My computer is broken. Although I didn't lose any files (love external hdd drives

While playing a game (Empire Total War), I suddenly got a purple glow. The game looked like it was running in 256 colours for a moment. After 3 seconds I got a blue screen with white letters and a reboot. Since then, my computer doesn't want to load Windows Vista in normal mode anymore and I got weird display distortions (blue blocks, green wavy lines, white/purple letters during boot up). When the computer is suposed to load Vista (that loading bar is visible for a while) it starts hanging in a black screen with a lot of white small vertical lines. Safe Mode seems to works fine, but I also get the distortions in that mode. I am currently trying to find out what is damaged. I already tried to reinstall Windows Vista what didn't help, so I think it's my videocard but I am not sure about that.

At this moment it is unknown when I can continue on the mod again. I have other computers, but they are way too old to handle the map texture for the new map (8096x8096 pixels with multiple layers) in Photoshop CS2.
