[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah
Posted 03 October 2006 - 06:11 AM
People are way too impatient here.
Those people should go to school or apply for a job too.
Posted 03 October 2006 - 08:16 AM
On the rare occasion that I do have free time from school\work, I play EM4 some. The LA mod is great, Hoppah, now that I have experienced it first hand. You're right, though, people do need to quit being impatient. That crap right there runs modders off in a hurry. Before I end this, however, I have a question and a request. Are there any new updates as of today? Also, can you PLEASE PLEASE work in the USAR truck in a future version? I loved that truck in EM3.
Posted 03 October 2006 - 02:18 PM
Maybe I should delay the release date for 1 or 2 months.
People are way too impatient here.
Those people should go to school or apply for a job too.
Maybe that not a bad idea, and make a post saying that it would be release today expect for the following people.
I love you mod. Everytime I play a new release I think "Wow great mod, I doubt he be able to beat this". Of course everytime I been wrong.
Heck consider the quaility of the last mod why are people asking about the next when? The should be working, studing or playing version 1.
Posted 03 October 2006 - 02:32 PM
it's maybe harsh but might be a good measure against all of those people who are complaining or asking for the next release.
The asking about is crap guys stop it!! the next release will come when hoppah, stan, martijntjuh, baz or all the other modders want it to come

OMG! It's flashy 0_o
Posted 03 October 2006 - 04:19 PM
Posted 03 October 2006 - 04:56 PM
But this is not possible.
There are two choices:
1. The vehicles are invulnerable (You can't destroy them)
2. Same vulnerability as v1.0 (They explode quite fast)
So I can't protect them a bit.
I was thinking of making some of my fire dept. vehicles completely invulnerable.
What do you think?
Posted 03 October 2006 - 05:08 PM
I wanted to protect most of my vehicles to fire.
But this is not possible.
There are two choices:
1. The vehicles are invulnerable (You can't destroy them)
2. Same vulnerability as v1.0 (They explode quite fast)
So I can't protect them a bit.
I was thinking of making some of my fire dept. vehicles completely invulnerable.
What do you think?
Make sence to me. After all I fire fighting crew is not going to let fire destroy their equipment if they can help it. Considering some of the constraints like length of hose and such, which one could use to protect the equipment, this would be the best way to treat it like real life. After all how many exploding or fire damage fire trucks do you hear about? Only ones I rember are ones were the fire house catches on fire.
Posted 03 October 2006 - 05:58 PM
Make sence to me. After all I fire fighting crew is not going to let fire destroy their equipment if they can help it. Considering some of the constraints like length of hose and such, which one could use to protect the equipment, this would be the best way to treat it like real life. After all how many exploding or fire damage fire trucks do you hear about? Only ones I rember are ones were the fire house catches on fire.
True, but I don't want to make this game easier by making all vehicles invulnerable, so I am going to make to make the following trucks invulnerable:
- Fire Truck 1
- Fire Truck 2
- Water Tender
- Aerial Ladder Vehicle
- Brush Truck
- Light Equipment Truck
- Crash Tender
Posted 03 October 2006 - 10:30 PM
Rangers, lead the way! General Cota, D-Day 1944
Posted 03 October 2006 - 11:24 PM
I've seen police cars very close to an oil fire and they hav not exploded.
I think we should keep some challenge in the game, we all know that car exoplosion caused by warm are very rare, but that doesn't mean we have to make all car invinsible.
Posted 04 October 2006 - 12:12 AM
I think we should keep some challenge in the game, we all know that car exoplosion caused by warm are very rare, but that doesn't mean we have to make all car invinsible.
Nice reply Victor!.. And i think hoppah take the good choice of cars to do that most real possible || keep going hoppah!
Posted 04 October 2006 - 12:56 AM
I wanted to protect most of my vehicles to fire.
But this is not possible.
There are two choices:
1. The vehicles are invulnerable (You can't destroy them)
2. Same vulnerability as v1.0 (They explode quite fast)
So I can't protect them a bit.
I was thinking of making some of my fire dept. vehicles completely invulnerable.
What do you think?
I actually like option 2 the most, if they go boom you replace them. I've had very few of my vehicles blow up. I don't think there should be any invulnerable vehicles honestly as that would just lead to carelessness with them.
Make sence to me. After all I fire fighting crew is not going to let fire destroy their equipment if they can help it. Considering some of the constraints like length of hose and such, which one could use to protect the equipment, this would be the best way to treat it like real life. After all how many exploding or fire damage fire trucks do you hear about? Only ones I rember are ones were the fire house catches on fire.
Just a few years ago that happened to a couple of firetrucks in two different counties in my area actually. The fire they were fighting shifted directions and they couldn't get the trucks out of the way in time.
Posted 04 October 2006 - 03:24 AM
Posted 04 October 2006 - 05:01 AM
ps...sorry about askin about release date, i didn't think it would stir up such a response but I certainly wont ask again.
Posted 04 October 2006 - 05:11 AM
Pictured Below
These are connected via hose to a pumper or water tender/tanker and must be used by 1 fire fighter and can spray virtually the same amount of water that would come out of the top of the water tender....
So i was thinking mabey...add this as a tool only available from water tenders....enable hose connections with the water tender (which cuts off the top cannon) and allow a fire fighter to take this cannon with a hose around corners and stuff having the same water output as if it was coming right out of the tender....of course only 1 of these per water tender so we stay realistic.... Mabey even make the spray little bigger with the watter cannon?? who knows.. I dunno how hard that would be to create.. thats what hoppa is for. whats everyones thoughts ... ?

Posted 04 October 2006 - 08:57 AM
That's why some of the fire trucks are invulnerable.
Other news:
I've created a forum banner for the mod.
If you want this banner in your signature you have to copy and paste this code:
Posted 04 October 2006 - 04:08 PM
Posted 04 October 2006 - 04:23 PM
Posted 04 October 2006 - 05:18 PM
About invulnerability of truck, I know everyone want to add realism to the game, but remember that this is a game. If we get it to near from reality we will have a simulator, and not a game. But now, i think we are far from a simulator.
I'm sorry to tell you Hoppah, I don't agree, fire truck should not be invulnerable. i know it is irritating but this just a game. (if they are invulnerable, they will be for Fire and bullets ?)
Very Off topic : In the post-icons option or in the smilley option, is it possible to add this flag :
This is the flag of my province,The Québec, and my province is trying to become a country, we are now in the Canada, but we are very different from the rest of the country....
Posted 04 October 2006 - 10:03 PM
Very Off topic : In the post-icons option or in the smilley option, is it possible to add this flag :
This is the flag of my province,The Québec, and my province is trying to become a country, we are now in the Canada, but we are very different from the rest of the country....
No, the post icons are NOT country flags but language flags, if i had to addition each country we would have tons of post icons, so sorry i wont addition it