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Kent (UK) Mod (Dev Release)

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#141 patvmru


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 07:24 PM

Pottyscotty, on 10 Jan 2015 - 6:14 PM, said:

Thanks Randomperson (+Itchboy). It is weird that they don't have Skoda's, I got a fleet list from them and there is nothing! All of them seem to be replaced by V70's. Also there is going to (Hopefully) be some more advanced options for Medical services, personally I feel that EMS gets brushed aside in a lot of mods and doesn't always get enough attention.

Can you expand at all on these more advanced options for EMS since that is what I want to see more than anything right now like say without having to spend five minutes at each casualty grabbing seperate bags and the patient dying like some mods instead maybe you could create a menu when kneeling to treat patient that asks you based on the presenting complaint to maybe immobilise and spinal board or frac pack and bandage maybe oxygen maybe full aed and oxygen and cpr etc?

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#142 WildcatsMike



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Posted 10 January 2015 - 07:32 PM

patvmru, on 10 Jan 2015 - 6:24 PM, said:

Can you expand at all on these more advanced options for EMS since that is what I want to see more than anything right now like say without having to spend five minutes at each casualty grabbing seperate bags and the patient dying like some mods instead maybe you could create a menu when kneeling to treat patient that asks you based on the presenting complaint to maybe immobilise and spinal board or frac pack and bandage maybe oxygen maybe full aed and oxygen and cpr etc?

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Seems like it would take about 7 years to make that option. But i'm no modder, so I could be wrong.


EM4's EMS treatment options weren't great to start off with. Most advanced thing i've seen is a spineboard. It seems logical that if something more advanced could be done, it would have been already.


Northview: Paramedics is confirmed to be trying this, will be interesting to see if it can be done.

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#143 itchboy


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 07:34 PM

WildcatsMike, on 10 Jan 2015 - 6:32 PM, said:

Seems like it would take about 7 years to make that option. But i'm no modder, so I could be wrong.


EM4's EMS treatment options weren't great to start off with. Most advanced thing i've seen is a spineboard. It seems logical that if something more advanced could be done, it would have been already.


Northview: Paramedics is confirmed to be trying this, will be interesting to see if it can be done.

I plan on creating a script that patients are classed according to injury:
Red is serious, yellow is moderate, green is minor, black is dead.

Would this be something advanced or new?

#144 patvmru


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 07:35 PM

Has been very similar results in several mods already but having to get seperate bags all I'm asking is is there a way to say combine the menu too one bag like the big ambulance parabag major incident version I carry in my car all I grab is this bag and a entynox bag

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#145 patvmru


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 07:37 PM

itchboy, on 10 Jan 2015 - 6:34 PM, said:

I plan on creating a script that patients are classed according to injury:
Red is serious, yellow is moderate, green is minor, black is dead.

Would this be something advanced or new?

A triage script very new and advanced and if you could conbined the existing script for my idea into one this would be the best ems mod since rtp mod was it?

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#146 itchboy


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 07:39 PM

patvmru, on 10 Jan 2015 - 6:37 PM, said:

A triage script very new and advanced and if you could conbined the existing script for my idea into one this would be the best ems mod since rtp mod was it?

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No need to double post but yes, RTS Mod had all of that. So did the Winterberg mod.

Have you created this script and does it work ingame or not? I will only combine it if you can get yours working.

#147 Pottyscotty


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 07:40 PM

patvmru, on 10 Jan 2015 - 6:35 PM, said:

Has been very similar results in several mods already but having to get seperate bags all I'm asking is is there a way to say combine the menu too one bag like the big ambulance parabag major incident version I carry in my car all I grab is this bag and a entynox bag

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Like the Helping Peter mod? 

WildcatsMike, on 10 Jan 2015 - 6:32 PM, said:

Seems like it would take about 7 years to make that option. But i'm no modder, so I could be wrong.


EM4's EMS treatment options weren't great to start off with. Most advanced thing i've seen is a spineboard. It seems logical that if something more advanced could be done, it would have been already.


Northview: Paramedics is confirmed to be trying this, will be interesting to see if it can be done.


I suggest taking a look at the "Helping Peter" modification, very advanced in EMS. You can put the patient in different positions, give them water, different medication, oxygen etc. It's one of the mods I'd definitely recommend to anyone.

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#148 itchboy


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 07:42 PM

Pottyscotty, on 10 Jan 2015 - 6:40 PM, said:

Like the Helping Peter mod? 


I suggest taking a look at the "Helping Peter" modification, very advanced in EMS. You can put the patient in different positions, give them water, different medication, oxygen etc. It's one of the mods I'd definitely recommend to anyone.

Those mods run on a mission script which would be very very hard to make. Only the best (Hoppah, bma, the Germans) have been able to do it.

It wouldn't be compatible with multiplayer also. Command scripts are the only possible method if one desires regular freeplay and MP Support. Your mod, your choice.

#149 Pottyscotty


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 07:45 PM

itchboy, on 10 Jan 2015 - 6:42 PM, said:

Those mods run on a mission script which would be very very hard to make. Only the best (Hoppah, bma, the Germans) have been able to do it.

It wouldn't be compatible with multiplayer also. Command scripts are the only possible method if one desires regular freeplay and MP Support. Your mod, your choice.

Yeah, im not looking at mission based at all. There is a limit to what I can do in free-play with EMS, as there is with most people.


I like the "The Germans" bit ;)

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#150 patvmru


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 07:46 PM

Pottyscotty, on 10 Jan 2015 - 6:40 PM, said:

Like the Helping Peter mod?

I suggest taking a look at the "Helping Peter" modification, very advanced in EMS. You can put the patient in different positions, give them water, different medication, oxygen etc. It's one of the mods I'd definitely recommend to anyone.

Yes that was it!

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#151 itchboy


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 07:50 PM

Pottyscotty, on 10 Jan 2015 - 6:45 PM, said:

Yeah, im not looking at mission based at all. There is a limit to what I can do in free-play with EMS, as there is with most people.


I like the "The Germans" bit ;)

Yeah, we all have our limits.

And the Germans are good, but they can be assholes towards us sometimes. Calling us thieves and whatnot.

#152 randomperson139


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 08:44 PM

The problem with all of these advanced options is firstly making the scripts, and then making them actually serve a purpose. It's a bit pointless going to the effort of writing the script if it serves no purpose whatsoever. You would then have to decide on what is or isn't too complicated for people playing, so you would need to be balance between realism and keeping it playable for the majority of members who aren't in EMS.


The one thing I would start with adding is something along the lines of a triage kind of script like itchboy mentioned, but possibly go one step further to include different Ambulance roles.


Green - minor. Anyone can treat.

Yellow - moderate. EMT can treat.

Red - Serious. Paramedic or higher required to treat. EMT only stabilises.

Possible another level where Paramedic only stabilises and CCP/HEMS or Doc is required to treat.


Then black - dead. Paramedic required to ROLE (confirm they're dead).


This would be adding realism, but still keeping it simple enough to play. I don't have scripting ability, but I don't think it would be too difficult creating a script for what I described above.



patvmru, on 10 Jan 2015 - 6:35 PM, said:

Has been very similar results in several mods already but having to get seperate bags all I'm asking is is there a way to say combine the menu too one bag like the big ambulance parabag major incident version I carry in my car all I grab is this bag and a entynox bag

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Why would you have a "parabag" (whatever you mean by that...) and Entonox in your car?


The standard game has EMS personnel having one bag. If you're going for realism, most of the time more than one bag would be realistic. Generally, the Paramedic on the FRU here will have 2 or 3 bags, and a Lifepak if necessary, with them...

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#153 patvmru


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Posted 10 January 2015 - 09:13 PM

We tend to have three items for most calls and rucksack regardless of make mines a parabag a lifepak or zoll and entynox since oxygen is in the rucksack and if needed portable suction unit so mainly because of playability you have basically all you need in the bag plus defib so making into one bag made sense I carry those items in my car as I work with ems and am a off duty responder working with our cfr schemes

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#154 tot07



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Posted 18 January 2015 - 11:20 AM

Any news ?

#155 matthew



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Posted 18 January 2015 - 05:56 PM

Pottyscotty, on 24 Sept 2014 - 9:19 PM, said:

So I was watching this Kent Police Promo Video and one part of it made me think. What if you could perform raids on Houses? Maybe with the Big red key which works the same way as an Axe, it can break down locked doors? Pile into a house and pick up any drugs that you can find, use Police dogs to locate some of these Drugs, arrest the occupants?


Just a though, what are your views?  :police:




Just looking back a few pages to see the fire station and came across this and then i noticed we kinda copied you :c          https://www.youtube....EUHRGkCw0#t=133

#156 Pottyscotty


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Posted 23 January 2015 - 12:56 PM

*New Unit*


Kent Police Ford Focus - The primary Response Unit in Kent next to the Skoda Octavia's. Some of the UK Street objects (Such as the Orange street lamps, Road name signs, bins etc) will be released as a pack to the Public sometime in the future. It will of course include a lot more then I just listed. Our next goal is to finish the Pump appliance and concentrate on EMS and the Map, enjoy! :)




(The map in these images is the original Freeplay map with a couple of edits, it is not to be confused with the new UK Map that is being made for the Modification)

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Posted 23 January 2015 - 10:50 PM

This mod is looking BRILLIANT! I live in Kent and came across this mod a couple of weeks ago when browsing the forums! I have just created an account, purely to congratulate you on this brilliant mod! This is my first post. The new Focus looks amazing! Do you think you will make a dog unit Focus, because they're quite common in Folkestone? Anyway, keep up the brilliant mod and keep us posted!


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Currently playing: Kent Mod (Development Version 0.4.9 Released), London MP Mod ( v1.0.0 Released)


#158 Pottyscotty


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Posted 24 January 2015 - 12:07 AM

TWMCPE, on 23 Jan 2015 - 9:50 PM, said:

This mod is looking BRILLIANT! I live in Kent and came across this mod a couple of weeks ago when browsing the forums! I have just created an account, purely to congratulate you on this brilliant mod! This is my first post. The new Focus looks amazing! Do you think you will make a dog unit Focus, because they're quite common in Folkestone? Anyway, keep up the brilliant mod and keep us posted!

Thanks so much for your support, it's always nice to see comments like this :) And I'll be honest, I never even knew they were used as Dog units! I thought it was only the Skoda Octavia's, just for you I'll make sure to add the Focus in as a Dog Unit too. - You wouldn't happen to know where I can find pictures do you? I just need to know what the Markings are like.

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Posted 24 January 2015 - 07:00 AM

Pottyscotty, on 23 Jan 2015 - 11:07 PM, said:

Thanks so much for your support, it's always nice to see comments like this :) And I'll be honest, I never even knew they were used as Dog units! I thought it was only the Skoda Octavia's, just for you I'll make sure to add the Focus in as a Dog Unit too. - You wouldn't happen to know where I can find pictures do you? I just need to know what the Markings are like.

Why thank you! Err, I don't have any of my own photos of the Focus but could you not find them on Google? There is a website that is very useful for UK police photos I'll have to find again for you. I'll scan the web to try and help you. Just thought I'd point out I play my own modified version of the London mod, (a few reskins to get rid of the met markings!), and they have a dog unit Focus, (met markings), with a beautiful script for the dog that you might want to look at.

I am not claiming to own any of the following websites or photos. They all belong to someone else.

To avoid copyright issues I can not post links to the photos or save them and attach them, so I'll have to just give you the website links with the photos on for you to find. A quick search for; Kent Police Dog Unit Ford Focus, on Google found a few decent results.







I am being a bit dumb, there is one of them down my road, (it's always parked on the officers drive in the morning), Ill have to see if I can get some pictures of it.

Hope that helps! Still on the look for that handy UK Police website...

Oh and sorry for SUCH a long post!


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Posted 24 January 2015 - 07:31 AM

Not sure if it is wanted, but my opinion on the medical stuff is to either keep it very simple like randomperson said, if even that complex. Because: A) it would take a lot of time to create (if even possible). B) People like me would have no idea what we were doing if you made it any more difficult.
But if you think it could be done then make it very detailed, but leave a way for people like me to press one button and see the patient being treated.

Keep it up! :-)


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Currently playing: Kent Mod (Development Version 0.4.9 Released), London MP Mod ( v1.0.0 Released)