@ EggMcLovin. The standby command looks like this.
On a completely unrelated subject. I was going through the command icons and I noticed speedup and slowdown icons. As far as I know, there are no "speedup/slowdown" commands in 1.8. Could Hoppah or somebody tell me what they were (or are going to be) for? See the attachments to see what I mean.
They were supposed to be commands for the convoy in the 'VIP Escort' mission. To speed up or slow down the speed of the convoy vehicles. I couldn't make it work perfectly (in combination with the events), so I decided not to add the commands, but I forgot to delete the icons.

Will test it.when playin the LA MOD i can`t heal/stabilize the last patient wich is at the start of the mission located underneath the red car.
when removing the red car with a tow-truck the patient becomes vissible and when I want start healning him i can`t selct him.
when i place my mouse over him he lights up, but i can`t select him