[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah
Posted 10 October 2006 - 07:15 PM
Your K9 mod was for Emergency 3. I am talking about Emergency 4.
Posted 10 October 2006 - 09:05 PM
Everything went well. We found 2 bugs:
I forgot to repair the motorcycle bug (driver doesn't disappear on motorcycle in multiplayer).
Police units can't enter the SWAT Armoured Vehicle sometimes

I am not sure if I can fix that.
I had alot of other bugs (disappearing trucks, siren doesn't follow cars), but that's because of my crappy computer (I have to play MP on lowest settings).

Posted 10 October 2006 - 09:58 PM

Posted 10 October 2006 - 11:30 PM
I just tested v1.1 online with Stan . :1046275747_biggthumpup:
Everything went well. We found 2 bugs:
I forgot to repair the motorcycle bug (driver doesn't disappear on motorcycle in multiplayer).
Police units can't enter the SWAT Armoured Vehicle sometimes![]()
I am not sure if I can fix that.
I had alot of other bugs (disappearing trucks, siren doesn't follow cars), but that's because of my crappy computer (I have to play MP on lowest settings).
great news! Is single player testing going well also? That's the only mode I use.
Posted 10 October 2006 - 11:32 PM
Posted 11 October 2006 - 04:14 AM
On Long Island, NY where i go every summer, the fire departments have whats called "fire police". Since most towns in that area are under the control of Suffolk County Police, police are dispatched all over the towns inside the county. so, fire departments have fire police. they are able to arrive on scene at the same time the other Apparatus does, and can set up a primeter before police arrive. 2 slight verations i found
Large Fire Police
Smaller, van type
picture 2 of above
another one. not really fire police, but used to transport 8 or 9 guys to the scene fast
discription of fire police
where i live in Ma, we have first responder vehicles.
Tatical trucks are used because some citys dont have any ambulances, they contract out to a third party service so this unit acts as as first responders until an ambulance comes.
(Basicly your light equipment trucks in 1.1)
Boston also has a tac unit just because the city is so big and theres a million 1 way streets. thats more like an SUV type thing (like the EM3 vehicle)
so i know were talking LA here, but i think that a fire police vehicle would be awesome. It could just be some firefighters with a vest on, and have the ability to place cones, flairs, barricades, and redirect people and trafic (and maybe those directional light, but i saw you say it might be vary hard to put those on a fire vehicle)
as for the tac unit, your light eqmt vehicle is pretty much that.
one more thing. i would love to see that black undercover SUV in the LA Mod for EM3. (i think it was the FBI or secret service SUV) it would go awesome with the undercover crown vic that you have. i could convert it for you and send it to you and you can see what you think. just a thought...
PS what is the eta on 1.1!!!
(KIDDING GUYS. JUST KIDDING) just making fun of those people who cant take "when its ready" for an answer

Edit by Hoppah:
Pictures too large. Use thumbnails or links.
Posted 11 October 2006 - 06:05 AM
Posted 11 October 2006 - 12:44 PM
Your K9 mod was for Emergency 3. I am talking about Emergency 4.
Well I was also talking about EM4 just editing the thing sicne I basically most of mine scripts were based on em4
Posted 12 October 2006 - 06:05 PM
The price of a fireman is $25.
The price of a fireman with mask is $75.
The price of a paramedic is $25.
The price of a paramedics with stretcher unit is also $25.
With the 'Change Clothes' commands for firemen you were able to save $50 (difference between normal and mask fireman).
So, when you change your normal fireman to a fireman with mask it will cost you $50 now.
and when you change back to normal fireman you will get $50.
With the new stretcher script in v1.1, it was possible to save $25 when you change one paramedics with stretcher to two normal paramedics.
So it will cost you $25 when you drop the stretcher and you will get $25 when you get a stretcher (2 paramedics become one paramedics with stretcher).
I changed something else too.
When you use the MP5, M4a1 or Sharpshooter Rifle against an innocent target it will cost you money too ($200 for sharpshooter rifle, $100 for MP5 or M4a1).
Posted 12 October 2006 - 07:23 PM
Posted 12 October 2006 - 10:09 PM
-Cal Naughton Jr.
Posted 12 October 2006 - 11:22 PM
Say, is there a way to increase the limit of vehicles you can buy in Freeplay (or make it unlimited), or is that hard-coded?
That's possible and I will increase it for v1.1 (It was increased for v1.0, but v1.1 has more vehicles).
Posted 13 October 2006 - 12:20 AM

Posted 13 October 2006 - 02:34 AM
Posted 13 October 2006 - 05:46 AM
Posted 14 October 2006 - 01:40 PM
Posted 15 October 2006 - 08:25 AM
Posted 15 October 2006 - 08:42 AM
Hoppah, I noticed that the pontoon bridge vehicle is available in the vehicle selection in Freeplay and Multiplayer modes. It doesn't serve a purpose in either of those modes, so can you remove it before the release of the next version, please?
Well why don't u just let it in your base instead of getting it on the map?

Posted 15 October 2006 - 11:14 AM
i've downloaded your great mod! it's really cool, but when you play in freeplay, you should get all unit's right?
but i don't get them all

here's a list of what i don't get of the vehicles..
Medic : EMS car, Ambulance 4, Coroner's van
LAFD : Light Equipment, Brush Truck, Crashtender
CHP : Patrol car & Camaro
Misc: Rescue Dog vehicle, Bulldozer(+carrier)
is my mod not installed right, or are some of the vehicles coming in the next version?
Regards ThaLowrider.
Posted 15 October 2006 - 11:25 AM
@ Hoppah
i've downloaded your great mod! it's really cool, but when you play in freeplay, you should get all unit's right?
but i don't get them all![]()
here's a list of what i don't get of the vehicles..
Medic : EMS car, Ambulance 4, Coroner's van
LAFD : Light Equipment, Brush Truck, Crashtender
CHP : Patrol car & Camaro
Misc: Rescue Dog vehicle,
is my mod not installed right, or are some of the vehicles coming in the next version?
Regards ThaLowrider.
easy to explain => Next version

Bulldozer(+carrier) will never be avalable in freeplay => bug + dont come on map