it.

Thats a wrong question... ask another question not one relevent to the release date

Posted 29 November 2006 - 06:38 PM
Why can't I ask that?
Posted 29 November 2006 - 06:44 PM
Why can't I ask that?
1. Because I am not going to hurry.
2. Because I don't want to release a mod with bugs.
3. Because I don't want to disappiont you with a wrong release date.
4. Because I don't want to work with a deadline.
5. Because it's finished when it's finished.

Posted 29 November 2006 - 06:58 PM

Posted 29 November 2006 - 08:12 PM
Then you repalced more then only the install script
Like i sad in my earlier post:
copy freeplaybase.xml to freeplaybase_d.xml
Posted 29 November 2006 - 08:22 PM

Maybe pikcup will work, but chekcvictim won't

Posted 29 November 2006 - 08:45 PM
1. Because I am not going to hurry.
2. Because I don't want to release a mod with bugs.
3. Because I don't want to disappiont you with a wrong release date.
4. Because I don't want to work with a deadline.
5. Because it's finished when it's finished.
It sounds on you like I want an EXACT answer. I just asked when do you think you'll be ready with the mod? I will not be disappointed because I know how it is