Two bugs after patch 1.2 was installed. I don't know if these were prior to the patch or not, but they do exist after.
Bug #1 - Redirection by police during Search and Rescue mission
Location: On the Munich map, towards the bottom of the map in the middle. Along the road where cars are traveling in a south-west direction, within two car lenths of the intersection that the forest resides on. (the intersection is north-east of the forest).
Specifics: While redirecting civilian cars with a police officer, the civ. cars stop, start, stop, start, etc. When they begin moving on each start, it literally looks like they are either just jumping forward and then back, or they are moving forward an inch.
Bug #2 - Vehicle follow-cam
Specifics: When following vehicles with the cam-follow button, the cursor icon that appears on the vehicle (not the mouse cursor itself) jumps back and forth like the cars used to.
Performance begins to degrade about 30 minutes into gameplay (freeplay) for me. I get about the same performance as prior to the patch when it degrades.