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[EM4] Los Angeles Mod by Hoppah

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#3141 Mrtucker555



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Posted 14 August 2008 - 01:33 AM

yea and i already sugjested a LAX truck like that with no boom read throught the forum

#3142 MikesPhotos


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Posted 14 August 2008 - 04:50 AM

FD81, on Aug 12 2008, 06:51 AM, said:

Is there going to be a new siren in La modv1.7?

station9emt/firefighter, on Aug 13 2008, 11:16 AM, said:

MikesPhotos, i have a question. would there be any possible way to find the realistic sirens for all vehicles and use those? not to seem ungreatful but the sirens on 1.6 are just dull. its like running the siren for ever.

Madman has hit he nail on the head when he says:

Madman, on Aug 12 2008, 06:59 AM, said:

The sirens were changed for 1.5 and Mike noted that the 1.4 sirens were actually more correct and pretty close to perfect for LA

I'm sorry you feel the sirens are dull. Actually, I'm not sorry at all. LAPD, LASD, CHP, LAFD, LACoFD, and even the FBI all use either the Motorola siren or FedSig smart siren with just wail and yelp with Fire apparatus having mechanical sirens as well. I don't know what you want, but if you're looking for a lot of blinky lights and varied sirens, Los Angeles is not the mod for you.

Madman, on Aug 12 2008, 06:59 AM, said:

but i might get yelled at for this but ok... ive noticed that the Police vehicles, ALL of them, have the lights in the back window. would those be in them? just outta curiosity.

Are you talking about the third brake light on the back of the crown vic? The LAWA PD has dual led's beside their 3rd brake light (will be added in 1.7), the slick tops all have arrow bars on their back shelf. You'll have to be more specific as to what your question is.

I'll have to look to see if the 3rd brake light comes on in the game, if not, I'll make sure its added. It's never been something I bothered to look at.

FD81, on Aug 13 2008, 03:24 PM, said:

How about adding this airport fire truck?
And how about this ladder fire truck thats goes higher then the regular ladder truck?
No,there not LA.They look cool!

What is NOT cool is you first posted in the wrong thread. We all know you are aware of the other thread so this is completely inexcusable! Next time, you will receive an increase in your warning level. Second, you're requesting units NOT from LA, which is both annoying and .. you know what... let me just say this... in bold even...

Units NOT From LA Will NOT Be Considered!

Lots of things look cool, read the first page of the suggestions thread and pay attention to this part:


One tip: Think about the suggestions you're about to post. Do research. You can't just post everything that came across your mind!

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#3143 station9emt/firefighter



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Posted 14 August 2008 - 05:36 AM

i wasnt saying that i was looking for blinking lights and all that. its just most if not all the units have the same siren sounds. i was just asking.
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#3144 MikesPhotos


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Posted 14 August 2008 - 05:40 AM

station9emt/firefighter, on Aug 13 2008, 09:36 PM, said:

i wasnt saying that i was looking for blinking lights and all that. its just most if not all the units have the same siren sounds. i was just asking.

I'm still curious about what you meant by all cars have lights in the back window, I'm not sure what you are referring to, do you mean the 3rd brake light?
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#3145 Madman



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Posted 14 August 2008 - 03:50 PM

Do you think he meant the directional arrow in the back window?

#3146 Mrtucker555



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Posted 14 August 2008 - 05:18 PM

no sometimes theres flashing lights in the back such as the fbi SUV but not always yellow and blue somtimes red and blue heres a pic but this is in MA http://images.townne...ews/2969572.jpg

#3147 AgentSmith6



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Posted 14 August 2008 - 05:23 PM

Hey Mike, I have a question about the sirens. Are the police sirens really realistic, because the only place I've ever heard them is as sound effects for movies. Correct me if I'm wrong , but code 3 never used to sound like that, but the only Motorola tone I've ever heard was HILO, so maybe I'm wrong.

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#3148 MikesPhotos


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Posted 14 August 2008 - 10:08 PM

AgentSmith6, on Aug 14 2008, 08:23 AM, said:

Hey Mike, I have a question about the sirens. Are the police sirens really realistic, because the only place I've ever heard them is as sound effects for movies. Correct me if I'm wrong , but code 3 never used to sound like that, but the only Motorola tone I've ever heard was HILO, so maybe I'm wrong.

The police, ambulance and fire sirens sound as if i was sitting on the corner of the street. Code 3/PSE sirens aren't used by anyone I know out here. Just FedSig/Unitrol by the big players and motorola radio/siren head.

I'll tell you two stories that highlight just how spot on they are.
1) I was playing the game on my laptop at the station when i first got it and had the speakers up to loud to drown out freaking golf on the tv. We were having a little down time since the apparatus I was assigned to that day decided to have electrical problems and we were waiting for the reserve to get there. I had just responded a full Task Force to an incident (2 Engines, 1 Truck) and out comes the Captain from behind the station screaming, "WTF?!?!? Who's responding and where? Did we get a call? Did we get our reserve already??" It sounded just like the units were going past the station and god he'd have been beside himself if we missed a structure cause our rig decided to belly ache.

2) This happened not to long ago as well. I have it set up so the ambulances have their sirens turned off my default. My hearing is fine, and I don't need to listen to sirens all day and night while playing the game. I can see the vehicles, it's fine. But I pressed the button for the ambulance to go to the hospital and scrolled away. For some reason the siren came on though. I scrolled over to it and sure enough, the closer I got to it, the louder the siren got! But the siren was turned off! I kept pressing the button more and more and nothing was happening until I looked out the window and there was an LAFD RA outside of my place trying to get through traffic.

You can't get any closer then that.
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#3149 Guest_[SAP]Francis_*

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Posted 14 August 2008 - 10:24 PM

ROFL at the second story! Very nice! XD What is a RA, by the way? :P Rescue Ambulance?

#3150 MikesPhotos


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Posted 14 August 2008 - 10:32 PM

[SAP]Francis, on Aug 14 2008, 02:24 PM, said:

ROFL at the second story! Very nice! XD What is a RA, by the way? :P Rescue Ambulance?

Yes, it's the fancy term LAFD uses for its ambulances. Typically referred to on the radio as an RA or just Rescue
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#3151 Guest_[SAP]Francis_*

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Posted 14 August 2008 - 10:39 PM

Alright, thanks. Also, what is your LAFD Rank? I always wondered if you were a chief :):P

#3152 Newfoundking


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Posted 14 August 2008 - 11:38 PM

Not to be rude, or anything, but he has no rank, he doesn't even work for the LAFD, now the LACoFd on the other ahnd.. maybe, IDK

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#3153 MikesPhotos


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Posted 15 August 2008 - 02:57 AM

[SAP]Francis, on Aug 14 2008, 02:39 PM, said:

Alright, thanks. Also, what is your LAFD Rank? I always wondered if you were a chief :):P

Hehe, No, not a chief... thank god. I don't even drive the big red toys. I'm happy being lowest man on the totem pole, all the fun a guy can ask for.
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#3154 Guest_[SAP]Francis_*

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Posted 15 August 2008 - 03:20 AM

i r teh wishing to drive those red toyz baby! XD

Okay, you just photograph?

#3155 MikesPhotos


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Posted 15 August 2008 - 03:23 AM

Let's put this to rest, this is not the Mike Mod, nor the Who is Mike game. We all don't need to know any more about me then what I've posted before.
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#3156 Guest_[SAP]Francis_*

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Posted 15 August 2008 - 03:37 AM

One last thing about Mike; he is very polite and knows when to start and when to stop. Which is a very good quality. :1046275747_biggthumpup:

#3157 NiElS



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Posted 15 August 2008 - 12:26 PM

[SAP]Francis, on Aug 15 2008, 04:37 AM, said:

One last thing about Mike; he is very polite and knows when to start and when to stop. Which is a very good quality. :1046275747_biggthumpup:

I totally agree, it was a good idea to give Mike a moderator function.

#3158 Guest_[SAP]Francis_*

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Posted 15 August 2008 - 06:24 PM

NiElS, on Aug 15 2008, 06:26 AM, said:

I totally agree, it was a good idea to give Mike a moderator function.

True, but, let's get back on the topic :D

#3159 station9emt/firefighter



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Posted 15 August 2008 - 09:19 PM

MikesPhotos, on Aug 13 2008, 11:40 PM, said:

I'm still curious about what you meant by all cars have lights in the back window, I'm not sure what you are referring to, do you mean the 3rd brake light?

no im not talking bout the brake light... but i did notice that that light doesnt come on.... hmm... i was just asking if there would be lights like in the movie Leathel Weapon 1234. but more in all like the lights you stated before the two lights next to the 3rd brake light.
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#3160 MikesPhotos


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Posted 15 August 2008 - 10:14 PM

station9emt/firefighter, on Aug 15 2008, 12:19 PM, said:

no im not talking bout the brake light... but i did notice that that light doesnt come on.... hmm... i was just asking if there would be lights like in the movie Leathel Weapon 1234. but more in all like the lights you stated before the two lights next to the 3rd brake light.

Brake light will be added. As for rear view window lights, the only vehicles with them will be FBI with its dual flasher, LAWA PD will have them added, slicktop will keep the rear arrow bar, unmarked will probably lose its arrow bar (cue whining ... now) and be modeled after the current LAPD unmarked configuration used by SWAT and other units which just has a dual flasher in the left rear corner of the window.

I might have forgotten one or two, but mostly, don't expect too much change in the lights.
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