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[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah

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#3381 erfd


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Posted 06 September 2008 - 10:04 PM

*Jacob gets it cheaper of Ebay lol :1046276313_Up_to_something:


#3382 Guest_Zohar_*

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Posted 06 September 2008 - 10:24 PM

I rarely read manuals for things but this will be the manual I will read top to bottom over and over hah. Can't get enough of this mod its great thankyou and can't wait till the %5 is done!
By the way, why did you choose los angeles when you started doing the mod for EM3?

#3383 Newfoundking


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Posted 06 September 2008 - 10:25 PM

I think hoppah should give us a release date

Just kidding, I don't wish to be banned or yelled at any time soon. I would love to have a manual as a teaser... looking forward to that manual... I think I'll have something to keep me busy with no more emergency (only a few more days until new motherboard) and the fact that I cannot "borrow" Hoppahs computer until I have a copy of his hard drive :P

I wouldn't ever do that for 3 reasons,
1. Pretty sure that is illegal,
2. Don't have the money to fly to the Netherlands
3. I wouldn't hurt the speed of Hoppahs GREAT mod... And yes I am brown nosing :P (well to an extent)

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#3384 Hoppah


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Posted 06 September 2008 - 10:36 PM

4. You need to kill me, my dad and the dog before you can 'borrow' my pc. :)

Release of 1.7:
Maybe this month, but can't promise.

#3385 FD81



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Posted 06 September 2008 - 11:12 PM

This month?It could happen.
Hopfully it does happen. :)

#3386 Newfoundking


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Posted 07 September 2008 - 02:01 AM

OMG! I just like went into hyperventilation, and once again, bit thru my thumb... different one this time... These releases are hurting me... but don't stop.

And lol at the fourth reason... I love it. And kill the great Hoppah? is that even possible?

If it comes out in september I will basically like jump for joy, and make my computer do one thing and one thing only, download, I am calling my ISP today to upgrade to the highest type of internet speed they have, and I am starting to devote my PC to run as a download machine only, then reconvert when it finishes !

If you can't tell I am excited

Wanna play multiplayer without any of the commitment? Emergency Planet hosts casual multiplayer to all its members! Contact me for more information


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#3387 Guest_lord_bonev_*

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 12:42 PM

Release of 1.7:
Maybe this month, but can't promise.

It will be nice Happah, but don't worry we waiting.

#3388 soulbody


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Posted 07 September 2008 - 02:30 PM

what is a manual, it dutch then.
hope it is in the month i can't now already wait

Watch The ''I Mark's Productions Thread'' now.
currently all projects are undergoing a renewal and no help is required.

#3389 Guest_Zohar_*

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 03:24 PM

what is a manual, it dutch then.
hope it is in the month i can't now already wait

A manual is an instruction guide.
This is what the translator came up with
besturen, richten, dirigeren, mennen

#3390 Hoppah


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Posted 07 September 2008 - 09:26 PM

LA MOD News!

Finished the final 2 missions for v1.7. Here are the briefings:

Mission 09 - Childs brutally abducted
Date: 15 November 2008
Time Received: 18:00

Two children have been abducted in a brutal home invasion that left both of their parents gravely injured. The suspects are armed and initial reports suggest that the parents may have been in the Witness Protection Program and this could have been retaliation for their testimony. Question witnesses, locate the suspects, and transport anyone injured in the home invasion.

Mission 10 - Explosion in airport terminal
Date: 19 November 2008
Time Received: 12:30

An explosion has been reported in an airport terminal. First reports indicate that there has been a partial wall collapse with persons trapped underneath. The sprinkler system has failed to activate and fires are burning out of control in that area. Due to the heavy smoke visible for miles, the fueling pipline next to the terminal may have ruptured and caught fire and needs to be handled immediately. Secondary reports are indicating that there might be a damaged store that is flooded from the sprinkler system and wires are down in the water. Use extreme caution, rescue all injured and buried patients, and extinguish all fires.

I can't really show screenshots of mission 9, but I have two from mission 10:
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Other changes/additions:
- Added rapid deploy command to the SWAT trucks. The command deploys a 4 man SWAT team: 2 officers with MP5, 1 officer with ballistic shield, 1 officer with pistol.
- Only LAPD vehicles will come out of the police station on the freeplaymaps now.

And maybe the best news! Here's the BETA version of the manual for the Los Angeles mod v1.7!
Download link: LAMOD_manual_BETA.pdf (right click 'Save target as' works the best)
Size: 2,7 MB

It's a BETA version, what means this version will not come with LA MOD v1.7, because we still need to add some texts and fix mistakes.
This manual is created for version 1.7. A lot has been changed, so do not report things like 'vehicle x is missing equipment'.
I released the manual so people have something to read before I will release the real Los Angeles mod v1.7.
The manual links to files of v1.7 which are not online ofcource (mission patch v1.7 for example).
It's forbidden to upload the BETA manual somewhere else.

I wish everyone a lot of fun with reading and I hope it's useful.


#3391 FD81



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Posted 07 September 2008 - 09:37 PM

Great new missions!!
I can't wait to play them!! :D :1046275747_biggthumpup: :)
Great manual!!

#3392 Guest_[SAP]Francis_*

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 09:54 PM


#3393 Commander Rasseru

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 10:04 PM

Hoppah! Why?!

I know your making the next update with new stuff! But?
Are you making it harder for the other mods to have some fame too?

I do say its great work... But every update it seems like its own game it self.
16 tons or some one should hire you to make your own game.

I feel sorry for American Mods right now... To match to your game's level.

Luckly I still feel safe in what I can add for our mod.

I bet will be fun to play.... I hope the Newbies don't use the new FF/EMT or FF/Paramedic as Firemen...
There should be a limit like one per Engine or them costing more. Honestly it takes out the fun who playing as the Medic Department. Because the other player heal people and you just have to transport.. I would like to heal also...

Good work on this update.
Geposte afbeelding

#3394 FD81



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Posted 07 September 2008 - 10:09 PM

Hoppah should have is own game.You can play any 3 citys.Los Angeles,Boston,And New york city.It would be great! :schreiben:
If they make EM5,Hoppah could help them make EM5.

#3395 Guest_[SAP]Francis_*

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Posted 07 September 2008 - 10:26 PM

Hoppah got a job already and he loves it.. ;)

#3396 AFEM



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Posted 07 September 2008 - 10:45 PM

Well, only someone who loves this could do a manual like this... And of course a MOD like this. Is it the first mod that has a manual (still BETA, but not for long)?
*AF*EM*Posted Image
AFEMPosted ImageAFEM
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#3397 Hoppah


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Posted 07 September 2008 - 10:55 PM

Hoppah got a job already and he loves it.. ;)

I don't have a fulltime job. I am still studying and have a small job on the side for 8 to 10 hours a week.

#3398 FD81



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Posted 07 September 2008 - 11:01 PM

I don't have a fulltime job. I am still studying and have a small job on the side for 8 to 10 hours a week.

What are you studying?

#3399 zootoo63



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Posted 07 September 2008 - 11:50 PM

What are you studying?

dont worry about it
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#3400 Guest_[SAP]Francis_*

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Posted 08 September 2008 - 12:08 AM

He's just asking..