[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah
Posted 01 September 2009 - 08:43 AM
Posted 01 September 2009 - 03:04 PM
Ever thought of making something similar to those script but for an ambulance?
Posted 01 September 2009 - 03:26 PM
Posted 01 September 2009 - 03:29 PM
Adding the fire stations, police station and hospital was the first thing I did to the new map. Otherwise you can't test it (game will crash) ingame. Or did you mean something else?
Ricardo Says what i meant:
I think he thinks that because there are no icons on the mini map, like PD and hospital icons
Good work Hoppah, that is some awesome work!
Ever thought of making something similar to those script but for an ambulance?
uhm,,. have you ever seen a walking dieing person;)
There's no point of adding it to the ambulance.
But Hoppah. i've got a new suggestion:
Add a command, that police ESCORT the ambulance to the hospital, or ESCORT a other policecar with criminals to the police station, also that they can ESCORT important persons (Like add an event like: 'Escort the president safely through the city, he arrives in 2 minutes.'
Or something...

Posted 01 September 2009 - 04:23 PM
But Hoppah. i've got a new suggestion:
Add a command, that police ESCORT the ambulance to the hospital, or ESCORT a other policecar with criminals to the police station, also that they can ESCORT important persons (Like add an event like: 'Escort the president safely through the city, he arrives in 2 minutes.'
Or something...
I don't see how that would be useful for freeplay. Besides, the suggestion thread was closed for a reason.
Posted 01 September 2009 - 05:21 PM
Like a speeding ticket that is issued to a car that is not set on a path.
Posted 01 September 2009 - 06:25 PM
So that the ambulance would arrest people and give speeding tickets?
uhm,,. have you ever seen a walking dieing person;)
There's no point of adding it to the ambulance.
Nope, That's not what I actually meant, the ambulance could automatically stabilize the wounded person, pick him/her up and put in the ambulance and take him to the hospital.
Posted 01 September 2009 - 06:48 PM
I hate the hassle what wa big motor vehicle accident gives, you must help with everything for the guys, hold hands and tell to take step with right leg, then left and so on. So yes, a cool feature.
Posted 01 September 2009 - 07:10 PM
Second thing, for the "Police escorting ambulances are unrealistic. WRONG, police will generally escort patients at all major incidents, and any incident where there is an agressive or criminal patient.
Never the less, I'm sure we are all very excited, and we just need to be patient.
Best of luck Hoppah!
Posted 01 September 2009 - 07:17 PM
Posted 01 September 2009 - 10:12 PM
Sure, it looks cool, and it's probably done in a lot of real life situations.
But it's also going to deplete the police presence in an area, since the police unit has to follow the ambulance to the hospital, and then either return to patrol or stand by there.
It doesn't really add anything but visuals to the game.
Posted 02 September 2009 - 12:43 AM
Ahh, I miss starting the LA mod with L.A. At 9.00 a.m. A shame of what happened. I'm glad you're adding the rest of the music.
Posted 02 September 2009 - 12:55 AM
It would add to the realism, but you'd actually not want to add follow EMS to hospital to police, only on certain occasions do we do that. We follow paramedics for critical patients, because we had a situation just the other day, where we were following in the engine, and the patient went into cardiac arrest, and we had to stop, and jump in the back of the bus to assist recussitate the patient. thats realism.. o.O any steps torwards realism is cool, like if for the LA mod you could hook the engines up to standpipes or hydrants. That'd be a nice feature, because, also, on most fire calls we hook into the city's water supply. The only time i don't see hooking into hydrants is fighting the wildfires right now. I feel bad for the LA county guys. Best of luck to them. If you know about the California wildfires, my heart goes out to the 2 county firefighters and their families.Ricardo Says what i meant:
uhm,,. have you ever seen a walking dieing person;)
There's no point of adding it to the ambulance.
But Hoppah. i've got a new suggestion:
Add a command, that police ESCORT the ambulance to the hospital, or ESCORT a other policecar with criminals to the police station, also that they can ESCORT important persons (Like add an event like: 'Escort the president safely through the city, he arrives in 2 minutes.'
Or something...
BTW, hoppah, i've loved your work since i discovered this amazing site over a year ago. Your my Modding hero!

Posted 02 September 2009 - 01:13 AM

If you love playling as police, fire, or ems come join http://ertrpg.forumotion.ca/forum.htm the online text roleplaying game.
Posted 02 September 2009 - 03:55 AM
Posted 02 September 2009 - 04:51 AM
One thing I would like to see in the ambulances is the capability of transporting two patients, most ambulances in the us have room for 2 patients. Is there a way I can change that myself?
There is, in the editor in the Edit Traits menu. For the auto-spawned ambulances, you would need to edit LAFireStationStart.script.
Posted 02 September 2009 - 04:52 AM
Depends on how many units you have on scene. If it is an MVC at an interection, where you only need to close down 2 lanes, you will realistically only require 2-3 police units on scene. You could probably spare one of them.Just my two cents about escorting ambulances with police units:
Sure, it looks cool, and it's probably done in a lot of real life situations.
But it's also going to deplete the police presence in an area, since the police unit has to follow the ambulance to the hospital, and then either return to patrol or stand by there.
It doesn't really add anything but visuals to the game.
Just speaking realistically..
Posted 02 September 2009 - 08:31 AM
THe reason for abandoning multiple-patient transport is simple. If their condition worsens during the trip, there is usually only one EMT or PM to take care of them, and most people only have two hands.
Posted 02 September 2009 - 01:27 PM
Posted 02 September 2009 - 02:45 PM
I think it adds some realism to the game.Just my two cents about escorting ambulances with police units:
Sure, it looks cool, and it's probably done in a lot of real life situations.
But it's also going to deplete the police presence in an area, since the police unit has to follow the ambulance to the hospital, and then either return to patrol or stand by there.
It doesn't really add anything but visuals to the game.
As for the fact it doesnt add anything else, you/we/me could add a thing that gives you 50 points if you escort ambulances.
Dont know if that makes sense, because that would take some realism away!>
So any suggestions to my suggestion?